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Test no

                                          Test no. 3                                              /62



1.      Podkreśl poprawną formę czasownika (10pkt)


a)  I’m meeting /  will meet my friends after school.

b)  I think I will get married / am getting married when I’m 30.

c)  When I leave school I am getting / am going to get a job.

d)  She can’t come tomorrow. She is practising / will practise for a concert.

e)  Look at the sky. It will rain / is going to rain.

f)   I hope I will come / am coming to the party.

g)  What are you doing / will you do this evening?

h)  We are going to meet / we are meeting our guests at the airport tomorrow at noon.

i)        I have invited your girlfriend too, but I don’t think she is coming / will come.

j)       In the fututre people will live / are going to live on Mars.



2.      Wykreśl ze zdania zaimek that tam gdzie jest to możliwe (10pkt)


a)   She’s the girl that we saw yesterday.

b)   Where’s the man that sold me this CD?

c)   Is he the boy that you told me about?

d)   I don’t want to do a job that is very difficult.

e)   The people that live here are very lucky.

f)   That’s the song that I heard yesterday.

g)   Did you read the book that he gave you?

h)     You can get a bus that stops just outside the factory.

i)        Did you see this movie that’s described as the most scary one?

j)        She basically does nothing but reads books that are avaliable.



3.      Wstaw podane czasowniki w formie infinitive lub gerund (12pkt)


       COOK       WORK        MISS        SING         READ         GET        DRINK        SKI


a)      My little brother likes ...................................... fairy tales and comic books.

b)      You know how to ...................................... tomato soup.

c)      I must ..................................... some coffee in the morning otherwise I won’t wake up.

d)      Mr Ryan doesn’t enjoy ........................................ in the garden.

e)      She isn’t really fond of .............................. She has broken a leg doing that.

f)        Everybody says I’m good at ......................................, but I’m afraid they are just being polite. I        know my own voice.

g)      I hate ................................... up late!!! Why the school starts at 8 a.m????

h)      They ...................................... each other terribly, but fate keeps them apart.



4.      Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie (14pkt)


a)  If I ........................ (miss) the bus, I ........................ (walk) to school.

b)  If Jenny ........................ (find) Susie’s, she ........................ (give it back)

c)  Pete ........................ (go) to Hawaii if he ........................ (win) the lottery

d)  If you ....................... (ask) my brother, he ..........................(help) you.

e)      I ....................................(phone) her if you ...........................(give) me her number.

f)        He ............................... (crash) if he ................................ (not/slow down).

g)      You ............................... (have) big problems if you ................................ (take) the bike without permisson.




5.      Rozwiąż krzyżówkę (11pkt)



























































































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