Transmisja Mazatrol(1).doc

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Transmisja Mazatrol <=> PC

Transmisja  Mazatrol <=> PC



Can anyone please let me know the correct wiring for RS232 comms between a pc and our Mazak VTV-20B machine with a Mazatrol M Plus controller?
I have tried the following connections but so far have only managed to get the program sent out of the machine and not received by the machine.
PC end, 9 Pin, Machine end is 25 Pin
PC-Pin 2 connected to Machine Pin 2
PC-Pin 3 connected to Machine Pin 3
PC-Pin 5 connected to Machine Pin 7
Machine end Pins 4+5 Connected.
Machine end Pins 6, 8, and 20 Connected.






Ok, I have looked in the electrical cabinet (hey hey there is Mitsubishi everywhere!) and found the following information:
The only M number I saw was M5...?
Only other piece of information that looks relevant is on the unit marked: Mitusbishi Numerical Control System Type FCA535MWY.
Does that information help at all?

I have also tried a better sheilded cable, actually found a piece long enough from when the comms was working last time, and have tried again... (must be a sucker for punishment )

I can receive programs from the mill to the pc, but everytime I send a program to the NC I get error "546 TAPE READER ERROR"

Interesting point here is that I am pretty sure I have the machine set up as follows:
Parameter G1 = 1 9600 Baud rate
G2=3 2 stop bits
G3=0 Even Parity
G5=3 8 Bits
G6=1 Terminator set to EOB or EOR
G10=3 Handshaking method set to DC Code parity
G11=1 DC Code Parity
G12=0 Feed Section DC Code Output
G13=50 Reply Waiting time in units of 0.1sec
G33=50 Number of Chars in feed section
G34=10 Number of Chars in the space between programs
G48=0 Selection of tape protocol set to Usual Tape Operation.

With the above settings on the machine and the PC software setup as follows:
Baud Rate 9600
Stop Bits=1
Flow Control = Xon/Xoff

I only received (on the PC) junk.
When I changed the Baud Rate to 4800 on the PC and then resent the program, I received the file without problem!
IE the machine was set 9600 and the PC at 4800 for an OK result????
Go figure!
That last point really has me stumped, as it makes NO sense what so ever!
Does this help anyone give me any idea how to proceed from here?


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