Yourself Learning Excel 2010.pdf

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Picture Yourself Learning Microsoft Excel 2010: Step-by-Step
Picture Yourself Learning Microsoft ®
Excel ® 2010
Laurie Ulrich Fuller, Jennifer Fulton,
Deidre Hayes, and Jeffery A. Riley
© 2011 Course Technology, a part of Cengage Learning.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2008940752
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ISBN-13: 978-1-59863-888-2
ISBN-10: 1-59863-888-2
1- 35 5-595-9
Katherine Stimson
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About the Authors
Laurie Ulrich Fuller has been using,
writing about, and teaching people to use
computers for more than 20 years—and has
personally trained thousands of people through
various colleges, universities, and corporate
training centers. She’s authored and co-authored
more than 25 books on computers, software,
and the Internet, beginning with her first books
on Microsoft Office in the late 1990s. Her current
training focus areas are Microsoft Office and the
Adobe Creative Suite, and her most recent books
include Access 2010 for Dummies and How to
Do Everything with InDesign CS4. She’s the co-
author of the Photoshop Bible for CS2 and CS3,
and produces online and CD-based training in
Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite topics,
expanding her classroom to include students
from all over the world. Laurie also runs her own
company, Limehat & Company, which offers
training, technical documentation, marketing,
design, and promotional services to growing
businesses and non-profit organizations. She
currently serves on the board of directors for
two environmental protection and sustainability
organizations in Pennsylvania, where she lives
with her husband, mother, and five rescued cats.
She invites reader questions about Excel 2010 at
Jennifer Fulton, Senior Partner of Ingenus,
LLC and iVillage’s former “Computer Coach,”
is an experienced computer consultant with
more than 20 years in the business. Jennifer is a
bestselling author of more than 100 computer
books for beginner, intermediate, and advanced
users, ranging from the self-motivated adult to the
college, technical, high school, or middle school
student. Jennifer is also a computer trainer for
corporate personnel, teaching a variety of classes
on Windows, Microsoft Office, PaintShop Pro,
Photoshop Elements, and others. In addition,
Jennifer has edited and contributed to a number
of online college courses.
About the Authors
Deidre Hayes spent more than 20 years as
a web user experience designer and usability
consultant in the corporate environment and
has spoken to national audiences on these
topics. She oversaw the creation and growth of
a successful intranet for a Fortune 500 medical
device company and led a team of developers
and trainers. Since taking the leap into the free-
lance world, she has been able to work with
a variety of publishers that have given her an
opportunity to produce a wide variety of material
for readers at all technical levels. When free
time allows, she enjoys spending time with her
daughter, Alexandra.
Jeffery A. Riley, President of Box Twelve
Communications, Inc. (,
earned a technical journalism degree from
Oregon State University in 1989 and is a former
Staff Writer of the Los Angeles Times. A 15-year
veteran of the Information Technology publish-
ing industry, Jeff has had a hand in—as copy
editor, production editor, development editor,
acquisitions editor, executive editor, and author—
hundreds of books covering IT topics. He is
the author of Introduction to
(Prentice Hall) and 2011 Social Media Directory:
The Ultimate Guide to Facebook, Twitter, and
LinkedIn Resources (Que Publishing). As president
of Box Twelve, he manages the day-to-day opera-
tions of a content solutions firm outside Hilton
Head, S.C.
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