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Jasna Horvat
Lost Fairy
The small Lexicon of Slavic Mythology
page 81 - 88
Alem's seventh heaven is the heaven of Svarog. It is n Svitogor, above the seventh mountain,
where Svarog lives. In it flies the bird Alemperka with shiny wings,
which lightens the entire surroundings. Alemperka has the ability to
recognize everything what has been thought in her presence. As she also
gave away Svarog's thoughts, he used to tie up its bill when he took her
around the world.
have been from the earliest time infamous for their cruelty and tendency
to plounder travellers. They were representatives of nomadic people, of
Mongolian origin, mentioned even before 4th ct. They were originally
settled in Subbajkal area and then in Subdonau area. As an ally of
Byzatium, Croats won todays Croatia in the war against Avars, and were
settled in that area for good. After 626 Avars powers permanently
weakened, and their influence was limited only to Panonia. Remains of
Avars kept until 10th ct. in the Lika area and around todays Gyõr in
Hungary. As Avars were known as good horsemen and merciless
warriors, under the name of avarism we still understand barbarism.
is in the root of Worldtree. In it there are Crnobog's steel castle Temnava
and the river of Forgetfulness. At the bottom of Crnobog's empire there
are all monsters, snakes, dragons, sea, miseries and furies. There rule
Anger, Injustice, Malice, Meanness and Envy.
unlike Lightgods, in the empire of underworld rules Crnobog, Černebog,
Zlebog. He is an opposite to good and lightgods of heaven and earth,
which give, protect and defend. He is also known under the names of
Mrakač, Zuronja and Mrkoč. His origin is in the primeval darkness, and
his homeland is underworld of darkness. Crnobog is an open rival of
Svjetlobog, eternally filled with Anger and Fury, specially to gods of
heaven and earth. Crnobog as destroyer has a role of merciless judge of
alike souls. To him come all those who were during earth life in the midst
of in Injustice and Wrong, so he could cast upon them cruel and
merciless judgement. His closest companions and suite are: Fraud and
Lie, Theft, Injustice and Wrong, Malice and Envy. Above him rules
infernal Trinity (Hate, Crime and Discord). He lives in Temnava, built in
Home of Heroes
is in Svitogor's castle, there live dead heroes. After they die honourable
death, warrior fairies bring them to the Home of Heroes, on whose door
welcomes them Godess Glory with horns of soporific mead.
Home of Glory
is in Svitogor's castle, there are shiny halls in which live chosen,
honourable guests. In it rules Godess Glory with warrior fairies. From
there Svevid, Stribog Vojin and Perun send them to battlefield. On the
battlefield they heal wounded, and bring dead heroes to the Home of
was planted at the beginning of the world by Svarog. It ties heaven, earth
and underground spaces of Ambis. In it's crown is Nav. From it drops
mead with which Gods and all inhabitants of Nav make themselves
younger. It is a drink of Gods, sometimes white and sometimes golden
yellow. Next to it is a well of live water which heals, and also the woods
of Gods. There are also Fatefairies. It's streaks go into the dark empire of
Crnobog, reaching to the very thin court in Temnava. It was belived that
the Worldtree is an ashtree (sometimes fir) and that it is axis of the world.
oak tree from which Svarog made the first man. According to some
traditions, it was belived that all men became from tree and that in every
tree you can distinguish another human being.
called also Gerovit, original God of inflamed spring, and later the
sharpest angry God of sword, war roar and noise. Jarovit is descendant of
Svarožić, his wife is Lada, Godess od fertility, beauty and love. In peace,
he is represented as a God who prepares war. His warrier characteristics
are bow and arrow in attack pose. Other warrier characteristics are black
ribbon and sword. Black ribbon is a black oblong, triangle band with
Svarog's swastika. Under that flag old Croatian seawarriors went to war.
Misery introduces fretting embodied. In it's worldround it feels constant
hunger. Fury frightens earth world, while Misery tends to grab even
human lives. Misery and Fury are inseparable, go around the world as
two scarecrows. They are both helpers of Crnobog, mutual inseparable.
Their irreconcilable enemies are Jedogonja and Bjesogonja (Bjesomar).
Jedogonja has a form of flying dog, and Bjesogonja often takes a form of
the wind and has a task of furies destruction.
Linden tree of which Vida made the first woman and gave her a breath of
Good dwarfs, kiss young virgins they unusually yearn after. In the night
they dance on forrest meadow or by the waters in moonlight. They live
on hills. They are real quibbler and slyboots. To people they are mostly
goodnatured. They have their King and Queen. They are the keepers of
home fireplaces. To good dwarfs belong also small, entirely tiny dwarfs
called Krasnoludki.
faithful companion of Crnobog is Morana (Mora, Morena, Marzana), the
evil Godess of winter and coldness, who represents destructive powers of
winter nature. Her streanght is the strongest during the winter, when she
appears in the form of evil woman who flies on the broom as Ježibaba,
Jagababa, Baba Ruga, Baba Roga. In other seasons she appears as a
young but greedy and lustful woman who drags under roofs in the night
to torture weaklings (specially weakspirited children and boys). Still
today many belive that Morana attacks her chosens in the night and she
bugs them in dreams and stops their breathing. She is also known as
quarrelsome woman and as pleader of betrayal and revenge.
is the place where the Lightgods live. It is in the crown of Worldtree.
God of thunderers, rules earthly sky, earth, air and clouds. He is also
called Daždbog, Plivnik, Strilbog, Porin. As the oldest son of Svarog and
Vida, he is armed with thunders, lightning and fire arrows. He married
virgin Perunika, with whom he had offsprings. Perunika was, as
modelwife, patroness of marriage and she hardly ever punished human
vices, as also Perun. Their offsprings are called Perunovi, or Perunovići.
