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Stowarzyszenie Naukowe im. Stanis³awa Staszica
Wydzia³ Geologii, Geoizyki i Ochrony Œrodowiska
Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej
1 ( 12 ) • 2008
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nr 1 (12) • 2008 r.
Spis treści • Contents
Νickolas C. Zouros
European Geoparks Network : transnational collaboration
on Earth heritage protection, geotourism and local development ................................... 3
Europejska Sieć Geoparków (European Geoparks Network, EGN)
– ponadnarodowa współpraca w zakresie ochrony dziedzictwa Ziemi,
geoturystyki i rozwoju lokalnych społeczności)
Gabriella Rago
Geoparks and international co-operation ......................................................................... 23
Geoparki i współpraca międzynarodowa
Marek W. Lorenc, Ainsley Cocks
Inscribing a landscape: the Cornish Mining World Heritage Site .................................. 27
Wpisywanie krajobrazu: Stanowisko Światowego Dziedzictwa Górniczego Kornwalii
Janusz Skoczylas
Adaptacja dawnego kamieniołomu wapienia
na Malcie dla potrzeb turystyki ......................................................................................... 41
Adaptation of the old limestone quarry in Malta for tourism
Anna Waśkowska, Jan Golonka, Sławomir Bębenek
Jezioro Szkoderskie – osobliwość półwyspu bałkańskiego .............................................. 49
jest czasopismem naukowym Stowarzyszenia Naukowego im. Stanisława Staszica, wydawanym wspólnie z Wydziałem
Geologii, Geoizyki i Ochrony Środowiska Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej, ukazującym się jako kwartalnik w kolejnych
adres e-mailowy :
Redaguje zespół w składzie:
Tadeusz Słomka (redaktor naczelny), Marek Doktor (sekretarz), Mariusz Szelerewicz (redaktor techniczny),
Jan Golonka, Andrzej Joniec, Alicja Kicińska, Wojciech Mayer, Paweł Różycki, Elżbieta Słomka
Rada Redakcyjna :
Tadeusz Burzyński, Janusz Dąbrowski, Henryk Jacek Jezierski, Anna Nowakowska,
Krystian Probierz, Pavol Rybar, Tadeusz Słomka, Antoni Tajduś, Janusz Zdebski
Adres Redakcji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza,
Wydział Geologii, Geoizyki i Ochrony Środowiska,
Katedra Geologii Ogólnej, Ochrony Środowiska i Geoturystyki;
al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków
Na ten adres należy wysyłać rękopisy, korekty i wszelką korespondencję dotyczącą redagowania pisma.
Skład i łamanie: Firma Rysunkowa Szelerewicz,
Druk: Drukarnia Leyko
Wydano ze środków Stowarzyszenia Naukowego im. Stanisława Staszica
z pomocą inansową Rektora Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej i Wydziału Geologii, Geoizyki i Ochrony Środowiska
© Copyright by Stowarzyszenie Naukowe im. Stanisława Staszica, Kraków 2008
PL ISSN 1731-0830
Nakład 1000 egz.
Geoturystyka 1 (12) 2008: 3-22
European Geoparks Network : transnational collaboration
on Earth heritage protection, geotourism and local development
Europejska Sieć Geoparków (European Geoparks Network, EGN)
– ponadnarodowa współpraca w zakresie ochrony dziedzictwa Ziemi,
geoturystyki i rozwoju lokalnych społeczności
Νickolas C. Zouros
Department of Geography, University of the Aegean, GR – 81100, Greece
Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petriied Forest, Lesvos, GR – 81112, Greece
Abstract: Recently, a new initiative aiming at the protection,
promotion and rational management of geosites and the
sustainable development of their broader hosting territories was
established in Europe by the creation of Geoparks, in close synergy
with the UNESCO.
The European Geoparks Network (EGN) founded in 2000 is a
European forum of cooperation between geoparks supported by
the EU initiatives and focused on promotion of both the European
Earth heritage conservation and the sustainable local development
through geotourism.
The European Geoparks are involved in common actions and in
development of strategies aiming to promote alternative tourism
by evolving new development policies, new products and new
methods, experimenting on these issues and working on preserving
of geological heritage.
Due to geoparks operation in several European countries
geotourism has been growing rapidly during the last decade.
Geoparks contribute signiicantly to the local economy by creating
new jobs and establishing close collaborations with local tourist
enterprises, artisans and women’s cooperatives producing local
food and drinks.
Key words: Geopark, Earth heritage, geoconservation,
educational activities, geotourism.
Since 1872 when the irst national park has been established
by the creation of the Yellowstone National Park in the USA,
in one of the most attractive and emblematic geological lo-
calities in the world, a number of geosites of outstanding
scientiic and aesthetic value have been protected in several
countries by national legislations for their unique character-
istics . Examples include Mount Vesuvius in Italy, Meteora
in Greece, the Fiords in Norway, the Verdon gorge in France,
the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland, the Dorset coast
in England, the Niagara Falls in Canada, the Devil’s tower,
the Dinosaur National Monument, the Petriied Forest and
the Grand Canyon in the USA.
