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The Search for

The Search for...


overused -- to use sth too much or too often [nadmiernie używany]

imply -- to suggest that sth is true or that you feel or think sth, without saying so directly [implikować]

evocative -- making you think of or remember a strong image or feeling, in a pleasant way [sugestywny, działający na wyobraźnię]

lexicon -- all the words and phrases used in a particular language or subject [słownictwo, słownik]

artificial intelligence – sztuczna inteligencja

artificial -- made or produced to copy sth natural; not real [sztuczny]

intelligence -- the ability to learn, understand and think in a logical way about things; the ability to do this well [inteligencja]

conjure up -- to make sth appear as a picture in your mind [wywołać, przywołać]

all-too -- used before an adjective to emphasize a negative meaning [(aż) nazbyt...]

chatty -- talking a lot in a friendly way [gawędziarski]

batty -- slightly crazy, in a harmless way [szurnięty]

mathematician -- a person who is an expert in mathematics [matematyk]

to be regarded as -- think about sb/sth in a particular way [być uważanym za]

capable of -- having the ability or qualities necessary for doing sth [zdolny do...]

special-purpose -- the intention, aim or function of sth; the thing that sth is supposed to achieve [do celów specjalnych]

war-time -- the period during which a country is fighting a war [okres wojny]

code-breaking -- to find the meaning of sth secret [łamiący kod]

mimic -- to look or behave like sth else SYN IMITATE [naśladować]

prediction -- a statement that says what you think will happen; the act of making such a statement [przewidywanie]

fool -- to trick sb into believing sth that is not true [oszukiwać]

deadline -- a point in time by which sth must be done [ostateczny termin]

funding -- money for a particular purpose; the act of providing money for such a purpose [fundusz]

remotely -- from a distance [ani trochę]

earning its keep -- to do useful or helpful things in return for being allowed to live or stay  somewhere [zarabiać na siebie]

misplace --to put sth somewhere and then be unable to find it again, especially for a short time SYN MISLAY [zapodziać, zawieruszyć]

bitter -- very fierce and unpleasant, with a lot of anger and hatred involved [zaciekła, zawzieta]

feud -- an angry and bitter argument between two people or groups of people that continues over a long period of time [spór]

grant-grabbing -- a sum of money that is given by the government or by another organization to be used for a particular purpose; to take advantage of an opportunity to do or have sth SYN SEIZE [zgarniający dotację]

hype -- advertisements and discussion on television, radio, etc. telling the public about a product and about how good or important it is  [szum, krzykliwa reklama]

camp -- a group of people who have the same ideas about sth and oppose people with other ideas [obóz]

pragmatist -- solving problems in a practical and sensible way rather than by having fixed ideas or theories [pragmatyk]

physical labour – praca fizyczna

physical -- connected with a person's body rather than their mind [fizyczny]

labour -- work, especially physical work [praca]

take on -- to decide to do sth without asking permission or advice [podjąć się czegoś]

endless -- continuing for a long time and seeming to have no end [nieskonczony]

scour -- to search a place or thing thoroughly in order to find sb/sth [przeczesać]

heap -- (informal) a lot of sth [heaps of sth] [sterta]

device -- an object or a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job [urządzenie]

immoral -- not following accepted standards of sexual behaviour [niemoralny]

distinguish -- to recognize the difference between two people or things [rozróżnić]

pile -- a number of things that have been placed on top of each other [stos]

visionary -- a person who has the ability to think about or plan the future in an intelligent, imaginative way [wizjoner]

wedded to -- believing firmly in an idea or theory and unwilling to change that belief [ślepo wierzący]


cheeky -- rude in an amusing or an annoying way [bezczelny, zuchwały]

chappy -- used to talk about a man in a friendly way [chłopięcy]

route -- a particular way of achieving sth [droga]

without doubt --used when you are giving your opinion and emphasizing the point that you are making [bez wątpliwości]

application -- program designed to do a particular job; a piece of SOFTWARE [aplikacja]

neural -- connected with a nerve or the NERVOUS SYSTEM [nerwowy]

microwave oven -- a type of oven that cooks or heats food very quickly using ELECTROMAGNETIC waves rather than heat [kuchenka mikrofalowa]

vet -- to check the contents, quality, etc. of sth carefully SYN SCREEN [sprawdzać, poddać kontroli]

current -- happening now; of the present time [obecny]

irritating -- to annoy sb, especially by sth you continuously do or by sth that continuously happens [irytujący]

automated -- to use machines and computers instead of people to do a job or task [zautomatyzowany]

work away from... -- to a different place or in a different direction [pracować z dala od...]

mainstream -- the ideas and opinions that are thought to be normal because they are shared by most people; the people whose ideas and opinions are most accepted [należący do głównego nurtu]

pull off -- to succeed in doing sth difficult [udać się coś zrobić]

even number -- that can be divided exactly by two [liczba parzysta]

odd primes -- not able to be divided exactly by two [nieparzysta liczba pierwsza – prime number]

pip -- to beat sb in a race, competition, etc. by only a small amount or at the last moment [pokonać]

