Potpourri Sachets.doc

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How to Make Potpourri Sachets

How to Make Potpourri Sachets
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Patchwork and Sewing Craft for Christmas - Fabric Scented Sachet for Christmas 75

Christmas Potpourri Sachet Craft Project >>>





Sachet 1

1. Use a plate to trace a circle onto your choice of fabric.

Sachet 2

2. Cut the circle out.

Sachet 3

3. Spread a handful of your choice of potpourri onto the center of the circle.

Sachet 4

4. Gather the circle enclosing the potpourri and secure off with a rubber band.

Sachet 5

5. Take a piece of thin wire and wrap around your choice of decoration. In this case it is an apple.

Sachet 6

6. Wrap a piece of ribbon around the rubber band to hide it and insert the wire under the ribbon and twist the wire ends. Tie the ribbon into a bow.

Sachet 7

7. The finished potpourri sachet. You can make these to fit all seasons of the year and give them as small presents to friends and neighbors. If the scent dimishes, you can reopen the sachet and drop a couple of drops of scented oil onto the potpourri to refreshen the scent.






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