Akerlof, Yellen - Can small deviations from rationality make....pdf

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Can Small Deviations from Rationality Make Significant
Differences to Economic Equilibria?
This paper concerns the robustness of eco-
nomic equilibria in famiUar economic mod-
els. It addresses the question whether a small
amount of nonmaximizing behavior by agents
is capable of causing changes in the equi-
librium of the system which are an order of
magnitude larger than the losses due to non-
maximization by the individual agents them-
For some, it would be reassuring to find
that the results of models based on maximiz-
ing behavior continue to hold as an ap-
proximation when the assumption of strict
maximization is relaxed just slightly. It is,
after all, difficult to believe that agents liter-
ally maximize all the time. People may suffer
from inertia. (Or, alternatively stated, they
may have some small transactions costs in
changing their actions.) They may also rely
on rules of thumb which produce acceptable
results on the average. So most economic
theory based on strict maximization is useful
when accompanied with the folk theorem
that the results of this theory are approxi-
mately correct if the deviations from opti-
mality (or the transactions cost of decision
making) are small.
On the other hand, if slight relaxation of
maximization results in rather different re-
sults from those of strict maximization, then
there is the possibility of explaining phenom-
ena that have been puzzling in the context of
economic theory based on strict maximizing,
such as the persistence of cartels and the
existence of the business cycle.
This paper constructs a number of exam-
ples which show that small deviations from
rationality can have first-order consequences
in microeconomic analysis. Our 1985 paper
shows that such deviations can account for
Keynesian business cycles. All of these ex-
amples assume that a fraction /i of the popu-
lation fails to maximize. The rest of the
population is totally rational. An equilibrium
of such an economy is termed near rational
if no nonmaximizer stands to gain a signifi-
cant amount by becoming a maximizer.
Technically, this means that the potential
losses due to nonmaximization are second-
order small (varying with the square of a
shift parameter). Nonetheless we show that
such behavior does commonly lead to
changes in equilibrium in familiar models
(relative to the equilibrium with full maximi-
zation) which are first-order, that is, that
vary approximately proportionately with the
shift parameter.
These results can be interpreted as a pre-
cise sense in which the conclusions usually
derived from models with strict maximizing
behavior are not very robust. We wish to
emphasize that this theory does pass Lucas'
test of a good model—that there are no
opportunities for large increases in profits,
or, in his terminology, that "there are no
$500 bills on the sidewalk." To be specific,
there is a fraction of the population who are
strict maximizers. If there are opportunities
for gain generally available (in Lucas' exam-
ple, to pick up $500 off the sidewalk), a
significant fraction of the population will
•University of Califomia, Berkeley, CA 94720. We
express our special gratitude to Robert Barro and Hajime
Miyazaki for greatly elucidating comments on an earlier
paper presented at the NBER-West Conference on Mac-
roeconomics, December 2, 1983, and to John Halti-
wanger and Michael Waldman for criticisms of an earlier
draft. We also thank Andrew Abel, Kenneth Arrow,
Sean Becketti, Ben Bemanke, Alan Blinder, Stephen
Blough, Roger Craine, Avinash Dixit, Richard Gilbert,
Paul Evans, Milton Friedman, Robert Hall, Bent Han-
sen, Robert Lucas, Thomas MaCurdy, John Roberts,
Joseph Stiglitz, Steven Stoft, Lawrence Summers, James
Tobin, and James Wilcox for valuable discussions which
have led directly or indirectly to this paper. Our re-
search was generously supported by National Science
Foundation grant no. SES 81-19150, administered by
the Institute for Business and Economic Research of the
University of California-Berkeley.
VOL. 75 NO. 4
readily avail itself of these opportunities. Ad-
ditionally, the losses to those who are not
maximizing are small, in a well-defined sense.
Recent results in industrial organization
theory in the context of sequential games are
similar in spirit. In recent interesting papers
by Drew Fudenberg and Eric Maskin (1983),
David Kreps et al. (1982), Kreps and Robert
Wilson (1982), Paul Milgrom and John
Roberts (1982), and Roy Radner (1980), it
has been found that the presence of
nonmaximizing behavior, even in rather small
amounts, can significantly alter the equi-
librium obtained. Other papers which
examine the conditions under which non-
maximizing behavior can have a significant
impact on the characteristics of economic
equilibria include John Haltiwanger and
Michael Waldman (1985) and Thomas Rus-
sell and Richard Thaler (1985). John Conlisk
(1980) has examined conditions under which
rule-of-thumb behavior will coexist with
maximizing behavior in the long run.