Prussian -- pruski

nevertheless -- in spite of sth that you have just mentioned [niemniej jednak]

conjecture -- an opinion or idea that is not based on definite knowledge and is formed by guessing SYN GUESS [przypuszczenie]

cause a stir -- excitement, anger or shock that is felt by a number of people [wywołać poruszenie]

exponent -- a person who is able to perform a particular activity with skill [propagator, przedstawiciel]




moonstruck -- slightly crazy, especially because you are in love [pomylony]

ridicule -- to make sb/sth look silly by laughing at them or it in an unkind way [wyśmiewać]

carve -- to work hard in order to have a successful career, reputation, etc [wyrobić sobie (opinię)]

fade -- to become or to make sth become paler or less bright [zanikać, przemijać]

intriguing -- very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer [intrygujący]

collective -- done or shared by all members of a group of people; involving a whole group or society [zbiorowy]

to be captured by -- interest to make sb interested in sth [być zainteresowanym czymś]

grainy -- not having completely clear images because they look as if they are made of a lot of small dots and marks [zaszumiony, ziarnisty]

childish -- connected with or typical of a child [dziecinny, dziecięcy]

indistinct -- that cannot be seen, heard or remembered clearly SYN VAGUE, HAZY [niewyraźny, nieostry]

beam back -- to send radio or television signals over long distances using electronic equipment [wysyłany]

circle -- to move in a circle, especially in the air [okrążać]

in limbo -- a situation in which you are not certain what to do next, cannot take action, etc., especially because you are waiting for sb else to make a decision [być w stanie zawieszenia]

eternity -- a period of time that seems to be very long or to never end [wieczność]

comrade -- a friend or other person that you work with, especially as soldiers during a war [towarzysz]

miss out on -- to fail to benefit from sth useful or enjoyable by not taking part in it [przegapić coś]

symbolic -- containing symbols, or being used as a symbol [symboliczny]

set foot on -- to enter or visit a place [postawić nogę – “jego noga nie postała”]

unfolding -- to be gradually made known; to gradually make sth known to other people [ujawniać]

heroic -- showing extreme courage and admired by many people [heroiczny]

sun-drenched -- having a lot of hot sun [zalany słońcem]

lunar -- connected with the moon [księżycowy]

earthlight – światło ziemi

unyielding -- an unyielding substance or object does not bend or break when pressure is put on it [mocny, twardy]

mesmerise -- to have such a strong effect on you that you cannot give your attention to anything else [zahipnotyzować]

dishonourably -- not deserving respect; immoral or unacceptable [haniebnie, niegodnie]

vivid -- very bright [jaskrawy, barwny]

mentally ill – chory psychicznie

to be credited withto believe or say that sb is responsible for doing sth, especially sth good [przypisywać komuś coś]

grim -- unpleasant and depressing [ponury]

evocative -- making you think of or remember a strong image or feeling, in a pleasant way [sugestywny, działający na wyobraźnię]

loneliness -- sad and spent alone [samotność]

unprecedented -- that has never happened, been done or been known before [bezprecedensowy]

spacecraft -- a vehicle that travels in space [statek kosmiczny]

utter -- to make a sound with your voice; to say sth [wypowiedziec się, wydać z siebie dźwięk]

giant -- very large [gigantyczny]

leap -- to jump high or a long way [skok, skakać]

mankind -- all human beings thought about as one large group; the human race [ludzkośc]

slip -- to go somewhere quickly and quietly, especially without being noticed

link-up -- a connection formed between two things, for example two companies or two broadcasting systems [połączenie]

engineer -- to design and build sth [skonstruować]

tranquility -- quiet and peaceful [spokój]

fault -- something that is wrong or not perfect with sth; something that is wrong with a machine or system that stops it from working correctly [wada, usterka]

cut off -- odcięty

estimated -- to form an idea of the cost, size, value etc. of sth, but without calculating it exactly [szacowany]

transfix -- to be unable to move because sth has all your attention, or because you are afraid, surprised, etc [sparaliżować]

momentous -- very important or serious, especially because there may be important results [doniosły, wielkiej wagi]

bring home to me -- realize how important, difficult or serious sth is [uświadomić coś sobie]

malfunction -- to fail to work correctly [awaria, wadliwe działanie]

take-off -- the moment at which an aircraft leaves the ground and starts to fly [start]

dock with -- if two spacecraft dock, or are docked, they are joined together in space [podłączyć się]

the unthinkable -- impossible to imagine or accept SYN INCONCEIVABLE [nieprawdopodobne]

journey -- to travel, especially a long distance [podróżować]

burden -- a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work [ciężar]

adventurer -- a person who enjoys exciting new experiences, especially going to unusual places [poszukiwacz przygód]

declineto refuse politely to accept or to do sth [odmówić]

fiercely -- showing strong feelings or a lot of activity, often in a way that is violent [zaciekle]

privacy -- the state of being alone and not watched or disturbed by other people [prywatność]

retreat -- to escape to a place that is quieter or safer [wycofać się]

rural -- connected with or like the countryside [wiejski]

outer space -- the area outside the earth's atmosphere where all the other planets and stars are [przestrzeń kosmiczna]

overture -- a suggestion or an action by which sb tries to make friends, start a business relationship, have discussions, etc. with sb else [inicjatywa]

capsule -- the part of a spacecraft in which people travel and that often separates from the main rocket [kapsuła]

span -- to last all through a period of time or to cover the whole of it [trwać]

fighter pilot -- a fast military plane designed to attack other aircraft [pilot myśliwca]

shabbily -- unfair or unreasonable [nędznie, podle]


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