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Recountig a past event

Say when the story happened.

It happened a tew years ago./ It was in [+year].

I was about...years old./I was im first year of secondary school./I was visting.

Use the linking words to alk about each stage of the story.

Then/After that/Next/Finally

Use the Past Continous when two actions happened at the same time.

As/While. I was leaving the house, I suddenl remembered that...

Say how you felt.

I felt surprised/pleased/excited....

Say why this day/event is important.

It was an unforgettable day...

To this day I’m proud of/afraid of...

It was the best/worst day of my life.


Describin pictures

Start by saying waht the picture shows in gneral.

The picture shows a street of teraed houses in city.

Use the Present Conitnous to describe what people are doing.

There ate two pld men n the right who are chatting.

Talk about waht you can see in more detail. Us the following pheases to describle where things are:

In the background/middle/forground

At the bottom/top

On the right/left

There’s somebody wasching his car in the background.

Use phrases like perhaps and (it) might be if you are makin a guess.

It might be in Britain.

Perhaps it’s in Germany.

Use it looks+ adjective to show how you feel about the picture.

It looks very friendly.


Complaining and apologising


Excuse me/I’m sorry but..

It’s very/too...

It isn’t...enough/It isn’t very...

It isn’t working properly.

There’s a mistake (in the bill/order).

It’s the wrong order.

You forgot to...


I’m (reallly) sorry...

About that

I didn’t mean to...

It was an accident.

I completely forgot.

It was rather stupid of me.

I didn’t realise.

I... by mistake.


Talking abouth probablity.

Very Certain

Komputer will definitely/ certainly be cheaper.

Quite Certain

Mobile phones will probably be cheaper in the future.


Perhaps air travel will be cheaper in the future.

In ispossible that air travel will be cheaper in the future.

Air travel may/ might be cheaper in the future.


Cars pobably won’t be cheaper in the future.

Very unlikely

Petrol definitely/ certainly won’t be cheaper in the future.

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