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ET ME TELL YOU about a TV show. If you’re under thirty-five, it’s
probably a major part of your life. If you’re forty-two, like me, it probably
doesn’t mean much to you, and you’ll find it hard to understand how a simple
situation comedy could destroy my marriage and make me doubt my sanity.
And you’d never, ever believe the rest of it: that it got Richard Nixon elected
president and killed the sixties.
It did, though.
I’m talking about The Harrigan House . You know, the one Time magazine
called “America’s favorite TV show.” Only I’d never heard of it until last
My name is Larry Ryan and I’m a freelance magazine writer. My wife—
we’re still married, but that’s just a matter of time at this point—is named
Linda, and she’s nine years younger than me. At thirty-three, she’s a card-
carrying member of the Harrigan Generation.
She sells hosiery at a boutique operation in Highland Mall, some nights until
after ten. It was just last week that she came into my study to give me a peck
on the cheek and ask me to tape a show for her. “ HarriganMania ,” she said.
“It’s on ABC at eight.”
“What mania?”
“Harrigan. You know, the Harrigans?” She let out a quick snatch of song.
That’s life at the Harrigan house .”
“I have no earthly idea what you’re talking about.”
“I love it. You sound just like the professor. Except it’s ‘I haven’t the
foggiest notion.’“
“What professor?”
“Professor Harrigan . Why are you being this way?” She wrote “8:00/ABC/2
hrs” across my notes for the stock car racing piece I was writing and walked
TOOK A LUNCH BREAK about two o’clock and turned on MTV while
I ate. I came in on a Tabitha Soren interview with a blonde teenager named
Denise O’Brien. Under her name on the screen was “Janie Harrigan” in
“This is too weird,” I said, probably out loud. The occasion was a live stage
show, off-Broadway, where a bunch of semi-professional actors like O’Brien
recreated Harrigan House episodes line-for-line on a minimal set. Tabitha
flagged down a passing boy in his twenties and asked him, “Do you know who
this is?” The boy stared for a second and then yelled, “Janie Harrigan!”
When I went back to work I couldn’t concentrate. I admit I’ve never been
a sitcom fan. Maybe they failed to get their hooks into me at an early enough
age, since my father never permitted them in the house. He was full of rules
like that, as if the fact that he taught at SMU law school gave him some kind of
anointed knowledge of right and wrong for him to crack over my little brother
Phil and me like a whip.
Even so, how could I miss something that’s this much a part of the cultural
gestalt ? I’m in the entertainment business, I do profiles of musicians, actors,
athletes. It didn’t make sense.
It’s hard to sit and stare at a computer screen when your mind is not on
your work. I found myself up and searching the house for the TV section. If
the show was such a big deal , it had to be in syndication—probably two or
three times a day. But I couldn’t find it anywhere in the schedule.
In my business, if you want answers you pick up the phone. I called Austin
Cablevision and got a woman in the PR department.
“You wouldn’t believe how many calls we get for that show,” she told me.
“We had it on up until, I don’t know, a couple of years ago or so. TBS, I
think it was. It seems like whoever it was that owned the rights pulled it off
the market. I don’t know if it was the studio or what. Maybe they’re gearing
up for a videotape release or something.”
“The shows aren’t on tape?”
“Never have been. I think the video rental places get as much grief over it
as we do. Seems crazy, doesn’t it? A show that popular and it’s just not around
any more?”
HAD TO GO OUT that afternoon for the usual post office and Fed Ex
drops, so I swung by the Bookstop in Lincoln Village. The woman who
asked to help me was about my age, wearing a long dress and glasses.
It’s one thing to sound like an idiot on the phone, and another to do it in
person. I found myself suddenly embarrassed. “Do you, uh, have anything
about a TV show called Harrigan’s House ?”
The Harrigan House ? Sure. You can take your pick.”
She showed me to the section. There was an oversized paperback called
HarriganMania , same as the special Linda wanted me to tape, and one called
That’s Life at the Harrigan House . Then there was Harrigan House: The Compleat
Episode Guide and a smaller, brightly colored one called The Ultimate Harrigan
House Trivia Book .
“Good lord,” I said.
“I have a confession to make,” the woman said. “Until these books started
coming in, a couple of years ago? I’d never heard of the damned show.”
I looked up at her from where I knelt by the row of books.
“Maybe,” I said, “we’re too old.”
The girl who checked me out was in her late teens. “The Harrigans,” she
said. “Coo1.”
The guy at the next register, who was blond and not much older, looked
over. “Oh yeah,” he said. He turned HarriganMania over to check out the
photos on the back. “Remember this one? The pie fight?”
