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Aaas dsd aaasdsds d aaasd sdsd Aa asdsdsd aaasdsdsd aaas dsdsd Aaasds dsd aaa sdsdsd aaasd sdsd Aaa sdsdsd aaa sdsdsd aaasds

INTRODUCTION. Our planet s full of dust and dirt. People have built a lot of factories, most of them use cars, sprays and other things that damage Earth. Some of people try to save environment. And they really do. They don`t go by car, but walk, they sort rubbish, don`t eat meat and they do a lot of different things for saving our planet, but I will tell about it later. DANGER.There is a lot of pollution in big cities. People don` t sort garbage, so dumping grounds (wysypiska) still grow. One of the biggest ecological problem is the hole in ozone layer. It becomes bigger and bigger, because people use sprays which damage it. Other things that make this hole are pollution in the air, that comes from car fumes and big factories, pollution in water, where people put rubbish and where sewage flows (ocieki sp3ywaj1) and pollution in our environment, where all dust from air and sewage from rivers come. Plants become ill and they die. Nowadays there are a lot of endangered species, which would become extinct (wygasaa) soon. Other big problem are tons of garbage which people throw out every day. They take too much place on earth. I think that ecological problem is some kind of vicious circle (błędne koło): People make big factories, where they make cars. Cars make fumes, that means pollution in air, water and all of environment. Polluted plants dies out, so people have to make new big factories, which would produce artificial food (instead of vegetables and fruits) and artificial plants (instead of real). Of course artificial things are not as good as real. They don`t change CO2 to O2. They don`t have natural vitamins. People eating artificial food are not healthy, so they must build new factories to produce medicine. Of course all of those factories make pollution. And vicious circle is closing. HELPNow we must ask a question: How could we help our planet? Answer is long, but simple: We should walk or ride by bike instead of car. It will make smaller sum of fumes in air. We should sort all of garbage: bottles apart, paper apart, tins apart, and other rubbish apart. Than put them into special "green" banks. From there they go to be recycled. It will make smaller those tones of garbage on dumping grounds. Next thing we could, we should make is to stop using sprays which damages ozone layer and other chemicals which flow with water to rivers and environment. I think that we shouldn`t eat animals and fishes, but most of people eat it and they wont never stop, because they like it. Killing animals we make them endangered. We should use ecological products that are not tested on animals and which are respected by environment and don`t contribute to its downfall. These are only some of ideas for saving our planet. If you want to do something with it, you should think about it and you can make other ideas, which you could present to world. Maybe some people would be interested in your idea and you will increase (przyczynia sie) to save planet! So try.



Speech about environmentWe approach to welcome twenty-first century. Everyone is happy because world is going to be better. The horrible illnesses and problems of population, poverty and wars started to disappear. World starts to change and everybody think: Yes, maybe tomorrow it will be better. People go to their jobs and they earn money. The most important for them it is to have a good car, big home with swimming pool. Only a few people think what happens with our environment. With trees, with rivers, with woods. Now everyone is busy and not many people see that everything what is round us is going to die. Have you ever asked yourself how environment can be damaged? Do you think about it when you leave the light in your room when you go out? Do you read a note on the packets of some products that you buy in supermarket? I'm sure that you don't. You don't want to waste your time so you use deodorant with CFC, you throw the rubbish into the sea and you don_mind when all lights at your home are switched on, do you? So, you see that everyone damages environment although he is unaware of it. Now the most important dangers are: sun's radiation, devorestation and pollution. Sun_radiation are bad, very bad for our skin. If the ozone layer disappeared we would have burns and our skin wouldn't be just like before. The burns of sun's radiation leave horrible scars and later we could have problems. So the scientists scream: use less electricity, don't smoke, use less products with CFC. All these things damage the ozone layer, which protects us from sun's radiation. We should use bicycles, we shouldn't burn forests, we should throw litter on beaches. We should be "green" and protect our planet. We have to use ozone friendly things because holes in the ozone layer might become bigger. Poland is a country where it is a big problem with pollution. Our beaches, sea, rivers and forests are polluted and it looks horrible. People don't want to swim or walk there. So I think that we must organise an action called Clean up the world At least for one week we could clean our hausing estates , we could put in more rubbish beens. We might join ecologists and then our planet will be beautiful.



I am seventeen years old teenagers and I think I am just the same like all of them. I enjoy listening to music and my favorite kind of music is hip-hop. My favorite band is Cypress Hill and Dr Dre. I have been always good at sports and I like playing basketball and volleyball. Most of all, however, I am keen on extreme sports such as parachute and bungee jumping. I think I am an open person with very outgoing personality. It is sometimes difficult to get on with me but generally I think I am open minded. I like studying languages and I enjoy computing very much. I go out with friends and I like having a lot of people around me.



