
(40 KB) Pobierz
00:00:00:Herr Direktor,|I was just helping Lisiek|to find something...
00:00:04:to clean the stains|from the Herr Kommandant's|bathtub.
00:00:07:Go, please.|Pardon me,|Herr Direktor.
00:00:13:You don't have to report|to me, Helen.
00:00:16:You know who I am?|Hmm?
00:00:28:I'm Schindler.
00:00:31:Of course.|I-I have heard and...
00:00:34:you have|been here before.
00:00:39:Here, why don't you|keep this someplace?
00:00:43:Go on, take it.|I get extra food here.
00:00:46:Well, if you don't|want to eat it, trade it.|Or give it to Lisiek.
00:00:54:Why not|build yourself up?
00:01:01:My first day here,|he beat me...
00:01:05:because I threw out|the bones from dinner.
00:01:12:He came down to the basement|at midnight, and he--
00:01:16:he asked me|where they were.
00:01:22:For his dogs,|you understand.
00:01:28:I said to him, I--|I don't know how I say this.
00:01:33:I never could say it now--|I said to him,
00:01:36:"Why are you beating me?"
00:01:42:He said, "The reason|I beat you now...
00:01:46:is because you ask|why I beat you."
00:01:51:I know your|sufferings, Helen.
00:01:57:It doesn't matter.
00:02:01:I have accepted them.
00:02:04:Accepted them?
00:02:08:One day|he will shoot me.
00:02:10:No, no, no, no,|he won't shoot you.
00:02:13:I know.|I see things.
00:02:17:We were on the roof on Monday,|young Lisiek and I,
00:02:20:and we saw the Herr Kommandant|come out of the front door...
00:02:24:and down the steps by the patio|right there below us and--
00:02:29:and there on the steps|he drew his gun and he...
00:02:34:shot a woman|who was passing by.
00:02:38:A woman carrying a bundle.|Through the throat.
00:02:42:Just-- Just a woman|on her way somewhere,|you know.
00:02:46:She was no fatter|or thinner...
00:02:50:or slower or faster|than anyone else,
00:02:52:and I couldn't guess|what had she done.
00:03:01:The more you see|of the Herr Kommandant,
00:03:04:the more you see|there is no set rules|that you can live by.
00:03:09:You can't say to yourself,|"If I follow these rules,|I will be safe."
00:03:18:He won't shoot you|because he enjoys you|too much.
00:03:22:He enjoys you so much|he won't even let you|wear the star.
00:03:26:He doesn't want|anyone else to know...
00:03:29:it's a Jew|he's enjoying.
00:03:35:He shot the woman|from the steps...
00:03:38:because she meant|nothing to him.
00:03:41:She was|one of a series,
00:03:44:neither offending|or pleasing him.
00:03:51:But you, Helen.
00:03:57:It's all right.|It's not that kind|of a kiss.
00:04:06:Thank you.
00:04:22:Right. The wine.
00:04:32:Wonderful party, Amon.|Thank you.
00:04:43:Why do you drink|that motor oil?
00:04:46:Hmm? I send you|good stuff all the time.
00:04:49:Your liver's|going to explode|like a hand grenade.
00:04:53:The more I look at you--
00:04:56:I watch you.
00:05:00:You're never drunk.
00:05:02:Oh, that's--
00:05:06:that's real control.
00:05:10:Control is power.
00:05:13:That's power.
00:05:19:Is that why they fear us?
00:05:23:We have the fucking|power to kill, that's|why they fear us.
00:05:28:They fear us because|we have the power|to kill arbitrarily.
00:05:32:A man commits a crime,|he should know better.
00:05:34:We have him killed,|and feel good about it.
00:05:37:Or we kill him ourselves|and we feel even better.
00:05:42:That's not power,|though.
00:05:45:That's justice.|It's different than power.
00:05:52:Power is when we have every|justification to kill...
00:05:57:and we don't.
00:06:00:You think that's power?
00:06:05:That's what the emperors had.|A man stole something,
00:06:08:he's brought in|before the emperor,
00:06:10:he throws himself|down on the ground,|he begs for mercy.
00:06:14:He knows|he's going to die.
00:06:20:And the emperor...|pardons him.
00:06:24:This worthless man.|He lets him go.
00:06:31:I think you are drunk.
00:06:35:That's power, Amon.
00:06:38:That... is power.
00:06:49:Amon the Good.
00:06:55:I pardon you.
00:07:04:What do they want?
00:07:06:I don't know,|but they're in my office now|reviewing our books.
00:07:10:As my accountant, tell me,|should I be alarmed...
00:07:13:that the auditors|are reviewing my books?|Well--
00:07:16:Or have you done|your job properly?|You needn't be alarmed.
00:07:19:I needn't be alarmed.
00:07:24:I'm sorry, sir.
00:07:26:Do you know how much|this saddle is worth?
00:07:28:Do you know how much|it costs?
00:07:36:All right.
00:07:40:All right.
00:07:45:Stern, what the hell are you|doing following me around?
00:07:57:Barracken eins, elf,
00:08:01:fuenfzehn und zwounddreissig...
00:08:03:am Appellplatz melden.
00:08:34:She was smoking|on the job.
00:08:40:Tell her not to do it again.
00:08:59:I have to report, sir,
00:09:02:I've been unable to remove|the stains from your bathtub.
00:09:10:What are you using, Lisiek?|Soap, Commandant.
00:09:16:Soap? Not lye?
00:09:28:Go ahead, go on, leave.|Leave, I pardon you.
00:09:54:I pardon you.
