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Dental pathology and diet at Apollonia, a Greek colony on the Black Sea
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 18: 262–279 (2008)
Published online 31 August 2007 in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/oa.934
Dental Pathology and Diet at
Apollonia, a Greek Colony on
the Black Sea
Department of Anthropology, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7B8, Canada
ABSTRACT Dental pathology has the potential to provide insight into the composition of the diet and to
reveal dietary differences based on age, sex and social status. Human skeletal remains from
the Greek colonial site of Apollonia (5 th to 2 nd centuries BC) on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria
were analysed for various forms of dental pathology in order to: assess the prevalence of
dental disease in the population; compare the dental pathology data from Apollonia with
dietary data derived from ancient literary texts and from previous stable isotopic analysis of the
colonists’ remains; explore variations in dental disease with respect to age and sex; and
compare the prevalence of dental pathology in the Apollonians with that of other Greek
populations. The composition of the diet, as indicated by the dental pathology data, is
consistent with the stable isotopic evidence from Apollonia and with the ancient literary texts,
both of which indicate the consumption of a relatively soft, high carbohydrate diet. The higher
frequency of dental caries, abscesses, calculus, and antemortem tooth loss in older adults
compared with younger ones reflects the age-progressive nature of these conditions. The lack
of significant sex differences in caries, abscesses, calculus and tooth loss corresponds with
the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic data derived from bone collagen, which indicate no
significant sex differences in the consumption of dietary protein. In contrast, these findings
conflict with the ancient literary texts, which refer to distinct dietary differences between males
and females, and with the stable carbon isotopic values derived from bone carbonate, which
indicate sex differences with respect to the overall diet. Despite the lack of marked sex
differences in dental pathology, overall trends point to subtle dietary differences between
males and females. A greater degree of tooth wear in males also hints at possible sex
differences in the use of the teeth as tools. Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Key words: dental pathology; diet; Greek colonial populations; Black Sea
conditions and modes of subsistence (Littleton &
Frohlich, 1993; Tayles et al., 2000), investigated
dietary changes over time (Walker & Erlandson,
1986; Lillie, 1996), and examined age-, sex-, and
status-based differences in diet (Frayer, 1984;
Lukacs, 1996; Cucina & Tiesler, 2003). As an
indirect source of information on diet, dental
pathology has also been combined with direct
evidence of diet derived from stable isotopic
analysis of bone collagen and bone carbonate
(Sealy & van der Merwe, 1988; Lubell et al., 1994;
White, 1994; Lillie & Richards, 2000; Prowse,
Dental pathology is commonly recorded in archa-
eological samples, and its use in palaeodietary
reconstructions is based on the recognised link
between dental pathology and diet (Nelson et al.,
1999: 333). Studies of dental caries, antemortem
tooth loss, and other forms of dental disease
have explored the relationship between these
* Correspondence to: Department of Anthropology, Trent Univer-
sity, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7B8, Canada.
Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 10 July 2006
Revised 30 April 2007
Accepted 11 May 2007
Dental Pathology in a Greek Colony
The earliest examination of dental pathology
in Greek skeletal samples was conducted by
Angel (1944), who compared dental pathology in
samples of early and modern Greek teeth with the
goal of assessing temporal changes in dental
health. Subsequent studies have examined dental
morphology and disease in approximately 1500
Middle Minoan (1750–1550 BC) teeth from
Knossos (Carr, 1960), explored the relationship
between dental caries and selenium and fluoride
levels in archaeological and modern Greek teeth
(Hadjimarkos & Bonhorst, 1962), examined the
impact of changing subsistence patterns on dental
wear in Mesolithic and Neolithic remains from
Franchthi Cave (Smith & Cook, 1991), and
compared the skeletal and dental evidence for
social status in a Late Bronze Age skeletal sample
from the Athenian Agora (Smith, 2000).
Dental pathology data have been recorded in a
small number of Greek colonial samples, most of
them from southern Italy (Becker & Donadio,
1992; Becker, 1995, 1996; Henneberg, 1998;
Henneberg & Henneberg, 1998, 2003). In
contrast, little is known about the dental health
of Greek colonists on the Black Sea. Few studies
of ancient Greek populations have explored sex
differences in dental health, and none have
compared data on dental pathology with that
derived from literary sources and stable isotopic
analyses to test the utility of each as sources
of information on diet (for an excellent example
of this approach applied to Roman remains see
Prowse, 2001). The ancient literary texts refer to
distinct sex differences in diet among the ancient
Greeks. At Apollonia, stable carbon isotope
values derived from bone carbonate indicate
sex differences with respect to the overall diet,
while stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values
measured in bone collagen revealed no sex
differences in the consumption of dietary protein
(Keenleyside et al., 2006).