Write letter to a local newspaper in which you express your worries about growing violence among they young people in your district.

Today I'd like to introduce a problem of growing violence in my neighbourhood. I think that everyone has encountered with this problem in his daily life. It is terrifying that people cannot fell safely in their city. Even in most busy streets you can be robbed or beat up by some hooligans in broad daylight. It worries me that young people commit major of crimes and this trend is growing rapidly. Few years ago it was impossible to think even about it that going through the main street in the evening can be risky. And what we can do against it? What does police to prevent growing violence? But first I'd like to explain why young people so often commit crimes. The main problem is that they don't have organized free time. Our city does not provide any activities, which interests youths. We don't have enough sport fields, where they could play basket- or football. There is only one freely available swimming pool. There are no separate places for people, who would like to ride on skateboards or roller-skates. So youths gather very often near town hall, which should be rather a representative place and is designed for all people. Unfortunately such groups of young people attract drug dealers or crime element. They also scare away pedestrians. And what we can do against it? Well, I thing that we can do a lot. We cannot wait for others, for government or police, to do everything for us. First thing is that we should look after our children and try to protect them from being sucked by bad company. Here disclose another thing - a lack of time. Parents are so overworked that they don't know what they children do in their spare time and this is sad. You can ask what about police? Their job is to prevent crime! Sure it is and I absolutely agree with this, but is it a good solution to leave all children under a protection cops. We don't have enough money to provide good work-conditions for all cops; we have problems with maintenance reformatories and prisons. I think that it would be easier to build some new playgrounds as to employ new police officers. In spite of this I think that police can't be only a "toy gun" for criminals. They should take care about people, who have problems. They should go and look inside the poorest district of our town and see how daily life there looks like.



Nowadays many people decide to live in a city.The main reason for people migration from country is more work opportunity in a city. Smaller unemployment is in the city because there it is possible to find many workplaces which assure suitables rewards. There are many people who want to take profit from charms of large department stores, of shops, supermarkets and services as well as the many varieties entertainments, discos and night life not found in the country. Another advantage is meeting new people from different parts of world. It is essential when they are trying to improve any of foreign languages. But in the city is always noisy and it is difficult to find any quiet location there. In the course of time they tend to change their views and begin to appreciate the fresh air, natural home grown farm produce, and the peace and quiet found outside the town. So that they soon start to think of moving. Exactly country is a place where we can find fortune and peace. In this essay I intend to examine some arguments for and against living in a country. First of all in a countries aren’t many schools, libraries and bookshops. So that countryman hasn’t possibilities to gain good education. Secondly schools don’t have suitable objects which are useful. For example computers which are very helpful in learning. Nowadays if you want to have a good job now you should be able to work with a word processor and computer programs because most firms cannot exist without them. The computer programs develop children`s reflex, they entertain and teach at the same time. Unfortunately computers and software are very expensive. Thirdly countrymen must work at a field because it is for them the only one source of keep. That is why children which are living in a country graduate at the age of fifteen after Primary school inasmuch as they don’t have time for learning and therefore their parents don’t send them to Secondary schools . They often bring home the bacon. Fourthly country hasn’t got many good means of transport. Countrymen must commute to work and school in overcrowded buses and trains, in heavy traffic during the rush hour, what means endless queues at bus stops. Lastly countries hasn`t got hospitals and points of first aid. Countrymen which are sick and injured must go to the city. There are of course several arguments for our main topic. Firstly in a country is fresch air. That is why countrymen are healthier than city inhabitants. All the fumes and smoke that do not permit townspeople to breathe normally and tall buildings that blot out the sky and the sun, and each day the same, with no visual change in the seasons cause that city dweller becomes tired, old and sick, having been forced to adapt to an unnatural and polluted environment. Secondly villagers live without stress. Countrymen don`t intercept that they don`t catch a bus or train. There haven`t traffic jams in the streets so they may sleep longer because they don`t hear car hornes. In spite of that they live at a faster tempo with much hurry and rush, and as long as they are young and energetic they generally have the possibility to earn higher salaries and enjoy living in a city. Thirdly on a country are beautiful sceneries. Many people from cities go to villagers inasmuch as there find very splendid places. There are much forests where city inhabitants may relax from traffic noises, loud neighbours and daily work. Fourthly there are healthier and more inexpensive food than in the city. Dwellers eat unhealthy food which is produce with no natural products. Food contain dangerous means. Only on a country we find fresch food, fresch milk, natural honey and tastier fruits or vegetables. Fifthly advantage is that there aren`t crowds of people and it is easy to get from one place to another. Lastly, in a country is safer than in the town. In the city the burglaries and robberies happen more often so living there is rather risky. Higher crime rates and the constant threat of burglaries and robberies together with the exposure of young people to drugs and violence causes many young people to feel lonely, abandoned and lost. They look for goals and sense of live, but no one has time to help them, all being so busy with their own personal immense hurry for success. Personally I want to live in a village because sometimes I feel like resting from traffic noises, unhealthy food, and television. I think that the beautiful smell of the contryside on arriving home, together with the profound sense of peace and quiet, does so much to relieve the stress and tension of a day in the city, that the suburbanite will certainly feel the living in a country is well worthwhile. Finally I want to write that each with us may find fortune and quiet in living in a country.