“Yeah,” the girl said. “It’s like really sad about the professor, you know?”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“You know. Dying and all.”
“Oh,” I said. “Yeah.”
NSTEAD OF WORKING that afternoon I read HarriganMania . It was hard
to understand what all the fuss was about—even Tina Storm, the author and
self-proclaimed “number one Harrigan fan,” admitted that the show’s premise
was “dumb,” the episodes were “banal and formulaic,” and the acting was
“wooden at best.” After reading a few of the episode synopses, I had to agree. I
found myself skipping on to the next section.
The bare facts were these: the show premiered on ABC on Friday night,
September 27, 1968, at 8:00 pm Eastern. It ran seven seasons, through 1975,
161 half-hour episodes in all. John “Prof” Harrigan was an English teacher at
Ivyville College and “Mom” (Joan) was a widowed socialite; Nancy, their
unflappable housekeeper, was from “back East” somewhere. The five kids
were the show’s gimmick, such as was: Mom and the Prof each had one child
from a previous marriage, Jeff and Janie respectively. They’d adopted one child
together, Joey, plus taking in Nancy’s daughter Judy to raise with their own.
The first episode took up shortly after the arrival of fifth child, who was
actually the Prof’s little brother. He had obviously come very late in life to
Prof’s parents, since he was only five—younger than any of the other kids—
when he arrived at the Harrigan house. The death of his (i.e. the Prof’s)
parents, and any possible associated traumas, were never alluded to.
In fact, the show didn’t just avoid controversy, it completely obliterated it.
There were no student protests at Ivyville College, not even in the wake of the
Kent and Jackson State shootings of 1970. Adopted brother Joey was pure
WASP, not Italian or Jewish, let alone black or Hispanic, let alone Vietnamese.
How could he be, since the Vietnam War didn’t seem to exist in the world of
the Harrigans?
The episodes I was able to slog through dealt with such matters as the
importance of investing your allowance wisely, and strategies for being popular
in school. The professor was a bit pompous, but always full of good, solid
common sense at the end. Like when little Jimmy gave the other kids
permission to misbehave because he was, after all, their uncle. The Prof
straightened everything out at the end when he explained that it was a
combination of age, experience, and position that made authority work, and it
took all three.
It was that kind of attitude that doubtless attracted Richard Nixon and
prompted him to declare, two weeks before his 1968 presidential victory: “It’s
my favorite show. Families like the Harrigans are what makes this country
great.” When they asked Hubert Humphrey about the Harrigans, he said,
“Who?” At least that was how Tina Storm, who was a decade too young to
vote at the time, remembered it. The next week, in mock elections in grade
schools and junior highs across the country, Nixon won by a landslide.
Professor Harrigan reminded me uncomfortably of my own father, who was
of course an avid Nixon supporter. He was so convinced of his own
infallibility, so rigid, so heroic in his own eyes. The difference was that Prof
Harrigan was able to tell his kids that he loved them, and in turn his kids
thought he was a hero, too.
Harrigan catch phrases abounded. Prof’s “I haven’t the foggiest notion,” of
course, and his “Do you mind?” every time he found one of Mom’s cats in his
favorite armchair. Little Jimmy’s cries of “Say uncle!” Janie’s accidentally
overheard remark, “Professor Arrogant you mean!” which was later picked up
by the rest of the family—in a good-natured way, of course.
There weren’t a lot of pictures in HarriganMania . Pub shots of the actresses,
none of whom I recognized, and few posed studio stills. There was nothing
from the actual episodes because Sheldon Browne, the show’s creator and
producer, had supposedly refused permission.
I had a tingling feeling that meant there was a story lurking somewhere.
The feeling turned into certainty when I got to the chapter about The Song.
It was irresistible, Storm said, like the theme from Gilligan’s Island or any of
those other viral little tunes that hook into your brain and refuse to let to. In
sixty seconds the theme covered the entire hare-brained setup, including the
business with Prof’s little brother “who was an uncle and a brother to them
The theme was performed by the 1910 Fruitgum Company, of “Simon
Says” and “1 2 3 Red Light” fame. According to the book, an extended
version of the song hit the top ten late in 1968.
That, I knew, was wrong, and I could prove it.
I had a lot of music reference books, including Billboard’s Top Ten Charts
and Norm N. Nite’s Rock On Volume II . The 1910 Fruitgum Company was
listed in both books, but not “Theme From The Harrigan House ” or anything
remotely like it, not by any artist. Okay, big deal, Storm had been sloppy in
her research. Instead of a feeling of superiority, I got a chill.