The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence
of dental pathology in a skeletal sample from the
Greek colonial site of Apollonia on the Black Sea
coast of Bulgaria, explore variations in dental
disease with respect to age and sex, compare the
dental pathology data from Apollonia with
dietary data derived from ancient literary texts
and from previous stable isotopic analysis of the
colonists’ remains, and compare the prevalence of
dental pathology in the Apollonians with that of
other Greek populations.
Archaeological and biocultural context of the
According to literary sources, the Greek colony
of Apollonia was founded in 610 BC by the city of
Miletus in Asia Minor, on the site of the
present-day town of Sozopol on the Black Sea
coast of Bulgaria (Figure 1). Thought to have been
occupied by Thracians at the time of the colony’s
foundation, the site had a number of desirable
characteristics, including an excellent harbour,
good fishing, and an easily defensible location
(Nedev & Panayotova, 2003). Its strategic
location contributed to its establishment as a
major trading centre, and Apollonia became a
prosperous urban centre during the 5 th and 4 th
centuries BC, minting its own coins, producing its
own ceramics, erecting monumental public
buildings, and establishing secondary settlements
in the surrounding territory (Nedev & Panayo-
tova, 2003). Archaeological evidence indicates a
trading relationship between the colonists and
the local Thracian population, and close con-
nections between the two groups are further
indicated by the presence of Thracian names on
Figure 1. Map of Apollonia (Sozopol) showing the
location of the necropolis.
Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 18: 262–279 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/oa
A. Keenleyside
several Greek tombstones excavated from the
necropolis (Nedev & Panayotova, 2003). Like
other Greek colonies on the Black Sea coast, the
inhabitants of Apollonia attempted to recreate
the same way of life they had enjoyed in their
homeland (Tsetskhladze, 1997). While they
brought the religious and political institutions
of their mother city with them, and maintained
commercial links with Miletus and other cities in
Asia Minor, they remained independent and
self-sufficient (Nedev & Panayotova, 2003).
In 1938, the chance discovery of a grave in an
area known as Kalfata, located on the shore of the
Black Sea approximately 2.5 km south of Sozopol
(Figure 1), prompted scholars to direct their
attention to this area, and from 1946 to 1949,
large-scale excavations uncovered 801 graves
consisting of simple unlined pits, stone cists, tile
graves, wooden coffins and urn burials (Venedi-
kov, 1963). Extending to a depth of five metres in
some places, most of the burials were typical
Greek inhumation burials containing single
individuals laid out on their backs in an extended
position, with their heads oriented primarily to
the east. The remains dated from the second half
of the 5 th century to the beginning of the 2 nd
century BC, based on associated grave goods
(Venedikov, 1963). A small number of cremation
and flexed burials, dating from the mid to late 4 th
century BC, have been tentatively identified as
Thracian burials (Venedikov, 1963). Since 1992,
excavations led by Dr Kristina Panayotova of the
Institute of Archaeology in Sofia, of the Kalfata
necropolis and several adjacent sites have
uncovered an additional 400 burials (Panayotova,
1998; Nedev & Panayotova, 2003). Palaeopatho-
logical analysis of some of these remains has
revealed evidence of iron deficiency anaemia,
trauma and non-specific infections among the
colonists (Keenleyside & Panayotova, 2005,
2006). The sample utilised in this study is derived
from this most recent excavation.
the bacterial fermentation of dietary carbo-
hydrates, especially sugars’ (Larsen, 1997: 65).
Of the factors underlying the development of
caries, diet has been identified as the most
important (Powell, 1988). Diets containing
refined sugars are more cariogenic than those
consisting of unrefined carbohydrates, while diets
high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates
are known to impede caries formation (Powell,
1988). The texture of food also plays a role in the
development of caries, with soft, sticky foods
being more cariogenic than hard, abrasive foods
(Larsen, 1997). Other factors influencing tooth
decay include tooth crown morphology, attrition,
enamel hypoplasia, oral hygiene, fluoride con-
sumption, oral bacteria and the composition of
saliva (Dawes, 1970; Lillie, 1996; Hillson, 2000).