I think life would be a much easier. The machines will be doing most of dangerous, and hard work. Our life would be full of pleasures e.g. the free genetically engineered, but healthy food for everyone. The work wouldn`t be the style of life because of if someone wont have to work, he mustn`t. The houses would be all a skyscrapers made only of plastic. Every new person in the society will have become a free flat, and a chance of education if he want of course. Doctors would have a cue for every sickness. People in the future wouldn`t dye younger than 130. Education will be automated by computers programs which are not able to miss the note. The most popular way of travelling will be a flying cars powered by solar energy. Everything will by environmentally friendly, that means if you crashed your car, the machines would do a new one from the wrack of yours without loosing the materials. Machines will be doing a new machines if there were needed. People will only be needed to do the project of things that they want, the rest will be automatically made by robots. Natural environment will be rebuilt by genetic engineers from the underground rests of the old world e.g. dinosaurs will be at Zoo`s. I think the life in the future will be safe, easy, and boring because of work is it what powers us. People will be weaker than now. I don`t want to life in 2050 even if it`s possible.


The article is supposed to warn the society that the weather is getting worse, which cause is air pollution that pours greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to produce global warming that can alter weather patterns. Climate experts debate contensiously how to prevent severe changes to the world's weather. Climatologists asses that worldwide governments should start planning immediately to adapt to the new extremes of weather that their citizens will face. Building in potential flood plains in the north as well as water conservation measures in the south are recommended to be banned. In the north there's going to be much wetter weather, when in the south much drier conditions. That means extensive flooding in the north, while parts of the agriculturally productive south will turn into near-desert. For example, as far as the Alps are concerned, it will be much less water held on mountains in the form of snow and instead will run off to feed devastating flash floods. Glaciers will melt and tundra will vanish. The level of the Mediterranean Sea will rise half a meter in the upcoming 50 years, wiping out whole species of bird and sea life but also making some areas flooded. Global temperatures are claimed to rise by as much as 6 degrees. In the end, all those changes will simply lead to the new political geography of Continent. But of course the most adverse effects will be in poor, rural areas. The influx of African refugees will cause many different diseases, which will be more readily spread during frequent floods. There is an argument that short-term global warming could actually lead to long-term cooling. But few scientists believe such a scenario is likely to take place, even a century from now. Some other question the fact of accuracy of predictions, which have been in fact taken for only a relatively short period of time and may be skewed by such factors as urban expansion. In my mind, not many people pay attention to the case of the world's weather but on the other hand I think that everyone has already noticed that lately our weather started to be really erratic what supposedly means something.


