Late Night Encounters by kyla713.pdf

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Disclaimer: I obviously am not Stephenie Meyer, so I don't own anything Twilight... other than my
multiple copies of the books and movies, and my wild imagination involving these characters.
*Promise Kept and Viva Las Vegas outtakes at the end of the story
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Late Night Encounters 1 ~ The Unknown
Finally home. I had chosen my profession to save lives and in exchange, it felt as if I were sacrificing my
sanity. Being the chief resident of the ER wasn't easy, as it was never meant to be, but that day in particular
seemed to just take the cake. Surrounded by interns who didn't even look old enough to be out of high
school yet, the nurses who were making not so subtle attempts to flirt with me, and then on top of it all,
my best friend, Emmett, busting my balls about needing to get out and get laid. He and I had been friends
since I was an intern myself and he was working his way through medical school as an orderly. He had
eventually dropped out of med school and kept the job, and we had worked for many years together in the
ER. And I had endured just as many years of him being on my ass about my lackluster sex life.
To be honest, I couldn't totally disagree with him. The last time I'd had sex was with Tanya six months ago
before that relationship went up in smoke, just like the rest of them. But even that had never been
exceedingly gratifying; very routine and unadventurous. Beyond that, it was difficult to find a woman who
would tolerate the long hours and my pager going off at all hours of the night, so I'd just given up entirely.
But I also didn't get off on random encounters, either. I needed a connection with a woman, and for that,
Emmett called me soft.
I fell back onto my couch, enjoying the feel of finally sitting down somewhere other than my car and rested
my head back. Reaching into the front pocket of my scrubs to grab my cigarettes, I heard a piece of paper
crinkle and fall beside me. I picked it up and opened it, immediately seeing Emmett's handwriting and
Ed, seriously man. You're too uptight lately. If you're not gonna come out with the guys, at least try this out.
Might ease you up a bit.
I glanced below the note to see a cybersex website written there and quickly crumpled it, casting it aside on
the couch. Dammit Emmett, I groaned internally, tossing my pack of cigarettes on the table and opting for a
shower instead.
As I stepped inside moments later, I tried to focus on the hot jets relaxing the muscles in my neck. But
thoughts of that slip of paper kept creeping into my mind, and before I realized it, I was hard. Was I really
that desperate?
It's been six months, my inner voice chanted in. Even your porn collection is getting lonely.
My porn collection. Courtesy of Emmett, of course. I knew I needed to get off, but porn just didn't do it for
me. Even then, standing in the shower, rock hard and trying to picture the images in my head of writhing
and moaning women as I was jerking off for some relief... nothing. I groaned in frustration and released my
hand from my throbbing cock, trying to think of anything non-sexualIcouldpossiblyconjureFootball
MomEmmettsmom shit , wrong direction. Mrs. McCarty was hot, as much as I knew I should not have
thought that way of my friend's mother. I gave up and just continued showering to get it over with.
When I had finally finished showering and grabbed my Corona from the kitchen, the crumbled piece of
paper on the couch caught my eye as I passed on my way to check my email before I turned in. I am not
that desperate , I said to myself as I grabbed my smokes and then settled down into the leather chair at my
desk. I clicked on my email and lit a cigarette, and then began choking on the first drag as I looked up to the
first message.
Subject: Enlarge your manhood .
Have her screaming all night.
Damn spam filter failing on me again. Exactly not what I needed to be thinking about. I was having enough
trouble with what I already had, as it sent me another painful reminder of its presence.
"What the hell," I grumbled, setting my cigarette down in the ashtray and walking over to the couch before
I could change my mind. I grabbed the ball of paper and sat back down at my desk, flattening it out before
typing in the address.
"I'm going to kill you, Emmett," I muttered before hitting 'enter'.
Find partners for sex chat, webcam sex, phone sex. Sign up for free today!
"Shit, I can't believe I'm doing this," I said to myself as I dragged my cursor over to the 'Register Now!' link,
and began filling in my information.
Choose a screenname
Ah hell.
Well, those nurses and interns always comment on your eyes, that internal voice was encouraging me way
too much for my liking.
"GreeneyedDoc," I read aloud as I typed it in, and clicked to check the availability. And naturally, it was
I read through the list of suggestions and finally ran across one that was easy to remember. As if I was ever
planning to do this again; it was solely to get Emmett off my ass. Grneyeddoc1981.
I typed in a password and clicked submit and just like that, I had officially become one of those guys;
scouring the net to find pussy when there was none to be found locally. I began my search through the list
of women, most of them mainly looking to chat. But some went into even more explicit detail. Mutual
webcam masturbation is a major turn on for me. Watchmeshovea9dildoupmy
Okay, that was definitely something I wanted to avoid. Maybe I should be more specific, even if it gets
deleted tomorrow.
28-year-old SWM, experimenting in something new. Fan fiction writer who tames lions in his spare time.
Aspiring horticulturalist, voted most likely to induce spontaneous ovulation by use of tongue.
Completely ridiculous bullshit, obviously. Who actually bought into that crap anyway? And then, a chat box
suddenly appeared in the corner of my screen. BellaNova. Interesting.
BellaNova: Hey there.
I took a deep breath and brought my hands back to the keys. Here goes nothing.
Grneyeddoc1981: hi
Grneyeddoc1981: that obvious?
BellaNova: haha I've been on here for a few hours, and you only just now appeared.
Grneyeddoc1981: you said 'too', so you are as well?
My eyes widened at her forwardness. But then, I rolled my eyes at myself. What other reason do people
have for coming to this site, dumbass .
BellaNova: hello?
Grneyeddoc1981: me too
Grneyeddoc1981: yes, I am a doctor. why?
BellaNovaIlikescrubseasyaccess. What would you have me do to you right now?
Well, that was a loaded question. What would I have her do to me? Looking down at my erection beginning
to poke through my boxers, only one thing came to mind.
Grneyeddoc1981: I want your pretty mouth on my cock
Holy shit! What was wrong with me? I never spoke to women this way, ever ; let alone a complete stranger.
I kept watching the screen, waiting for her to disconnect.
BellaNova: take it out for me
I felt my cock twitch at the sight of those words and grow invariably harder. Maybe this won't be such a bad
idea after all. I lifted my hips to lower my boxers, releasing my erection.
BellaNova: is it out?
Grneyeddoc1981: yes
BellaNova: you have some lube?
Grneyeddoc1981: yes
BellaNova: I want you to put some in yourhandforme
I quickly grabbed my lube out of my bedside table and returned to my desk. I couldn't believe how
incredibly turned on I was by this faceless woman, who was making me hornier than any I had ever
physically been with. I unscrewed the cap and placed some in my hand.
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