00:11:48:Although I am not a rabbi,|in these circumstances...
00:11:52:I pray to the Almighty|that you will forgive me...
00:11:55:if I intone the blessings.
00:11:58:Baruch ata Hsham eloiyni|melech hoylam...
00:12:01:asher ztivonee|al aariuouth.
00:12:04:Vouser lanou at harosth,|Vhesserlanou at hansooes...
00:12:07:lanou al yaday cheepah|ve kidesheem.
00:12:10:# Milosc tak pieknie tlumaczy #
00:12:18:# Zdrade i klamstwo i grzech #
00:12:25:# Choc bys ja przeklal|w rozpaczy #
00:12:31:## Zejest okrutna i zla ##
00:12:37:## Milosc ci wszystko wybaczy ##
00:12:45:# Bo milosc moj mily to ja #
00:12:53:this is where you come|to hide from me.
00:12:57:I came to tell you...
00:13:00:that you, um, you really are|a wonderful cook...
00:13:04:and a well-trained servant.
00:13:07:I mean it.|If you need a reference|after the war,
00:13:12:I'd be-- I'd be happy|to give you one.
00:13:17:It must get lonely|down here...
00:13:19:when you're listening|to everyone upstairs|having such a good time.
00:13:31:Does it?
00:13:35:You can answer.
00:13:39:But what's the right answer?|That's what you're thinking.
00:13:44:What does he want to hear?
00:13:52:The truth, Helen,|is always the right answer.
00:13:59:Y-Yes, you're right.
00:14:02:Sometimes|we're both lonely.
00:14:05:Yes. I--
00:14:08:I mean--
00:14:19:I would like so much to...
00:14:22:reach out and touch you|in your loneliness.
00:14:26:Wh-What would that be like,|I wonder? I mean...
00:14:30:what would be wrong with that?
00:14:33:I realize that you're not|a-a person in the--
00:14:38:the strictest sense|of the word, but--
00:14:41:No, maybe you're right|about that too, you know.
00:14:44:Maybe what's--|what's wrong isn't--
00:14:49:It's not us.
00:14:52:It's no--|It's this.
00:14:57:I mean, when they|compare you to--
00:15:01:to, uh, vermin|and to rodents and to lice...
00:15:06:I just, uh--
00:15:13:N-No, you-you make|a good point.
00:15:16:You make|a very good point.
00:15:27:Is this the face|of a rat?
00:15:32:Are these the eyes|of a rat?
00:15:35:# Milosc... #
00:15:38:Hath not a Jew eyes?
00:15:40:# Ci wszystko wybaczy #
00:15:46:# Bo milosc moj mily #
00:15:56:I feel for you, Helen.
00:16:03:## Toja ####
00:16:17:No, I don't think so.
00:16:21:You're a Jewish bitch.
00:16:26:You nearly talked me into it,|Helen, didn't you?
00:16:35:- Bravo.
00:16:54:Hoch! Hoch! Hoch!
00:17:00:- Jawohl!|- Hoch! Hoch!
00:17:12:On behalf of the--|of the workers, sir,
00:17:15:I, I wish for you|a happy birthday.
00:17:18:Happy birthday.
00:17:20:Well, thank|the staff, please.
00:17:23:Thank you very much|for the lovely cake.
00:17:43:Thank you very much.|Tell them thank you from me.
00:17:56:## To ostatnia niedziela ##
00:18:00:##Dzisiaj sie rozstaniemy ##
00:18:03:The trains arrived|and the people were|driven out with clubs.
00:18:08:They were lined up in front|of two big warehouses.
00:18:13:One was marked "Cloak Room,"|and the other "Valuables."
00:18:17:And there they|were made to undress.
00:18:20:A Jewish boy handed them|pieces of string to tie|their shoes together.
00:18:24:They shaved their hair.
00:18:27:They told them it was needed|to make something special|for U-boat crews.
00:18:32:And then they were herded|down a big corridor...
00:18:36:to bunkers with|Stars of David on the doors,
00:18:40:and signs that said|"Bath and Inhalation Room."
00:18:44:SS gave them soap.
00:18:47:They told them to|breathe all the time because|it's good for disinfecting.
00:18:52:And then they gassed them.
00:18:56:Mila, why soaps?
00:18:59:So that they would agree|to go in, I think.
00:19:01:Come on, Mila, stop it.|Your bedtime stories|are scaring everyone.
00:19:05:I just don't believe it.|Ja. You know|it's ridiculous.
00:19:08:I don't believe it|either.|I cannot believe it.
00:19:10:I didn't say I believed it.|I said I heard it.
00:19:13:From who?|From somebody who heard it|from someone who was there.
00:19:16:You know,|if they were there,
00:19:19:they would|have been gassed.
00:19:21:Yes.|It doesn't|make any sense.
00:19:24:We're their work force.
00:19:27:What sense does it make|to kill your own work force?
00:19:30:To go to all this trouble|of assembling a work force|only to--
00:19:35:No, it can't be true.
00:19:39:We are very, very|important for them.
00:19:42:Ja, we do now.|Good night.
00:19:45:Good night.|Good night.|Sweet dreams.
00:19:57:Attention, attention.
00:20:00:Everyone who is alive...
00:20:02:is to come|to the Appellplatz.
00:20:06:Attention, attention.|Come, we have to go|to the Appellplatz.
00:20:11:Everyone who is alive...|The listmakers are here.
00:20:12:is to come to the Appellplatz.|There is going|to be a selection.
00:20:15:Attention, attention.|Everyone who is alive...
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