Tuesday, 25 August 1998Our generation could easily be called the generation of dreamers. Many of us think that the word 'impossible' should not exist. We can do anything. Fifty years ago, if I told someone that in 1969 Man would land on the Moon, he would have thought that I was crazy. A few years ago cloning was only a domain of science fiction writers, but now it is a matter of fact. I could give here many other examples, but it is not a topic of this project.Lets think about, how our generation consider the future. In my opinion we have here two absolutely different ideas: one group of pessimists and another group of optimists. The first one describes the future comparing it to Hell. Their future is flooded by nuclear wars, plagues and another terrible disasters. The second one sees it absolutely differently. They are dreaming about Peace, about great scientific revolution, space exploration, about Utopia. I don't agree with the first group, but my opinion is a bit more radical than the opinion of the second group.I hope that people learnt something from The Second World War and it won't be repeated again. In spite of this we must know that there are such people like Saddam Hussein or Kaddafi, who can be a great danger for whole humanity. Nuclear, biological and chemical weapons are getting much simpler to build than they were before. But, as somebody said, probably it was ......................, a stronger weapon is more difficult to use, not because it is more complicated, but because of the results.In one of his books, the great visionary A. C. Clarke presented his idea of Mars colonisation and terraforming this hostile planet to normal conditions. Many people think that it will be soon possible. A few months ago Lunar Prospector probe, which was sent on an orbit of the Moon, confirmed that there is water on the permanently dark sides of meteoric craters. It would be essential for future Moonbases. In November 1998 the project of building the international space station Alpha starts. It will be built with the co-operation of USA, Canada, Soviet Union, Japan, France, UK and Germany. In my opinion the most important thing is to start to consider us as one race - the human race. It ought to be irrelevant if you are black or white, Christian or Muslim the future world should be based on tolerance else we will never be able to explore The Universe, "to boldly go when no man has gone before".Another thing is the Earth and her resources. They are not unlimited. The newest forecasts are that about the great the year 2050 all resources of coal, gas and oil will be depleted. It seems to be impossible, but it is true. And then what? Total chaos. Nowadays we still don't have an alternative source of energy. Nuclear reactors are too dangerous and expensive, the solar, wind and water-plants can't produce enough energy to provide our needs. Many people see the answer in fusion-reactors, but they haven't been developed yet and studies on nuclear fusion have already been aborted.Now electronics is the most profitable and the fastest developing branch of industry. On average ones a year the new technology is being developed. It causes the rapid fall of prises. The first microchip, which was produced in ....., contained about ....... transistors and could process ....... "information" per second. Now the fastest microchips contain about 10 millions transistors and can process about 10 billions "information" per second. Actually many scientist suspect that now we are standing before a great revolution in electronics.The biology, chemistry, medicine and electronics are going to connect in one big branch of science. Also a nanotechnology, the latest innovation, will make our life easier. Such an illness as cancer, AIDS or heart attacks won't exist. A few weeks ago the complete genome of one of the most common bacteria was discovered. With the help of genetic engineering, scientists will be able to make us immune to most today's' diseases. New kinds of drugs and also artificial body implants may make our lives longer. Finally I want only to ask if we can really predict our future and if we can, is this future good? The human, being will prevail, but at a high price. Although he gets rid of 'the natural life', he mustn't



Dear Sir/Madam, I have seen your advertisement in the Evening News, and I would like to apply to work in your travel agency this summer. I have some experience of secretarial and office work. After leaving school, I worked for a firm of accountants, where I was given secretarial training and learned how to type and use a computer. I have also worked as an assistant in a department store, so I`m used to dealing with customers and helping with problems. I have visited Spain and Portugal several times, and know many of the main tourist areas in both countries. I speak Spanish fluently, and I have a basic knowledge of Portuguese. I have always been interested in travel and I have a good sense of geography. I`m an outgoing and confident person, and I think I would enjoy working with you. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,


I have to say that I enjoy my visit in Poland. It is the first time that I visit Poland and I am very surprised that there are so many places to see here. I have already seen Krakow and Warsaw and I am still looking forward to visiting Zakopane. I like Krakow. It is a very beautiful city and there are a lot of things to see. But Warsaw is not very interesting for me. It is like any other European city. During my visit here I have met many Polish people. They are very nice and polite. Polish people are not very nationalistic and they generally like tourists, therefore they were very helpful. Nevertheless when I spoke with some of them, they told me that they do not like German tourists. Although many Polish people do not speak English language I did not have many problems to communicate, because a lot of young Polish people speak more than one language. Food in Poland is very good. I was very afraid of my stomach before I come here. I thought that I would not like Polish food. But I was wrong. I like Polish food very much. Almost every day I try something now to eat and with every day Polish food gets better and better. I was also very surprised when I saw Mc` Donald and KFC restaurants, but I have not gone to them yet, simply because I did not have to, because Polish food is very good. Sport in Poland is not very popular comparing to England for example. There are not many sport centers and sport facilities in Poland are in a very poor condition. I think that Polish government will have to do something to change this situation. Education in Poland is on a very high level. Polish student are said to be one of the best in Europe. Nevertheless what I do not like about Polish education system is that Polish students have to learn almost every thing by heart. Poland is a very interesting country. It is a very good place to visit. Polish people are very friendly and food is very good, too. There are also a lot of things to see here, I have already visited some of the Polish attractions and tomorrow I am planning to go to Zakopane, which is said to be one of the most interesting places in Poland.