Numerous studies of skeletal samples world-
wide have revealed higher rates of caries in
agricultural populations compared with hunter-
gatherers (Turner, 1979; Larsen, 1995; Hillson,
1996), reflecting their greater consumption of
carbohydrates. Agricultural diets have, in fact,
been inferred from high caries rates in the
absence of other types of dietary evidence
(Cohen, 1989: 107). In the western Mediterra-
nean region, for example, the transition to
agriculture was accompanied by an increase in
the rate of caries (Meiklejohn & Zvelebil, 1991).
Hunting and gathering populations, in contrast,
typically show an absence of caries, reflecting
their non-cariogenic, high protein diet; also,
populations heavily reliant on marine resources
typically show low rates of caries (Macchiarelli,
1989; Nelson et al., 1999).
One of the possible consequences of dental
caries is antemortem tooth loss, indicated by the
resorption of alveolar bone in the tooth socket.
Other causes of tooth loss include attrition,
trauma and periodontal disease, the latter being
one of the main causes of antemortem tooth loss
in modern populations (Hillson, 2005: 306).
Dental caries can also lead to periapical
abscessing, which occurs when bacteria invade
the exposed pulp cavity and proceed down the
root canal into the alveolar bone, causing an
infection of the surrounding tissue and the
formation of an abscess (Hillson, 2005). Pulp
exposure resulting from trauma or attrition can
also lead to abscesses.
Dental pathology and diet
Dental caries, the most common form of dental
pathology, is an age-progressive disease process
‘characterized by the focal demineralization of
dental hard tissues by organic acids produced by
Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 18: 262–279 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/oa
Dental Pathology in a Greek Colony
Dental calculus, or mineralised plaque, is
common in archaeological remains. Occurring
both above (i.e. supragingival) and below (i.e.
subgingival) the gums, it is most frequently found
on teeth closest to the salivary glands (Roberts &
Manchester, 1995). The relationship between
diet and the formation of dental calculus is not
straightforward (Hillson, 2001: 265), and high
calculus rates have been associated with both
high protein and high carbohydrate diets
(Meiklejohn & Zvelebil, 1991; Lieverse, 1999;
Lillie & Richards, 2000). When combined with
dental caries, however, it can be used to
determine the relative contribution of proteins
versus carbohydrates to the diet. High calculus
rates and low caries rates have been found to
characterise populations subsisting on a high
protein, low carbohydrate diet (Lillie, 1996: 140),
while heavy calculus deposits and high caries
rates have been observed in populations that
consumed a high carbohydrate diet (White,
1994: 283). The formation of calculus is also
influenced by a number of non-dietary factors,
including oral hygiene, the mineral content of
drinking water, the rate of salivary flow, cultural
practices such as chewing betel nuts and coca
leaves, and the use of the teeth as tools (Lieverse,
Dental wear can provide valuable information
on the types of foods consumed, their consist-
ency and texture, and their methods of prep-
aration. Known to vary widely among popu-
lations, high levels of tooth wear recorded in
agricultural populations have been attributed to
the consumption of coarse cereal grains and the
use of grinding stones which can add a significant
amount of grit to the diet (Larsen, 1997).
Differential wear between the anterior and
posterior dentition, seen in some archaeological
populations, has been interpreted as reflecting
different causes of tooth wear (e.g. diet vs. tool
use) (Littleton & Frohlich, 1993).
Enamel hypoplasia refers to a deficiency in
enamel thickness caused by a disruption in the
secretory phase of enamel matrix formation
(Goodman et al., 1984). Formed during tooth
crown development, hypoplastic defects are not
remodelled in later life, and therefore provide
permanent markers of stress episodes during
infancy and childhood (Goodman et al., 1984).
More than 100 different factors have been linked
to the development of enamel hypoplasia, with
particular attention being paid in the literature to
nutritional stress and childhood infections. Since
it is rarely possible to link enamel defects with
their underlying aetiology, they are considered to
be non-specific indicators of physiological stress
(Goodman & Rose, 1990). In some archaeological
samples, a higher prevalence of hypoplastic
defects in younger individuals compared with
older adults has been interpreted as reflecting an
increased likelihood of individuals who experi-
enced stress during childhood dying at a younger
age (Duray, 1996).