HAT NIGHT I WATCHED the HarriganMania special while the VCR
taped it. In typical network fashion it was all form and minimal content.
Tina Storm was the host, and she spent most of the show interviewing
celebrities about their favorite Harrigan House episodes, and what the Harrigans
meant to them. “The Harrigan House,” Jay Leno said, “was like an island of
calm in troubled times. It was a place you could come to for milk and cookies
while the rest of the world was full of riots and Vietnam and girls putting you
down.” Shannen Doherty, wearing a “Do You Mind?” T-shirt, said, “Prof
Harrigan was the father everybody wants to have. He was just so cool.” Arnold
Schwarzenegger said, “The Harrigans were about family values. Why can’t
there be shows like that today?”
There was an overblown emotional farewell to the actor who played Prof,
who had died a few months ago in a private plane crash while doing a dinner
theater tour. Then more tears were shed over the kid who played Joey
Harrigan, who’d died of an OD in 1980. The woman who played Mom was
brought onstage for a standing ovation, then hustled off again because she
hadn’t aged well and was obviously drunk.
In one segment they read excerpts from the thousands of letters the show
had received from kids who wanted to run away from their own families and
come live in the Harrigan House. The studio had been forced to come up
with a form letter explaining that the Harrigans were fictional, that the kids
should stay with their own parents and make the best of it.
Sheldon Browne did not make an appearance; he had refused permission to
use any clips from the show. So instead we got footage of The Harrigan House
Live Onstage , and shots of the Harrigan House comic books and trading cards,
dolls and board games.
At the end all the celebrity guests got onstage and sang The Song together.
T TEN LINDA got home and we had sandwiches. I went on to bed
while she stayed up to watch the tape. I read for a while and then tried to
sleep. Linda’s side of the bed was cold and empty, not that that was anything
new. Most mornings I had to be up at eight to talk to editors in New York,
while she slept in. More and more we seemed to live in separate worlds.
Maybe I could try harder. I thought I would go in and see if she wanted to
talk, or maybe even fool around a little. I put on a robe and got far as doorway
into the living room. Linda sat on the couch, tears rolling down her face. I
couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen her cry. Her lips moved as she sang
along softly with the tape:
And there they had their own little world
Nancy and the kids, the professor and his spouse
Laughter and love for each boy and every girl
That’s life in the Harrigan house.
She didn’t see me as turned and went back to bed.
HEN LINDA AND I first dated there was an awkwardness that I
chalked up to her being only twenty years old, compared to my
worldly twenty-nine. I thought it would pass in time, but it never did.
I went in the next morning, which was a Saturday, to talk to her. I found
her curled up on the couch, watching a black-and-white movie from the
forties and reading the morning paper.
“So,” I said. “Did you like the special?”
“It was great.”
“I watched it while it was taping.” For just a second she looked at me with
real curiosity and interest, the first time in longer than I could remember. The
look went away when I said, “I have to admit I didn’t get it.”
She turned back to the movie. “Well, you don’t like TV. You say so all the
time. I wouldn’t really expect you to ‘get it.’“
“So maybe you could help me, here. What is it you like so much about the
Harrigans?” She shrugged, and I could see her slipping into hurt and anger. I
kept after her anyway, knowing I should stop, a little angry at her myself for
liking something that seemed so awful to me. “I mean, it didn’t seem to have
much to do with the real world. It’s like some fascist fantasy, where there
aren’t any black or poor people, women just stay home and have babies,
there’s no crime, no injustice...”
“And what’s wrong with that?” She was actually angry and letting it show,
something even rarer than her tears. “Does everything always have to mean
something? Some of us are tired of real life. I have customers in my face all day
and when I get home I just want to relax. I don’t need to be challenged or
stimulated, I want things to be nice. The Harrigan House was a nice show, okay?
Is that so terrible?”
“I was just asking.”
“Just asking. With that superior tone in your voice. Just because you went
on a few protest marches in the sixties, that’s supposed to make you some kind
of holy person. Well, look at yourself. You used to talk about this Great
American Novel you were going to write, about how you were just doing
journalism while you got your novel together. Now you don’t even bother to
talk about it anymore, let alone do anything. You don’t even vote, for God’s
sake. Your talk and everybody else’s holier-than-thou talk about changing the
world is just bullshit. Talk is all it is. The rest of us want to keep our houses
and cars and TV sets, thank you very much. The Harrigan House is shown all
over the world. Eastern Europe, Somalia, Brazil. That’s what everybody wants,
everywhere. To be like the Harrigans.”
“Linda, I—”
“You think I like my shitty job? You think I like it that we’re too poor to
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