Poland has only recently fully opened its borders to western tourist after 45 years in the gloom of Soviest Communist rule. Somehow, the magnificent old buildings of Krakow have survived centuries of invasion and occupation which have scarred Poland's history. Since the first tribal king embraced Christianity a thousand years ago, the country has been invaded by Mongols, Tartars, Teutonic Knights, Swedes, Turks, Russians and Germans. And yet it's left the modern Polish people with they express through a devotion to the Black Madonna, an ancient picture of the Virgin Mary who they have crowned the Queen of Poland. Every hour on the hour, the watchman on St. Mary's Church tower in Krakow sounds the warning of invading Tartars to the four quarters of the compass. This bugle call is the most nostalgic sound for People the world over. It is even transmitted on Polish radio like the chimes of Big Ben. A city fireman plays the same tune every day which quite unexpectedly, is cut short on the very note the orginal thirteenth century bugler was playing when a Tartar's arrow pierced his throat. The upheavals of war, the poverty and starvation down the centuries have led to millions of Poles leaving their country. All of them, whether at home or abroad, believe that Wawel contains everything that is good and glorious about their past. So long as this remains, they say, there is hope for the future, however tough the present.



Cleaning up the environment is undoubtedly one of the major problems, which people inhabiting our planet have to face up to. For many decades this issue was neglected by governments of many countries and as a result it is almost impossible to find unpolluted place on our planet.Let’s start from water. Sewage dumped directly into rivers or into seas have polluted water so strongly that there are many countries where people have to buy this life-giving liquid and pay a lot of many for it. Frequent tanker leaks oil make water in many regions unfit to use and pose the main cause of the environmental damage. As a result wild species of birds, fishes and other marine animals are disappearing. In many parts of the world trees, rivers and lakes are destroyed by acid rains, which originates in dissolving chemical substances in rain.The air we breathe is polluted by smoke and fumes from factories and motor vehicles. There is a clear evidence that the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main cause of the GREENHOUSE EFFECT.This pollution have led to the situation called “global warming”, which will have dreadful results like the melting like melting of the polar ice caps and subsequent flooding of low lying areas.But there is still hope. The forces of destruction are being challenged across the globe by an ecology movement – GREENPEACE. Wherever the environment is in danger Greenpeace makes an effort to attend it. We can have hope that future generations will be more aware of the importance of being environmental friendly and fact with destroying of environment we are destroying ourselves too.Vocabulary:To face -stanąć w obliczu Unpolluted - czyste, nie zanieczyszczoneTo protect - bronić To pollute - zanieczyszczaćSewage -ściekiLiquid -płynAcid rains - kwaśnie deszczeTo bring about - powodowaćFlood - powódzCarbon dioxide - dwutlenek węglaSelf-destruction - samo zniszczenieSpecies - gatunkiIssue - sprawa, kwestia



The person I’d like to describe is the only of its kind,my sister from my father hand. We’ve known each other for ages because we grew up together. As soon as I reach back I’ve always brawled with her who had better toys, like all children. But recently I’ve found she became a different person. In the course of time I’ve discovered the real  face of my sister.Natalia ‘s blondish with beautiful,long hair which was her pride  until,despite my advices, had it cut.She’s 20 years old ,thin, a very tall like everyone in our family, women. Her eyes are incredibly blue like the sky, so when you look deeply in her eyes you can feel like an angel. When she visited me with her boyfriend this Summer my neighbour said that I was walking with my husband . I burst out laughing when she told me that funny story.We look similar for almost everyone. Did I mention that Natalia’s such a lovely girl. Oh yes , she is indeed. The way she dressed is unique. She wear orginal and not commonplace clothes that you’ve never seen on the other person. She thinks that clothes doesn’t make a man and  I think she’s right.I appreciate her frankness and tremendous honesty. She call a spade a spade and when I want some useful and honest advice she tells me the truth straight to my face. I know I can always cry on her shoulder and I can hear something really nice. She has a proufound intelligent and sometimes her thougts are too intense to be  expressed. All in all Natalia is a person of unusual character but the most important  she’s not materialist she’s rather too honest for this day and age.Natalia   was born talented . Her gifts of painting , sketching and doing  some graphics are innate .She love it so she want to do it in the future. Also she is  interested in books, especially  crimirals like “Wybrańcy Hipokratesa”. My sister’s  change for a very virtuos person with high principles involved my change for better. Our similar experiences and the same aim in our lifes link us forever. Now I know we are unseparatable like tweens sister and when I feel miserable she feels miserable too. I can tell her everything and I know she will not tell it anybody. She keeps all my secrets. I think all people in the world ought to know the members of their family very deeply. Who knows, perhaps their uncle or cousin turn into their soulmate . It worth.I’ ve been looking for my soulmate and finally I found it.


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