The Ancient Greek diet
Information on the ancient Greek diet derives
from a variety of sources, including literary texts,
most notably Athenaeus’ Deipnosophistae (Professors
of the Dinner-Table) and Galen’s On the Properties of
Foodstuffs, archaeological evidence in the form of
plant remains, animal bones, food preparation
utensils, storage vessels, ritual food offerings
associated with graves, and stable isotopic
analysis of human skeletal remains. These sources
indicate that the ancient Greeks relied on a staple
diet of cereals, legumes, olive oil and wine for
their subsistence. Olive oil was the main source of
dietary fat (Martin, 1996), and wine mixed with
water was the preferred beverage. Cereal crops,
most notably wheat and barley, comprised the
primary source of protein and carbohydrates
(Garnsey & Whittaker, 1983: 7; Rathbone, 1983:
46; Garnsey, 1999: 15). Dry legumes such as
lentils, broad beans, peas and chickpeas were also
an important source of protein. Several varieties
of millet were cultivated but were considered ‘an
emergency resource for small farmers’ (Garnsey,
1988: 52). Similarly, oats were grown mainly as a
fodder crop (Brothwell & Brothwell, 1969: 101). A
variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts were
also consumed, and honey, dates and figs were
the main sweeteners (Brothwell & Brothwell,
1969; Grmek, 1989; Dalby, 1996).
Of the domesticated animals, sheep, pigs and
goats were the primary sources of meat (Dalby,
1996), although meat was relatively scarce and
generally made up only a small component of the
Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 18: 262–279 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/oa
A. Keenleyside
diet (Jameson, 1983: 10; Garnsey, 1999: 16, 123).
Goat and sheep milk was consumed in diluted
form (Brothwell & Brothwell, 1969: 50), and
cheese made from the milk of both animals was
also eaten (Brothwell & Brothwell, 1969: 52). Fish,
including shellfish, were a highly valued part of
the diet of many Greeks (Dalby, 1996) and
garum, or fish sauce, was a popular ingredient in
many dishes.
According to literary sources, sex differences in
diet existed among the ancient Greeks. Males
were given preferential access to foods, while
women were denied meat and other nourishing
food items (Garnsey, 1999). Consequently,
women were at higher risk of nutritional
deficiency and disease, and may have experienced
a higher incidence of malnutrition than men
(Garnsey, 1999). Given this evidence for sex-
based variation in diet, one should therefore
expect to find sex differences in dental pathology
in ancient Greek skeletal samples. Such differ-
ences might, for example, take the form of lower
caries rates in males resulting from a greater
consumption of meat and fish. Fluoride and
strontium, elements present in high quantities in
marine foods (Siebert & Trautner, 1985; Malde
et al., 1997), are known to impede the formation
of carious lesions.
with some of the graves contained food remains
interpreted as evidence of funerary feasts
(Panayotova, 1998). These included animal
bones, grape seeds, acorns, almonds and hazel-
nuts, and ceramic fish plates and grills (Panayo-
tova, 1998: 105; Nedev & Panayotova, 2003:
138–9). Astragali from sheep/goats, found in the
graves of both children and adults (Panayotova,
1998), suggest the consumption of one or both
Stable isotopic analysis of bone collagen and
carbonate samples taken from the remains of 54
of the adults examined for dental pathology in
this study revealed that the colonists relied on a
mixed diet of terrestrial and marine resources
(Keenleyside et al., 2006). Statistical comparisons
by age and sex revealed no significant differences
in d 13 Cord 15 N values for bone collagen,
suggesting similarities in the consumption of
dietary protein. In contrast, males had signifi-
cantly higher d 13 C values for bone carbonate,
suggesting sex differences with respect to the
overall diet (Keenleyside et al., 2006). As such, it
is hypothesised that sex differences should be
seen in the prevalence of certain forms of dental
pathology at Apollonia.
Materials and methods
Archaeological and stable isotopic evidence of
diet at Apollonia
The dentitions of 162 adult skeletons were
examined in this study (Table 1). Sex determi-
nation of the skeletons was done using standard
morphological and metric criteria of the crania
and pelvic bones (Bass, 1987; Ubelaker, 1989).
Age estimation was based on pubic symphysis
morphology (Brooks & Suchey, 1990), auricular
surface morphology (Lovejoy et al., 1985) and
ectocranial suture closure (Meindl & Lovejoy,
The archaeological evidence recovered from
Apollonia suggests that during the 5 th to 2 nd
centuries BC, the population subsisted on a varied
diet of grains, nuts, fish, meat and shellfish
(Panayotova, 1998). Ritual fireplaces associated
Table 1. Age and sex distribution of the sample
Age (years)
Number of individuals
Number of teeth
Number of observable teeth/number of observable teeth plus teeth lost antemortem plus teeth lost post-mortem.
Copyright # 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 18: 262–279 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/oa
Statistically significant differences between males and females, P < 0.05.
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