Section I explains the basic logic of this
paper, which can be generally expressed in
terms of the envelope theorem. The next
sections present four examples of equilibria
that are near-rational, but that differ by a
first-order amount from the equilibrium that
would prevail with full rationality. Section II
presents an example of a pure exchange
economy. There is an initial (long-run) equi-
librium of this economy in which all agents
are exactly maximizing. Then each agent's
endowment of one good is increased by a
proportion e. A fraction fi of the population
has inertial behavior in its consumption of
that good while the rest of the population
strictly maximizes. It is shown that this be-
havior by nonmaximizers results in individ-
ual losses which are second-order in e, while
there is (almost always) a first-order change
(with respect to e) in the distribution of
In the pure exchange economy, nonmaxi-
mization causes only a second-order move-
ment from the Pareto frontier. But if there
are externalities, nonmaximization which re-
sults in only second-order losses to the agents
can cause first-order changes in the econo-
my's deadweight loss. This proposition is
illustrated by two examples in Section III.
Section IV presents an example of cartel
formation. It is supposed initially that there
is a Coumot equilibrium of an oligopolistic
market. There is a posited reduction in out-
put by a fraction e by a proportion fi of the
firms, while the rest of the firms maximize
(according to the Cournot assumption that
the output produced by rival firms will re-
main unchanged.) With some qualification, it
is shown that such a reduction increases the
ohgopolists' profits by a first-order amount
while the expected gains from cheating on
the cartel are second-order in e.
I. Implications of the Envelope Theorem
There is a simple reason why deviations
from rationality, that involve only second-
order losses for nonmaximizing agents, nev-
ertheless can cause first-order changes in the
economy's equilibrium. The reasoning is
based on the envelope theorem and its gen-
eral equilibrium implications. The envelope
theorem states, in effect, that first-order
"errors" made by an agent in setting any de-
cision variable, such as quantities produced
or consumed, normally cause only second-
order losses in utility or profit. If a signifi-
cant fraction of the population makes such
errors and their mean value is nonzero, the
errors are likely to have general equilibrium
effects which are first-order.
More formally,^ consider the uncon-
strained maximization problem: maximize
f(x,a) where x is a choice variable and a is
a vector of parameters or variables exoge-
nous to the agent. Let x{a) denote the unique
maximizing choice of x, given a, and let
M{a) = f(x(a), a) denote the maximum
value of / for given a. According to the
envelope theorem:
(1) dM{a)/da=df{x(a),a)/da.
In words, the envelope theorem states that,
at the margin, the change in the objective
function caused by a change in a is identical
whether the agent adjusts x optimally or not
at all. Inertial behavior is virtually costless.
'See Hal Vadan (1978).
The theorem is easily extended for con-
strained maximization problems.^
The proof of the envelope theorem is triv-
ial but instructive. Total differentiation of
M{a) yields
dM{a) ^ df{x,a) dxja)
+ df{x(a),a)/da.
The first-order condition for an optimum
requires that df(x(a),a)/dx = O and thus
the envelope theorem follows. The first term
in (2), that is the indirect effect of a change
in a on / occurring via a change in optimal
X, is zero. Thus the effect of a change in a
on M is just the direct effect of a on / for
given X.
A graphical interpretation of the theorem
is given in Figure 1, which depicts / as a
function of x for two alternative values of a,
OQ. and a^. The optimal choices of x are XQ
and Xi, respectively, and the maximized val-
ues of the objective function / are M(aQ) =
/(^o. «o) and M(aj^) = f(x^,ai). An agent
who behaves inertially following a change in
a, leaving x fixed at XQ instead of changing
X to Xj will incur a loss, if, from his failure
to maximize equal to f(xi,ai)-f(xQ,a{)
which is obviously second-order small.
There is an intuitive explanation of this
result. The essential feature of optimal choice
is indifference at the margin. Take the case
of a consumer purchasing apples and banan-
as. At an optimum, the last dollar spent on
apples adds as much utility as the last dollar
spent on bananas. If the consumer is forced
to spend a small amount less than the opti-
mum on apples, the small amount extra he
or she can spend on bananas provides almost
perfect compensation.
