Ant Farm Survival zasady - rules.txt

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Zasady :
Make a bow
Find and harvest clay
Make a clay brick house
Find and harvest sand
Make glass
Find gravel
Find and harvest iron
Make a bucket
Find water
Make an infinite water source
Find and harvest sugar cane
Make a book
Make a bookshelf
Make an Enchantment table
Enchant an item
Find and harvest red & brown giant mushrooms
Make more giant mushrooms
Find and activate the hidden chicken spawner
Make a cake
Make a sizable wheat plantation
Find and harvest gold
Find and harvest Redstone
Make a clock
Make a compass
Find a lava pool
Find and harvest diamond
Destroy all spawners (Total 18 hostile spawners)
Harvest obsidian
Make a nether portal
Enter the Nether

Keep these to the end:

Leave the Ant Farm (No cheating!)
Get to the floor
Find and kill a slime on the ground
Get on top of the bed and find the hidden message :D     

                                                      (Polish)   by google translate ://
Zr?b ?uk
Znajd? i zbierz glin?
Zr?b dom z ceg?y
Znajd? i zbierz piasek
Doda? szklank?
Znajd? ?wir
Znajd? i zbiera? ?elaza
Doda? wiadro
Znajd? wody
Z??? niesko?czone ?r?d?o wody
Znajd? i zbior?w trzciny cukrowej
Doda? ksi??k?
Doda? na p??ce
Z??? tabeli Enchantment
Enchant element
Znajd? i zbiera? czerwone i br?zowe grzyby gigantyczne
Doda? wi?cej gigantyczne grzyby
Znajd? i aktywowa? ukryte spawner kurczaka
Doda? do ciasta
Doda? spor? plantacj? pszenicy
Znajd? i zbiera? z?oto
Znajd? i zbiera? Redstone
Zr?b zegar
Doda? kompas
Znajduje si? basen lawy
Znajd? i zbiera? diament
Zniszcz wszystkie tarlak?w w sumie 18 wrogie tarlak?w)
obsydian ?niwa
Doda? do portalu Nether
Wpisz Holandii

Trzymaj je do ko?ca:

Zostaw Ant Farm (brak oszukiwania!)
Dosta? si? na pod?odze
Znajd? i zabij ?luzu na ziemi
Dosta? si? na g?r? do ???ka i znale?? ukryt? wiadomo??: D    
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin