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333143285 UNPDF - Free Korean Lesson Notes
After studying with this lesson, you will be able to say “This is ABC.” and also ask “Is this ABC?”
and “What is this?” in polite/formal Korean.
이에요 / 예요 [i-e-yo / ye-yo]
In the previous lesson, you learned how 이에요 [i-e-yo] and 예요 [ye-yo] can be placed after a
noun to express the meaning of “It is ABC” or “I am DEF.”
Review / Example
[chaek] + 이에요 [i-e-yo] = 책이에요. [chaek-i-e-yo] It’s a book.
[jeo] + 예요 [ye-yo] = 저예요. [jeo-ye-yo] It’s me.
** 이에요 and 예요 have a similar role to that of the English verb “to be”.
Final consonant + 이에요 [i-e-yo]
No final consonant (Only vowel) + 예요 [ye-yo]
이거 [i-geo] = this, this one
[i] (“this”) + [geot] (“thing”) = 이것 [i-geot] --> 이거 [i-geo]
이거 [i-geo] is originally 이것 [i-geot] and it is a combination of 이 [i] (“this”) and 것 [geot]
(“thing”) but it is often used as just 이거 [i-geo] for the ease of pronunciation.
Sample Sentences
이거 책이에요. [i-geo chaek-i-e-yo] = This is a book.
이거 카메라예요. [i-geo ka-me-ra-ye-yo] = This is a camera.
This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio lesson available at
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이거 커피예요. [i-geo keo-pi-ye-yo] = This is coffee.
이거 사전이에요. [i-geo sa-jeon-i-e-yo] = This is a dictionary.
이거 뭐예요? [i-geo mwo-ye-yo?] = What is this?
In Level 1 Lesson 5, we introduced the question, 뭐예요? [mwo-ye-yo?] and it means “What is
it?” You can add 이거 [i-geo] in front of it to ask “What is this?”
이거 뭐예요? [i-geo mwo-ye-yo?] = What is this?
이거 핸드폰이에요. [i-geo haen-deu-pon-i-e-yo] = This is a cellphone.
이거 뭐예요? [i-geo mwo-ye-yo?] = What is this?
이거 물이에요. [i-geo mul-i-e-yo] = This is water.
이거 뭐예요? [i-geo mwo-ye-yo?] = What is this?
이거 커피예요. [i-geo keo-pi-ye-yo] = This is coffee.
Do you remember how to say “No”?
이거 커피예요? [i-geo keo-pi-ye-yo?] = Is this coffee?
아니요. 이거 물이에요. [a-ni-yo. i-geo mul-i-e-yo] = No. This is water.
Do you remember how to say “Yes, that’s right”?
이거 커피예요? [i-geo keo-pi-ye-yo?] = Is this coffee?
네. 맞아요. 이거 커피예요. [ne. ma-ja-yo. i-geo keo-pi-ye-yo] = Yes, that’s right. This is coffee.
This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio lesson available at
Please feel free to share TalkToMeInKorean’s free Korean lessons and PDF iles with anybody who
is studying Korean. If you have any questions or feedback, visit
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