Real English Conversations – Perfect 3.pdf

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Perfectionism 2
Hi, Lori here welcoming you to another episode of Real English Conversations from In today's conversation, my friend Yvette and I continue our discussion about
perfectionism. The main focus of this part of the conversation is how perfectionist tendencies can
cause problems in foreign language learning, particularly for adult learners. Another thing that comes
up is a couple of usage differences between British and American English. So without further ado,
here is the conversation:
Conversation Transcript
But you know, speaking about correction, it's kind of interesting when you think about
learning a language as an adult, how perfectionism and having, like, demands on yourself
when it comes to performing...I think that's one of the biggest differences between learning
the language as an adult and, then, picking one up as a child.
Yeah I remember when I was in university at the very beginning in the first year I spoke
British English with a British English accent, and I was studying American English or American
studies. And I had a lot of American-speaking professors who, umm, just, you know, I
thought it was really odd to be using British language to talk to an American professor, so I
switched to American English, which was really frowned upon because it was not the
"proper" language. And everything that you did, every word you used, you had to think, "Is
this the proper American word or is it a British-ism?" Because it were punished
much more severely for using British-isms as an American speaker than if you were a British
speaker using American words. It was really weird.
Yet there's this kind of least in some classroom contexts...there's this weird elitism
when it comes to British English and American English, and like there's these weird synthetic
rules about what you're allowed to say and what's acceptable and what isn't. And, you
know, native speakers out in the world, they mix and match as they see fit.
Yvette: Right. Right, because, like, I would have to look out and make sure that I didn't use the word
"pavement," and you can say that very American-like...pavement...and then they would be
like, "No, it's 'sidewalk.' So, you're wrong." And it's like, "Oh, you know what I mean,
I know that I got punished for that, and there were other things like "ten after six" or "ten
past six"...I, you know, if you say something like "ten past six" in American voice it's really
wrong because you have to say "ten after six," which is something I didn't even know until I
was corrected. And it was like, "Oops, I didn't know there was a difference."
Lori: Wow, well, speaking as American I would say say that's something I didn't even know.
Yvette: There you go ! So, but then you get to the perfection level, then you want to be absolutely
Lori: But yeah, sometimes I wish I could get back to the state that I remember having as a kid. You
know -- when I'm trying to create something and start battling with perfectionist tendencies
and procrastination and all the demands I place on myself, and the ones that I imagine that
other people are placing on me -- I wish I could just throw it all out the window and just
approach it with the carefree abandon that I remember having as a little kid.
Yvette: The thing of course is when you work, and it make money doing
things and people expect a certain standard of you, and you try to hold to that standard but
often that standard is in your own head and it's not even what they're expecting you to do.
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So you end up doing a lot more work for something that is really not worth the money that
you get paid for it.
Yeah. There is that as well.
Yvette: On top of that ! But you know, as a kid I think I was already quite perfectionist in everything,
I... everything had to be perfect, everything had to be done properly.
And I felt like I was going to get punished if I didn't, so that -- not to say anything bad about
my parents, but, because I don't think they ever held me to that standard; they always said,
"Do your best and that's good enough." But for me it had to be perfect, and then it's maybe
Yeah. Yeah, but, but even so I can still remember, like, approaching new things and just
being willing to just try new things that I knew I was going to suck at, because there's no way
you can be good at something right at the very beginning. And it just didn't matter; you were
willing to just give it a go anyway. And now I really sympathize with the people, my, my
students that I used to have when I taught English, my adult students, how horrible it can be
to sit in a group...and you know you need to try to speak the language but you know you're
going to make mistakes and you know it's not going to be right but you have to force
yourself to try anyway. And it's...I think, yeah, for people like me anyway, it's really hard to
force yourself to do that.
Well yeah it is, it is about letting go of the judgment that other people are going to have.
You know, when I, went I went to the United States for the first time and I felt really kind of
embarrassed about speaking English, people were very surprised that you were able to even
speak the language and understand what they were saying because they had no idea of
what you were saying if you spoke Dutch. I mean, they were like, you know, I could switch to
Dutch and they were like, "I don't know, that sounds really strange and odd." And so that
kind of helped me along at the time because I knew that my, you know, what I could do or
how I could speak was better than what they could speak my language, and they very often
would say, "Well, you speak better English than I do." And I thought, "Oh, I don't think so."
Lori: Yeah, well you know most...your English is fantastic, as you know, as I've often told you.
Yvette: Well, thank you.
Lori: But,
Yvette: That's right!
But, even so, most Americans, they're just amazed that anyone can speak a language other
than their own, because even though I think most of us do study a foreign language in high
school, oftentimes it never gets past the classroom level, you know, the school level, where
really, you can do okay on written tests but you can't really have a conversation.
Yeah, and that's the thing, and it's also, you know, other little phrases that people use all the
time when they speak, which is probably what this is all about. it's just speaking and listening
to people just talking...normal phrases instead of these textbook phrases that nobody
understands anyway. I mean, or nobody uses.
Yeah, they're so far removed from what you hear out in the real world that it's...
Right. "I would like a hotel room..."
Please, for one. Please.
Yvette: With a bath. With a bath and a shower.
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Final Words
That's all for this time. In our next conversation, we'll be talking about some of the British and
American English usage questions that came up in this conversation, particularly with respect to the
prepositions "past" and "after" when talking about time. As always, the full transcript and vocabulary
notes for this podcast are available on our website, Thanks for listening, and bye
for now!
[Vocabulary notes on next page]
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Vocabulary notes
picking one up
To pick something up means to learn something in an
informal way without formal study or teaching, much like
children learn their native languages.
frowned upon
To frown upon something is to disapprove of it. Often used in
the passive ( X is frowned upon) rather than the active (Y
frowns upon X ) .
Unnatural, man-made, artificial.
mix and match
The phrase mix and match is a fixed phrase (that is, you can't
say match and mix ), meaning to combine different things in a
way that suits your personal preference. It's often used to
describe putting an attractive outfit together from different
pieces of clothing.
look out
To look out (also watch out ) means to pay careful attention to
something, often to avoid danger .
There you go!
There you go! in this context is an informal way of showing
agreement or support for what someone just said or did.
throw it all out the window
In this context, to throw something out the window is a
metaphorical way of saying to forget about. This metaphor is
often used when referring to forgetting about or ignoring
intangible objects (things you can't touch) such as thoughts,
feelings, and experiences.
carefree abandon
Carefree (adj.) means without care, or without worries.
Abandon (n.) means, "In a wild or uncontrolled way." The two
words carefree abandon tend to "collocate," that is, they tend
to be used together as a pair.
end up
To finally be in a particular situation or place.
there is that
In this context, there is that is a fixed phrase that shows
agreement or acknowledgement. For example, if someone is
complaining about all of the negative aspects of something,
and then you mention a positive aspect, they can
acknowledge your point by saying, "Well, there is that!"
on top of that
An informal way of saying "in addition to" that.
To suck at something (Am. E) means that you are bad at it.
This is an extremely informal expression that some people
would even consider vulgar. You can also say that something
sucks, which means that it is bad or unpleasant.
give it a go
To give something a go is an informal way of saying t o try , to
attempt . A similar phrase is to have a go at something .
letting go
In this context, to let go of something means to ignore it and
not let it trouble you.
far removed
In this context, far removed from means very different, or not
related to .
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