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Aka: Gurotesuku
Year: 2009
Directed: Kôji Shiraishi
Genre: Horror, Gore
Runtime: 01:13:10
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Polish
Remarks: Contains extreme gore and some very disturbing scenes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Hiroaki Kawatsure, 
Tsugumi Nagasawa, 
Shigeo Osako

Synopsis / Plot
Whereas Hostel was for kids, Grotesque is for adults. This is billed as the “cruelest Japanese splatter movie ever” and it truly lives up to that billing. It is no small relief that the film lives up to its Movie title, a torture porn genre that has largely taken over the horror field. No CGI effects here, just sadistic violence that rarely flinches away, use of excellent makeup and prosthetics and shot very convincingly.

Needless to say, in the finest tradition of Japanese gore cinema, the plot is minimal, with a young couple played by AV actress Nagasawa Tsugumi and Kawatsure Hiroaki (recently in “OneChanbara”) being snatched off the street, only to wake up shackled in a grimy basement. Without even having the decency to explain why, a particularly sadistic madman (Osako Shigeo) proceeds to degrade, torture and mutilate them. This film is not for the faint of heart.

Jeœli Hostel by³ dla dzieci, Grotesque jest dla doros³ych. M³oda para zostaje porwana prosto z ulicy, budz¹ siê w ciemnej piwnicy. Bez ¿adnych wyjaœnieñ dlaczego, sadysta (Osako Shigeo) zaczyna, tortury. Film nie dla maj¹cych problemy z sercem (GORE).Jeden z najbrutalniejszych filmów jakie widzia³ œwiat. 


Nazwa pliku: [ICI][JAP] Grotesque 2009 SUBPL [HOR].avi
ID filmu: 8e9dca79f7e9be59391db833fc39af2a

Rozmiar pliku: 700.0 MiB (733956096 bajtów)
Czas trwania: 01:13:10.080 (4390080 ms)
Ogólne bitrate pliku: 1 337 Kbps
Format: AVI

Video FPS: 25.000
Video kodek: XviD
Video bitrate: 1 161 Kbps
Video rozdzielczoϾ: 640x272
Video rozmiar: 608 MiB (87%)
Video proporcje obrazu: 2.35:1

Audio format: MPEG Audio
Audio format wynik: 
Audio bitrate: 164 Kbps
Audio liczba kana³ów: 2
Audio sampling rate: 48.0 KHz
Audio resolution: 
Audio rozmiar: 85.6 MiB (12%)

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