More formally, writing the loss as a
Taylor-series expansion around Xj yields
tional not to the error made in setting x, but
to the square of the error. The loss can also
be expressed in terms of the change in a,
which can be thought of as a shock to the
system. Let e= a^- a^ denote the shock.
where dx(a)/da normally differs from zero.
Thus, 3
(e) =..«•"((
If there is a shock of size e, an agent who
behaves inertially makes an error which is
ordinarily proportional to e, or first-order,
and incurs a loss which is proportion to e^,
or second-order. Behavior that leads to a loss
proportional to e^, where e is a shock param-
eter, is called near-rational.
Although the envelope theorem is itself
trivial, its implications are not. In many gen-
eral equilibrium models, first-order errors in
choice variables (for example quantities de-
manded or supplied) by a fraction of agents
will cause first-order changes in such endoge-
nous variables as relative prices. These en-
dogenous variables typically enter the objec-
(3) ^ = k
The loss from failure to maximize is propor-
Varian (pp. 268-69.)
•'This follows from the fact that dx(a)/da
VOL. 75 NO. 4
tive functions of households and firms; they
are arguments in the a vector and any change
in these variables will accordingly have
welfare consequences. As long as the errors
do not just cancel out when averaged over
the population (a sensible assuinption in
many contexts), "small" departures from ra-
tionality can cause first-order changes in such
variables as prices, income distribution, or
deadweight loss.
To be more precise, let p denote an en-
dogenous variable (such as relative prices)
which enters the a vector in a particular
system under consideration. Assume that a
fraction /8 of the population fail to maximize
in a well-specified fashion. It is possible to
compute the equilibrium value of p corre-
sponding to altemative values of e and y3, so
that p can be written as p = p(E,P). Let
s{e,P) denote the difference between the
equilibrium value of p with a fraction /i of
nonmaximizers and the equilibrium value of
p with no nonmaximizers; that is, S(E,P) =
p(e,jS)-p(£,O). The function j(e,yS) gives
the systemic effect of nonmaximizing behav-
ior. Writing s(e,P) as a Taylor-series ap-
proximation around the point (0, ^8) yields
Methodology of the Examples. The methodol-
ogy employed in each of the next sections is
identical and can be outlined briefly. First, a
simple model is constructed and its equi-
librium is calculated under the assumption of
full maximization by all agents. Second, the
system is shocked in a specific way in amount
e. Third, the values of relevant endogenous
variables are computed in the equilibrium of
this model on the assumption that a fraction
P of agents fail to maximize in a well-
specified way. Finally, two questions are
posed: first, is the assumed behavior by non-
maximizers near-rational? In all cases, the
answer is yes and can be demonstrated by
showing that the loss from failure to maxi-
mize is second-order: SC(E) =• SC"{O)t^. Since
it is always the case in these examples that
i?(0) = 0, it is only necessary to demonstrate
that .S?"(0) = 0. This follows from the en-
velope theorem and in most cases proof will
therefore be omitted. Second, does the equi-
librium of the system corresponding to strict
maximization by all agents (j8 = 0) differ by
a first-order amount from the equilibrium of
the system when there are a fraction yS of
nonmaximizers? This involves showing that
Some Caveats. Some caveats are in order
concerning the appropriate interpretation of
our results. In each example we show that
the ratio of the systemic effect of nonmaxi-
mization to the individual loss from non-
maximization approaches infinity as e ap-
proaches zero. The potential for applying the
logic of the envelope theorem in any context
where maximizing behavior normally occurs
suggests that our theorem could have almost
unlimited applications. But for the theorem
to have practical relevance, it must be true
for finite values of e, corresponding to eco-
nomically noticeable shocks, and not just for
infinitesimal e, that the ratio R(e,P) is
"large." The behavior of i? as e increases
depends critically on the magnitudes of
.Sf"(«) and ds(E,P)/de in the neighborhood
of e = 0. If .Sf"(O) is extremely large, or if the
flrst partial of s is very small, the ratio of the
systemic effect to the individual loss will
diminish rapidly as e increases, limiting the
applicability of our inflnitesimal results. The
As we demonstrate by example in Sections
II-IV, there are many models in which the
individual losses due to the assumed devia-
tions from maximization are approximately
proportional to e^ (second-order), but the
function s(e,l3) has a flrst partial derivative
that is nonvanishing. In such cases, the sys-
temic effect of nonmaximization is ap-
proximately proportional to e, or first-order;
the systemic effect of nonmaximization is an
order of magnitude larger than the individ-
ual losses. This implies that the ratio, de-
noted Rie,^), of the "systemic effect" of
nonmEiximizing behavior to the individual
loss approaches infinity as e approaches zero.