The 1972 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the
World Cultural and Natural Heritage provided the appropri-
ate framework for the protection of exceptional and unique
geological localities, although the lack of a broader sensitiv-
ity on Earth heritage led to a misrepresentation of geo-sites
included into the World Heritage List.
Even if important geosites deserved legal protection by
national legislations in several countries, abiotic nature in
general as well as speciic geosites, failed to gain attention
autonomously as elements of value for conservation and
management within nature conservation strategies
The 1991 Digne Conference and the “International declara-
tion of the rights of the memory of the Earth” was the starting
point for the development of new international initiatives and
projects aiming at protection geological heritage.
However, during the last decade a new initiative has been
established which aims at the protection, promotion and ra-
tional management of geosites, and the sustainable develop-
ment of their broader hosting territories through the creation
of Geoparks.
The European Geoparks Network has been established in
2000. Other Geopark initiatives were also established in
China (Zhao Xun et al. 2004) and Switzerland (Reynard et
al . 2004). In 2004 the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) was
established by theUNESCO.
Treść: Najnowsza europejska inicjatywa tworzenia Geoparków,
podjęta w ścisłej współpracy z UNESCO, ma na celu promocję,
ochronę i racjonalne zarządzanie europejskim dziedzictwem
geologicznym oraz zrównoważony rozwój obszarów przylegających
do obiektów przyrody nieożywionej przy pomocy geoturystyki.
Geoparki europejskie uczestniczą w wielu wspólnych akcjach i
rozwijają strategie działań promujących turystykę alternatywną.
Działania te to nowa polityka rozwoju obszarów wiejskich,
nowe produkty turystyczne, nowe metody zarządzania, a także
eksperymentalne akcje w różnych dziedzinach i praca nad
zachowaniem dziedzictwa geologicznego Ziemi.
Dzięki działalności geoparków w ostatnich 10 latach obserwujemy
szybki rozwój geoturystyki w wielu krajach europejskich. Geoparki
przyczyniły się znacząco do rozwoju ekonomicznego lokalnych
społeczności poprzez tworzenie nowych miejsc pracy i ścisłą
współpracę z miejscowymi przedsiębiorstwami turystycznymi,
rzemieślnikami i spółdzielniami produkującymi lokalne potrawy
i napoje.
Słowa kluczowe: geoparki, dziedzictwo Ziemi, ochrona obiektów
geologicznych, działalność dydaktyczna, geoturystyka
European Geoparks Network
The European Geoparks initiative
A massive amount of work carried out during the following
years led to the deinition of the “European Geopark” concept
and the establishment of the European Geoparks Network
(EGN) in June, 2000. For the irst time this new concept
linked the scientiic efforts in protection and conservation of
geosites with the development priorities and the needs of the
local communities living in the protected territory. The idea
behind this initiative is that true sustainable territorial deve-
lopment can be achieved through the protection and promotion
of Earth heritage, which can be valorized for scientiic, edu-
cational and touristic activities. Furthermore, the sustainable
development of a territory was considered as a presupposition
for the success of a conservation strategy. The main guideli-
nes used in this effort were in good agreement with those
created by the UNESCO’s Division of Earth Sciences for
creation of the UNESCO geoparks, an initiative that started
in 1997 but failed to become the UNESCO’s Geoparks Pro-
Discussions of the need of a new initiative on Earth heri-
tage protection and conservation by collaboration between
European territories have arose in 1996. The idea has emerged
during the 30 th International Geological Congress held in
Beijing, precisely at the Symposium on the protection of the
Geological Heritage. It was agreed that the scientiic commu-
nity alone has not has suficient power and recourses to
achieve the sustainable management of geological heritage
without strong involvement and participation of local com-
munities. Representatives of four European territories from
different European Countries — the Reserve Geologique de
Haute-Provence – France, the Petriied Forest of Lesvos – Gre-
ece, the Geopark Gerolstein / Vulkaneifel – Germany, and the
Maestrazgo Cultural Park - Spain — all representing a parti-
cular geological and geomorphological heritage have started a
transnational cooperation in the idea of sustainable local deve-
lopment based on geoconcervation and promotion of Earth
heritage, with the support of the E.U. initiative LEADER II.
The four partners are rural areas with important geosites,
natural beauty and high cultural potential but poorly protec-
ted and evaluated. They also have similar socio-economic
characteristics and all of them face problems of slow econo-
mic development, unemployment and a high level of emigra-
tion. Facing similar problems the managing authorities of the
geological reserves, natural parks and museums in these four
areas decided to strengthen their collaboration in order to
achieve better results. This collaboration included studies,
meetings, ield visits and sharing of information, expertise,
methodologies, and certain operation tools in the ields of
geoconservation, landscape management, organization of
geotouristic and educational activities and Earth heritage
promotion. The analysis of characteristics, perspectives and
problems of each territory led to the deinition of a common
development strategy focused on geotourism.
