1000 Best Dog Training Secrets.pdf

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1000 Best Dog Training Secrets
* Housebreaking made easy
* Tips for dogs of all ages—from puppies
to geriatrics
* Effective obedience training techniques
* Teach good manners
* Fun tricks you can teach your dog at home
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1000 Best
Dog Training
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Copyright © 2006 by Robyn Achey and Bill Gorton
Cover and internal design © 2006 by Sourcebooks, Inc.
Cover images © Brand X Pictures, Digital Vision
Internal images © Brand X Pictures, Digital Vision, Art
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Published by Sourcebooks, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Achey, Robyn.
1000 best dog training secrets / Robyn Achey and Bill Gorton.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4022-2016-6
ISBN-10: 1-4022-2016-2
1. Dogs--Training. I. Gorton, Bill. II. Title. III. Title: One thou-
sand best dog training secrets.
SF431.A24 2006
Printed and bound in Canada.
WC 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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We dedicate this book to:
Our clients and their dogs. We fall in love with
every dog we teach, for they each come to us with
a valuable lesson. This lesson may come in the
form of learning about dogs, it may come in the
form of learning about people, and it may come in
the form of learning about ourselves. Our clients
and their dogs teach us to use our hearts and our
heads in good combination and balance.
Our own personal animals with whom we’ve
journeyed over the years. Their lessons are
imprinted on our hearts and we are forever con-
nected to them.
The beloved animals now in our lives who
have devoted themselves to our companionship.
They’ve waited and watched patiently as we cre-
ated this manuscript. At times they offered a
needed break from writing, at other times a sim-
ple “lean” or gentle kiss to offer adoration and
Finally, each other for our patience and devo-
tion to our partnership, which is Tall Tails Train-
ing. Our friendship has proven that you can, in
fact, teach “old” dogs new tricks!
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