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by Wikibooks contributors
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Principal authors: WarrenWilkinson ( C ) · Dysprosia ( C ) · Darvian ( C ) · Tm chk ( C ) · Bill Alexander ( C )
Photo taken by Alan Light .
The current version of this Wikibook may be found at:
Chapter 01: Playing the Game ..............................................................................................................4
Chapter 02: Notating the Game . .........................................................................................................14
Chapter 03: Tactics . ............................................................................................................................19
Chapter 04: Strategy ...........................................................................................................................26
Chapter 05: Basic Openings . ..............................................................................................................36
Chapter 06: The Endgame ..................................................................................................................61
About the book...................................................................................................................................76
History & Document Notes ...........................................................................................................76
Authors & Image Credits . ..............................................................................................................77
GNU Free Documentation License . ...............................................................................................78
Chapter 1
Chess , unlike many other games, does not involve chance. It does not hinge on the roll of dice
or which card is drawn. The outcome completely depends on the decisions of both the players.
However, because of its vast complexity, the far-reaching consequences of some decisions are
practically unforeseeable.
One player ("White") has the white pieces while the other ("Black") has the black pieces. In
friendly games the choice of colors can be made by any method, such as flipping a coin - if there is
no coin at hand, another typical way of deciding would be to conceal a black piece in one hand and
a white piece in the other and ask one's opponent to select a hand, the colored piece selected will be
the opponent's color. In competitive games the players are assigned their colors.
Order of play
Once all the pieces have been arranged, White makes the first move. White always makes the
first move; this is important for notation, and any chess player will insist upon it. After White has
made their move, Black will then make a move. The gameplay will continue in alternating fashion,
White making a move, followed by Black.
General movement rules
A move consists of moving a single piece, in accordance with its rules of movement, to
a square that is unoccupied or occupied by an enemy piece.
If a piece is moved onto a square occupied by an enemy piece, the latter piece is
removed from play and the first piece replaces it. The removed piece is said to have been
captured or taken .
With the exception of the knight, no piece may make a move to a non-adjacent square
unless all the intervening squares are vacant (pieces may not 'jump over' other pieces).
No player may make a move that leaves their king in check (see below).
There are some exceptions to these rules, where a player's turn can consist of two pieces
moving (castling), where a piece moves to an unoccupied square but still captures (en passant
capture), or where a piece moves to a square and becomes a different unit (promotion), all of which
are covered below.
4 | Chess
Playing The Game
The board
Traditionally, the game is played on a board of 64 alternating black and white squares turned
with a white square to each player's far right. "White on right" is a helpful saying to remember this
convention. The light and dark squares on the chessboard and the light and dark chess pieces are
traditionally referred to as "white" and "black" respectively, although in modern chess sets almost
any colors may be used. The horizontal rows of squares are called ranks and are numbered 1-8; the
vertical rows of squares are called files and given the letters a-h.
The pieces
The movement of the individual pieces is described below. In all the board diagrams shown,
the squares to which the piece in question can move are indicated with x's.
The king can move one square at a time in any direction, with certain restrictions.
The king is the most important piece belonging to each player, though not the most powerful. If
a player moves a piece such that it threatens to capture his opponent's king, that king is said to be in
check . If a player's king is in check, he must immediately remove the check by moving the king,
blocking the check with another piece, or capturing the checking piece. As mentioned above,
players may not place their own king in check; however, they may check their opponent's king. Two
kings may never occupy adjacent squares, since they would have put themselves in check by
moving there.
If the king is placed in check and cannot escape, it is said to have been checkmated (or " mated "
for short). The first player to checkmate the opponent's king wins the game. Note that the king is
never actually captured, since it is obliged to move out of check whenever possible (and the game
ends when it is impossible).
The White king in the following diagram cannot move upwards or to the left since it would be
in check from the bishop, or diagonally downwards which would leave it adjacent to the Black king.
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