simulations presented in Sections II and III
provide a simple way of evaluating the be-
havior of this ratio for finite e in some specific
models for reasonable parameter choices. In
these models the ratio of effects remains
large for "significant" e. Economic intuition
suggests, however, that there will be cir-
cumstances in which i?"(e) is quite large or
5.s(e,j8)/5e small."
Markets which are close to perfectly com-
petitive provide an obvious example in which
.Sf"(e) is large. Consider the case of a mo-
nopolistically competitive firm setting its
price. If the firm charges a price above the
optimum, sales and profits fall. In the limit-
ing case of perfect competition, sales plum-
met to zero and profits drop discontinuously.
A price below the optimum raises sales but
lowers profits. In the Umiting case of perfect
competition in which potential sales at the
market price are unlimited, price cuts lower
profits by an amount which is proportional
to the error in pricing. In effect, the function
relating lost profits to price errors has an
extremely large second derivative.
It is equally easy to envision cases in which
nonmaximizing behavior by a significant
fraction of the population would have only a
minor effect on the equilibrium of the system
so that ds(e,P)/de is small. Suppose, for
example, that a significant minority of ra-
tional market participants regards two goods
or assets as perfect substitutes at a given
price ratio; the opinions of such agents is apt
to dictate the market outcome even in the
presence of a substantial fraction of irra-
tional or nonmaximizing agents. Financial
markets provide the obvious example of a
context in which "efficient market" outcomes
can be achieved as long as some rational
arbitrageurs operate in the market. More
generally, the recent work of Haltiwanger
and Waldman shows that in any market
which can be characterized as one with "con-
gestion effects," it will be tme that sophis-
ticated or maximizing agents will have a
disproportionately large effect on the equi-
librium. In these circumstances, ds(e,P)/d£
is small. With the preceding words of warn-
ing, we now proceed to our first example.
II. Near-Rational Behavior in a
Pure Exchange Economy
The first example concerns the canonical
case of a pure exchange economy. A fraction
of individuals are assumed to demand one
good inertially, following an endowment
shock. This form of nonmaximizing behavior
is near-rational. The consequences of inertial
behavior for income distribution are first-
order, however. In comparison with the equi-
hbrium in which all agents maximize, it tums
out that some people are better off and some
worse off. There is a first-order movement
along the utility possibility frontier (but only
a second-order movement away from it).
The Initial Equilibrium. Consider an econ-
omy with equal numbers of consumers of
two types and two goods denoted by sub-
scripts 1 and 2. Consumers of groups 1 and 2
have utihty [/(xj, X2) and V(y^, y2), respec-
tively, and have initial endowments (3ci, jcj)
and (Ji, J2), respectively. Let p denote the
relative price of good 2. The equilibrium
value of p is determined by the condition
that excess demand for each good be zero.
Let the superscript o denote the values of
variables in the initial (long-run) equi-
hbrium, in which all agents maximize utility.
The Shock. It is then assumed that an en-
dowment shock occurs. Many different alter-
natives could be considered. We consider the
special case in which each individual's en-
dowment of good 2 increases by a fraction e.
The new endowment vectors are accordingly
(xi, ^2(1 + e)), (J^i, J'2(l + e))- A fraction fi
of both type-1 and type-2 consumers have
inertial consumption of good 2, their con-
sumption being x| and y2, respectively.
Two propositions will be demonstrated.
According to Proposition 1, the individual
•"In our examples, for given parameter values there
always exists a band of e values such that \R\ exceeds
any specified value within the band. However, as the
referees have pointed out to us, in most examples, it is
possible to select extreme parameter values which make
\R\ arbitrarily small for any (e,P) pair, «> 0.
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