Perun had many different roles: he is patron of humans and giver of land,
tamer of seastorms, patron of shipmen and farmers (then he is called
Plivnik), patron of home and men, God of work and justice, warrantor of
peace (and international law), honour and faith, patron of nation and
guardian of boundary-stones, warrior and revenger of justice and
faithlessness as also of purgery.
Perun's court
it's walls go to the fifth floor of Svarog's castle. In there, on abrupt sheer
rocks live Perun and his wife Perunika. Behind his court there are courts
of Zarov and other citizens of Svitogor's court.
is one of Svarožić, father and God of wind, patron of warriors. He is
mostly invoked by millers and shipmen to give them fair or mild wind. In
ancient times, winds were not only invoked but also adored.
supreme Lightgod is Svarog (Staribog, Stari Vid, Višnji, Prabog, Praotac,
by Bulgarians – Svaro, Uran, Indian Varuna, Iranian Zaruana, Greek
Uranos, Latin Uranus, that is Coleum). He is the most powerful and the
mightiest God, ancestor of all Gods and he is eternal light. He ruled on
the thron of eternity in the highest heaven's court (Vid's court of primeval
light or Svantedveri). Svarog has three basic functions: he is creator,
supreme judge and eternal traveller and Svevid and Sveznadar.
Svarožići are Svarog's and Vida's offsprings. The most known Svarog's
offsprings are Perun, Stribor, Svevid, and Tatomir. Svarožići are also
called Svarozi or Svarunovi.
kind God of heaven's circle and kind sunlight which revive nature. He is
favourite of father Svarog. He was called Vid, Vido, Sutvid, Jaki Vid,
Jakibog, Svanimir. He is known as Sungod, and some of the epithets
connected to him are – (radiant, shiny, bright). He is the youngest
Svarog's offspring, who in his growing up undergoes incarnations. From
young Svevic as the year goes towards the summer, he becomes Zoran
and Jaki Vid, and in that phase becomes strong enough young
Heavensgod, so he could execute Svarog's commands. To him is ashtree
dedicated. He is the representative of pure justice and fertility. He is the
prettiest and shiniest God of all. As he is representative and carrier of
light, he is eternaly young and rejuvenated as dark red spring morning.
He is in constant battle with Črt (Suronja), Darkgod from Crnobog's
(Svijetligrad) is the city of Svevid, which lights far away and bring lights
with beams of livelight. In there sits the winner of light – young Svevid.
is the city of Lightgods, Godesses and their favourites. On the head of
Svitogor is Svarog, sovereign of other Gods. Between Svitogor and this
world is a vast ambis, marked with white day and dark night. Svarog's
tower goes up through 7 heavens on seven floors. Each floor has one
door, each door are opened by only one key. Seventh heaven is the
highest, marks the height of bliss, and Svarog's personal chambers. From
Svitogor there are two doors to the world. Morning door are also called
Jutrenja and they are in the east of Svitogor. To this door breaks dawn
and lightbearers come out of them. Their guard is yellow dog Karaman,
mild, worthy dog of dayly sky. Karaman is doghead, godly giant, his
mother is skyly bitch Zarama. Evening door leads to the vast world of
dark night. They open at night at sunset and they are in the west of
Svitogor. To this door come night torchbearer. Their guard is black raven
doghead Zagar or Ogar. Zagar is also godly giant, his mother is, as
Karaman's, skyly bitch Zarama.
is the Moongod. As a baby he stole out of his cradle and stole Morana's
black pearl. She punished him by tearing his soul apeaces. Alghough
Svarog managed to bring back all peaces to one, Tatomir never finds
peace with himself and his wishes.
is Crnobog's steal castle, which is in Ambis, in the roots of Worldtree. By
Temnava flows river of Forgetfulness. Around dark walls of Temnava
also flows, like fire river, blue fire, the symbol of eternal combustion.
Svarog's wife, patroness of engagement and marital harmony. Svarog
called her Božena and Prija, she is also known as Višnja, who sits with
ring on the right side of old Vid.
beautiful, young girls, dressed in white and blue clothes, which flutter as
vail. It is fairyvail. Some of them have wings. Their hair is gold, and in it
is the secret of their life. If you pull out even one hair, they lose fairy
powers and die. Their voice is magical and eyes blaze beams of light.
They are mediators between people and Gods. They are frightened by
inverted shirts.
Warrier fairies
live in Home of Glory, and by Svevid, Svarog and Perun's command help
at the battlefields. The most famous are Vojislava, Stanislava, Radoslava,
Borislava, Gordana and other warriers. They break enemies' spears and
swords in peaces, deflect their arrows from target. On the battlefields
they choose husbands and boyfriends, the bravest heroes. They put
chosens on horses and lead them to the court of Old Vojin.
Mountain fairies
live in hills and mountains, they go to caves and float around their
mountain world, they vouch for it's happiness, they keep guard for
heroes. Known mountain fairies are Velebit fairy, Fairy from Urvina,
Bosanska fairy, Alpinka, Fairy Zagorkinja, Fairy Prigorkinja, Biokovska
known under the name of Usude and Sudije (judges). They come to the
people at their birth to tell them their fate. The most famous are
Birthfairy (Rođenica), Happiness (Sreća), and Evilluck (Zlosreća).
Birthfairy determines day of birth, Happiness gives happiness at the birth
and Evilluck determines the day of death and departure from this world.
is mythological being who lives in impassable and unknown parts, gifted
with powerful and deadly horn. He resembles to both deer and horse.
is a God of all waters, lives in sea and river depths. His offsprings are
water and sea fairies. His successor in christian period of beliving is St.
Nicholas, patron of sea- and shipmen.
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