Info + Key.txt

(1 KB) Pobierz
Serial: TE25-VYM8-KCVI-MBH7-ET2W

Potrzebujemy plik bmp w rozdzielczości 1920x1080 (najlepiej w takiej - boot logo, lub 720x576 - radio logo...)

Programem TMPGEnc wczytujemy obrazek (Video source) 
Ustawiamy parametry (Setting) 
Stream type: MPEG-2 Video fps na 29,97 (25.00), Rate control Mode Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
Bitrate 30000 (6000), Main Profile & Main Level (MP@HL) (MP@ML - 720x576) 
Jako output stream type zaznaczamy ES (Video only). 
Klikamy start i już mamy gotowe logo .m2v. 

I teraz przy użyciu programu Upgrade Tool 2.0.0 wgrywamy logo. 
(Wybieramy boot logo, wskazujemy plik .m2v). 


Boot Logo
Wideo Size:   1920x1080
FrameRate:    29.970 fps
Aspect ratio: 16:9
BitRate:      30.0 Mbps

Radio Logo (boot logo...)
Wideo Size:   720x576
FrameRate:    25.000 fps
Aspect ratio: 4:3
BitRate:      około 6 000 Kbps (rozmiar na dysku około 32,0 KB - ograniczone miejsce na logo w software)

We need a bmp file with a resolution of 1920x1080 (preferably in that - the boot logo, or 720x576 - Radio logo ...)

TMPGEnc program load the image (video source)
We set the parameters (Setting)
Stream type: MPEG-2 video at 29.97 fps (25.00), Rate Control Mode Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
Bitrate 30000 (6000), Main Profile & Main Level (MP @ HL) (MP @ ML - 720x576)
As the output stream type select ES (Video only).
Click Start, and we already have the logo ready. m2v.

And now using the Upgrade Tool 2.0.0 upload a logo.
(Select the boot logo, select file. m2v).


Boot Logo
Video Size: 1920x1080
Framerate: 29.970 fps
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Bitrate: 30.0 Mbps

Radio Logos (boot logo ...)
Video Size: 720x576
Framerate: 25.000 fps
Aspect ratio: 4:3
BitRate: about 6 000 Kbps (about the size on disk 32.0 KB - limited space for the logo in the software)
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