The European Geoparks Network
The European Geoparks Network (EGN) has been estab-
lished through a convention signed on Lesvos Island, Greece
aiming in protection and enhancement of the European Earth
heritage and promotion of a sustainable local development
through geotourism (Zouros et al., 2003; Zouros, 2004). From
the very beginning the four founding members recognized
that such an initiative must be open to all European territories
sharing the same ideas, must be organized in democratic
structure and must have transparent guidelines and procedures
for all new partners.
The EGN declaration established the main characteristics
and criteria for the designation of a territory as a “European
Main objectives of the EGN are : the multi- and bi-lateral
cooperation on the protection and conservation of Earth he-
Fig. 1. Location map of 32 members of the European Geoparks Network as of September, 2007.
1. Réserve Géologique de Haute - Provence – FRANCE, 2. Vulkaneifel European Geopark – GERMANY, 3. Petriied Forest of Lesvos
– GREECE, 4. Maestrazgo Cultural Park – Aragon – SPAIN, 5. Psiloritis Natural Park – GREECE, 6. TerraVita Naturpark – GERMANY,
7. Copper Coast Geopark – IRELAND, 8. Marble Arch Caves Geopark – Northern Ireland,UK 9. Madonie Geopark – Sicily - ITALY, 10.
Geopark Kamptal-Manhartsberg – AUSTRIA, 11. Naturpark Steirische Eisenwurzen – AUSTRIA, 12. Naturpark Bergstrasse Odenwald
– GERMANY, 13. North Pennines AONB – England UK, 14. Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark – England UK, 15. Park Naturel Régional
du Luberon – FRANCE, 16. North West Highlands – Scotland UK, 17. Geopark Swabian Albs – GERMANY, 18. Harz Braunschweiger
Land Ostfalen Geopark – GERMANY, 19. Mecklenburg Ice Age Park – GERMANY, 20. Hateg Country Dinosaurs Geopark – ROMA-
NIA, 21 Beigua Geopark – ITALY, 22. Fforest Fawr Geopark – Wales UK, 23. Bohemian Paradise Geopark – CZECH REPUBLIC, 24.
Cabo de Gata – Nijar Natural Park – Andalucia – SPAIN, 25. Naturtejo Geopark – PORTUGAL, 26. Sierras Subbeticas Natural Park
– Andalucia – SPAIN, 27. Sobrarbe Geopark – Aragon – SPAIN, 28. Gea Norvegica Geopark – NORWAY, 29. Sardenia Geominerario
Park – ITALY, 30. Papuk Geopark – CROATIA, 31. Lochaber Geopark – Scotland UK, 32. English Riviera Geopark - England UK
Fig. 1 Mapa Europejskiej Sieci Geoparków (stan na wrzesień 2007): 1. Réserve Géologique de Haute-Provence – FRANCJA, 2. Vulka-
neifel European Geopark – NIEMCY, 3. Petriied Forest of Lesvos – GRECJA, 4. Maestrazgo Cultural Park – Aragonia, HISZPANIA, 5.
Psiloritis Natural Park – GRECJA, 6. TerraVita Naturpark – NIEMCY, 7. Copper Coast Geopark – IRLANDIA, 8. Marble Arch Caves
Geopark – IRLANDIA PÓŁNOCNA, 9. Madonie Geopark – Sycylia, WŁOCHY, 10. Geopark Kamptal-Manhartsberg – AUSTRIA, 11.
Naturpark Steirische Eisenwurzen – AUSTRIA, 12. Naturpark Bergstrasse Odenwald – NIEMCY, 13. North Pennines AONB – ANGLIA,
14. Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark – ANGLIA, 15. Park Naturel Régional du Luberon – FRANCJA, 16. North West Highlands
– SZKOCJA, 17. Geopark Swabian Albs – NIEMCY, 18. Harz Braunschweiger Land Ostfalen Geopark – NIEMCY, 19. Mecklenburg Ice
Age Park – NIEMCY, 20. Hateg Country Dinosaurs Geopark – RUMUNIA, 21 Beigua Geopark – WŁOCHY, 22. Fforest Fawr Geopark
– WALIA, 23. Bohemian Paradise Geopark CZECHY, 24. Cabo de Gata – Nijar Natural Park – Andaluzja, HISZPANIA, 25. Naturtejo
Geopark – PORTUGALIA, 26. Sierras Subbeticas Natural Park – Andaluzja, HISZPANIA, 27. Sobrarbe Geopark – Aragonia, HISZPA-
NIA, 28. Gea Norvegica Geopark – NORWEGIA, 29. Sardenia Geominerario Park – WŁOCHY, 30. Papuk Geopark – CHORWACJA, 31.
Lochaber Geopark – SZKOCJA, 32. English Riviera Geopark - ANGLIA
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