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Hollywood hopefuls CB 140-141



Hollywood hopefuls CB 140-141


prove oneself - to show other people that you are a particular type of person or that you have a particular quality - udowodnić, (by argument, demonstration) dowieść


return to ones’ roots - wrócić do korzeni


odds - (usually the odds) the degree to which sth is likely to happen szanse[The odds are heavily against him (= he is not likely to succeed)]


acting part/role - the activity or profession of performing in plays, films /movies – gra, odgrywanie roli


commitment - a thing that you have promised or agreed to do, or that you have to do - zobowiązanie


hopeful (n) - a person who wants to succeed at sth – osoba rokująca nadzieje, nadzieja


flock - to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers – gromadzić się


burning (ambition) - (of feelings, etc.) very strong; extreme - palący [He’s always had a burning ambition to start his own business]


make it (as…) - to be successful in your career


the realities of life - a thing that is actually experienced or seen, in contrast to what people might imagine – życiowe realia


bare (v) your soul - to tell sb your deepest and most private feelings- otworzyć duszę


audition - a short performance given by an actor, a singer, etc., so that sb can decide whether they are suitable to act in a play, sing in a concert przesłuchanie


disheartening (adj. od dishearten - to make sb lose hope or confidence - zniechęcać) - zniechęcający, przygnębiający


admit - to agree, often unwillingly, that sth is true przyznać


ironically - (adv od ironic showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying; expressing - ironiczny) ironicznie


fake - showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying; expressing – podróbka

(w tekście raczej chodzi o oszustwo, ale nie ma takiej definicji w Oxf. jedynie do podróbki)


game of chance the way that some things happen without any cause that you can see or understand - gra losowa


land (informal) to succeed in getting a job, etc., especially one that a lot of other people want złapać (podłapać pracę)


currently - at the present time - obecnie


counsellor - a person who has been trained to advise people with problems, especially personal problems - doradca


make ends meet - to earn just enough money to be able to buy the things you need – wiązać koniec z końcem


get down - (informal) to make sb feel sad or depressed – zasmucić się


talk sb out of doing sth - to make excuses and give reasons for not doing sth; to manage to get yourself out of a difficult situation - wyperswadować komuś zrobienie czegoś


strive - (formal) to try very hard to achieve sth - usiłować coś zrobić, żeby coś osiągnąć


icon - a famous person or thing that people admire and see as a symbol of a particular idea, way of life ikona


end up doing sth - to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in skończyć


attend - to go regularly to a place uczęszczać


chase - to run, drive, etc. after sb/sth in order to catch them – gonić


maroon - [usually passive] to leave sb in a place that they cannot escape from, for example an island - tkwić w [‘Lord of the Flies’ is a novel about English schoolboys marooned on a desert island]


wannabes - (informal, disapproving) a person who behaves, dresses, etc. like sb famous because they want to be like them - kiepski naśladowca


overnight - suddenly or quickly – z dnia na dzień


prerequisite (formal) something that must exist or happen before sth else can happen or be done warunek, wymóg


guild - an organization of people who do the same job or who have the same interests or aims - stowarzyszenie, cech [the Screen Actors' Guild]


grueling/gruelling - very difficult and tiring, needing great effort for a long time wyczerpujący


set - ??


gained - to obtain or win sth, especially sth that you need or want - zdobyć coś


voucher - a printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for sth, or that allows you to pay less than the usual price of sth - kupon, bon, talon, kwit, dowód wpłaty


added (adj.) - dodatkowy - (od add [v]- to put sth together with sth else so as to increase the size, number, amount - dodać)


(big) break (in itself) - an opportunity for improving a situation, especially one which happens unexpectedly - wielka szansa


fabulous - (informal) extremely good, very great - bajeczny, wspaniały


in reality - used to say that a situation is different from what has just been said or from what people believe - w rzeczywistości


dine, dining - to eat dinner - jeść obiad


hang out - to spend a lot of time in a place - spędzać czas


joint - a bar or restaurant which serves cheap food and drink - lokal fast-food


following - to happen or come after something - następujący po czymś


breakdown - a failure of a relationship, discussion or system – rozpad [the breakdown of a marriage]


combine - to do two or more things at the same time - połączyć, łączyć


admin - (od administration also BrE informal admin) - the activities that are done in order to plan, organize and run a business, school or other institution - robota papierkowa


a high point - the most interesting, enjoyable or best part of sth apogeum


average -[no passive] to be equal to a particular amount as an average - osiągać średnią


casting (adj.) - the process of choosing actors for a play or film / movie - obsadzać aktora (wtedy to będzie rzeczownik a nie jak podała T-N przymiotnik)


come down to…- to be able to be explained by a single important point - sprowadzać się do czegoś


steady - not changing and not interrupted - stały, ciągły

consistent - (approving) always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards - stały, jednolity


B-movie - a film / movie which is made cheaply and is not very good - film klasy B (niskonakładowy, dawniej wyświetlany przed głównym obrazem)


pursue - to do sth or try to achieve sth over a period of time - gonić za (czymś)


tenacious - that does not stop holding sth or give up sth easily; determined - nieustępliwy, wytrwały


whatever it takes - ??


at the time - a period in history - w tamtym czasie


land - to get or achieve something good, especially in a way which seems easy or unexpected


break up - to come to an end - rozstać się


goal - something that you hope to achieve cel


lean time - if a period of time is lean, there is not enough of something, especially money or food, at that time - chude lata


noodles - [usually pl.] a long thin strip of pasta, used especially in Chinese and Italian cooking kluski


in case - ...

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