American History.doc

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1) First Americans - Pre-Columbian America /


1)     First Americans - Pre-Columbian America /

Aboriginal America

a)       Linguistics and archeology as pre-history

b)       Asiatic migration - Bering Land Bridge,etc.

c)       Two up to three waves of migration –

Paleo-Indians; The Innuits; The Aleuts

d)       Big-Game Hunting Tradition

e)       Great South American Pre-Columbian

: The Mayans, The Incas, The Olmecs, The Aztecs

f)        North American Aboriginal Cultures

i)                     Archaic Period

ii)                   Woodland Period

iii)                  Mississipian cultures

g)       Burial Mounds

h)       Temple Mounds

i)         Ancient Pueblo - Anasazi

2)    "The Encounter" (1492 -- )

a)       The European origins of the conquest

b)       First Spanish expeditions

c)       Spanish Conquest

d)       European colonies in America

3)     British attempts at settlement

a)       John Cabot

b)       Walter Raleigh

c)       Martin Fribisher

d)       others

4)     First British colonies

a)       Context  - social, economic, etc., people, etc.

b)       Jamestown, Virginia, J. Smith, etc.

c)       The Pilgrims

d)       Middle colonies

e)       New England

f)        Relationships with Indians

5)     Colonial America

a)       The development of colonies

i)                     Economic development

ii)                   Political development

b)       Issues of race in the colonial period

i)                     Indian wars

ii)                   Issues of slavery

6)     American Revolution

a)       Context and origins - social, economic,

philosophical, etc., people, etc.

i)                     The political and economic reality

before the Revolution

ii)              Sugar Act

iii)            Tea Act

iv)                 Stamp Act

v)                   Quebec Act

vi)                 Currency Act

vii)                Intolerable Laws

viii)              Boston Tea Party

ix)                  Stamp Act Congress

x)                    Committees of Correspondence

xi)                  Sons of Liberty

xii)                 First Continental Congress

xiii)               Second Continental Congress

b)       Declaration of Independence

c)       Articles of Confederation

d)       The Constitutional Convention

i)               ...

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