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Politics this week
Jan 12th 2006
From The Economist print edition
After two years of negotiations with three European countries (Britain, France and
Germany), Iran resumed nuclear “research” activity at its Natanz uranium-
enrichment plant, prompting fresh calls from the United States, Britain, France and
Germany to refer the case to the UN Security Council with a view to imposing
sanctions on Iran. See article
Doctors sought to bring Ariel Sharon, Israel's prime minister who suffered a massive
stroke last week, out of a coma; he was just able to move his left arm and his
condition remained critical. Opinion polls suggested that his new party, Kadima
(“Forward”), may still do well in the election due on March 28th. It looked possible
that Kadima's stand-in leader, Ehud Olmert, might keep up its momentum. See article
Syria's beleaguered president, Bashar Assad, visited Saudi Arabia and Egypt in an effort to shore up support for
his regime. He has refused a request to be interviewed by the United Nations commission investigating the murder
last year in Lebanon of a former Lebanese prime minister, Rafik Hariri, after he had quarrelled with the Syrian
International aid agencies launched an appeal for food for northern Kenya, where about 2.5m people risk
starvation because of a drought that is also ravaging parts of Ethiopia, Somalia and Tanzania.
Hundreds of Muslim pilgrims were crushed to death on the last day of the haj at Mecca . Authorities had instituted
extra precautions this year to try and avoid such accidents at the event, which attracts some 2m people. Last
week, 76 pilgrims were killed when a hotel collapsed.
Is Sam the man?
The United States' Senate held confirmation hearings for Samuel Alito , George Bush's nominee to the Supreme
Court. Judge Alito was asked about his thoughts on a range of subjects, including abortion, electoral law and the
limits of presidential power. See article
Republicans in the House of Representatives began the process of choosing a new majority leader after Tom
DeLay said he would not seek to regain the position. Mr DeLay “temporarily” stepped down from the post last
September after corruption charges were brought against him in Texas. See article
New Jersey's legislature voted to suspend executions until a task-force reports later this year on the fairness of
the state's death row. It is the first time a state legislature has voted to suspend the death penalty, although the
last execution to take place in New Jersey occurred in 1963.
Dick Cheney was briefly hospitalised after complaining of a shortness of breath. The 64-year-old vice-president
has a history of heart problems, but the White House said he was suffering from the side effects of medicine taken
to treat a foot ailment this time.
Death on the wing
Turkey was gripped by panic about bird flu, as human cases spread across the
country. But by mid-week, just two deaths attributable to the new strain had been
confirmed, and the government insisted that the disease was under control. Not all of
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Turkey's neighbours were convinced: several were trying vainly to stop the disease
spreading further. See article
Austria marked the start of its European Union presidency by inviting the European
Commission to Vienna. The Austrian chancellor talked of reviving the EU constitution;
Germany's Angela Merkel expressed interest, and even France's Jacques Chirac said it
would be good to implement parts of the document. But the Dutch, who also voted no
last summer, insisted that the constitution was dead.
Ukraine's parliament passed a motion of no confidence in the government after last
week's gas-price deal with Russia. But since an election was due by the end of March
in any case, the decision will have little impact. See article
Spanish police arrested 20 people suspected of recruiting Islamist militants to join the insurgency in Iraq. This is
the third batch of arrests, which have pulled in a total of 46 suspects so far.
Eight people were stabbed by a man in Moscow's main synagogue. Russia has recently seen a rise in anti-Semitic
and anti-immigrant attacks.
Liberals besieged
After the final campaign debates, the opposition Conservatives appeared to be cruising towards a victory in
Canada's general election on January 23rd. But it was not clear whether they would win a majority of seats in the
House of Commons.
Mexico and nine other Latin American countries agreed to work together to defend their emigrants in the United
States, following the recent approval of a bill in the House of Representatives that would make illegal immigration
a felony and order the erection of 1,125 kilometres (700 miles) of fencing along the border. See article
Peru's electoral authority disqualified Alberto Fujimori, the country's president from 1990-2000, from standing in
an election in April. Mr Fujimori is in detention in Chile, pending a decision on his extradition to Peru to face
corruption and human-rights charges.
Haiti's electoral authorities rescheduled a much-postponed presidential election for February 7th. Meanwhile, the
Brazilian general in charge of the 9,000-strong UN peacekeeping force in Haiti was found dead in a hotel room.
Officials said he appeared to have committed suicide.
Not Kyoto
Representatives of America, China, India, Japan, South Korea and Australia met in Sydney to launch a new forum
aimed at promoting economic growth coupled with lower carbon emissions . See article
Australia announced the deployment of an additional 110 troops to Afghanistan . Meanwhile, NATO's secretary-
general, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, urged the Dutch parliament to speed up plans to send 1,400 troops to southern
Afghanistan, where they are scheduled to join a peacekeeping expansion into former Taliban strongholds. The
deployment has stoked political controversy in the Netherlands.
Seven Pakistani troops and 14 suspected militants died in fighting on Pakistan's Afghan border. An attack by
insurgents in Baluchistan killed three soldiers and 12 militants.
Thousands of demonstrators protested in the Mongolian capital, Ulan Bator, after the Mongolian People's
Revolutionary Party, which ruled the country for much of the 20th century, withdrew its support from the
governing coalition.
More than 10m girls may have been lost to abortion and sex selection over the past
20 years in India , according to research published in The Lancet , a British medical
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