Wu Xing - The Ninja Crusade.pdf

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The Action RPG of Martial Arts, Mysticism and Rebellion
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Setting Summary
Four years ago, the latest war waged upon the ninja
of the Empire began. This “Ninja Crusade” was ordered
by the Emperor and his wayward son who took charge
after the Empress’s murder and princess’s poisoning.
Even though the ninja of the Empire have been allies
to his family, helping to protect citizens and keep the
peace, the Emperor suspects that ninja had something
to do with these horrible events. The ninja, whose clans
have carved the Empire into delicate and luctuating
territories, were caught unaware and many of their
hidden, remote villages were destroyed by the Empire’s
soldiers. The ninja quickly decided that their survival
was more important than their old rivalries and be-
grudgingly started the Lotus Coalition, a group of ninja
that are leading the rebellion against the overzealous
The ninja themselves have access to the building
blocks of the universe: chi manipulation. With it they
can create spectacular displays of magic to utilize
against the Empire. They have commenced with several
attacks and successfully defended their strongholds
against the soldiers… and each other. Yes, sadly, the
ninja have not put all of their old enmity aside and con-
tests for territory and inluence still occur between the
clans, each trying to ind their place in this time of war.
Characters can be pulled into the Ninja Crusade, and
its intense conlict and political intrigue in a number of
ways. They can be sent as emissaries to the Lotus Coali-
tion to aid in full on assaults or they can exist in secret,
as ninja, right next to the very soldiers that want them
dead. Plenty of clans have peacefully existed in the
same villages and towns as normal citizens, living rea-
sonably simple lives and cultivating their own families,
connections and responsibilities to their communities.
However, some clans exist in a state of constant warfare
and cannot rest until their enemies die bleeding or their
own lives are ended.
within the group quite often. The characters need to use
warfare and political strategy if they hope to win this
war. The Empire’s army is formidable, wielding more
numbers with stronger weapons which has put the
ninja on the defensive. The ninja have no clue if they
“can” win the war, but they must give it their all… or
they (and the people they protect) are surely doomed.
Playable Characters
Players take the role of ninja from one of the many
clans that reside in the Empire. Below are the 10 most
inluential clans in the realm.
l Bamboo Herbalists: Genius doctors and thrill-
seekers, they are premiere medical ninja
l Blazing Dancers: Entertainers, well known for
their acrobatic acts and iery performances
l Grasping Shadows: Traditionalists, spies and as-
sassins, they wield power over shadows and stealth
l Hidden Strands of Fate: Master manipulators,
well adept at pulling strings (both literal and political)
l Living Chronicle: Historians, keeping knowl-
edge alive in their minds and on their bodies
l Pack of the Black Moon: Ranchers and farmers,
they are experts on animals, especially dogs
l Recoiling Serpents: Fallen lords, masters of
poison and survival
l Virtuous Body Gardeners: Feisty warriors and
artists, the newest clans that specializes in tattoos
l Wardens of Equilibrium: Merchants, who seek
to balance the world and turning a proit while doing so
l Will of Iron: Sheriffs, they believe in invoking
justice wherever they go
l Ronin: The clanless, composed of exiles, rouges
and wanderers
Dynamic Gaming System
The DGS is a simple to learn system that uses only a
single die… a 1d20 (or twenty-sided die). With one die,
players can easily navigate through all the basic me-
chanics for everything in the world. This includes the
innovative combat system that puts the player in the
driver’s seat, allowing them to make strategic choices
about their character’s personal battle style.
Mood Summary
Wu Xing: The Ninja Crusade is a game of suspicion
and rebellion. The setting is full of intrigue, betrayal,
personal and physical conlict and amazing powers
sought through years of mystical training. Ninja from
rival clans are forced to work together in the efforts to
rebel against the Empire, but this by no means makes
them friends. Hatred burns hot and creates conlict
Wu Xing: The Ninja Crusade is a tabletop role-
playing game (RPG) of Martial Arts, Mysticism and
Rebellion. This book contains all the instructions to
create stories and characters in this unique set-
ting. Some may have picked up this book due to the
cool artwork, love of Asian culture or an interest in
anime themes. Whatever the reason, we thank you
for checking out our game. You are sure to enjoy
Tabletop RPGs are executed in a similar fashion as
old-timey radio shows. The exception is that you can
directly interact with the story, changing its course
whenever you ind it appropriate. These types of
games are relayed verbally, requiring one person to
be the Game Master (GM) and one or more others to
be Players. Playing a tabletop RPG is not unlike play-
ing a video game RPG, but with a lot more lexibility
in a non-static world.
To play a game of Wu Xing: The Ninja Crusade ,
you’ll need a good imagination, one twenty-sided
die (1d20), the willingness to get into character and
group of friends ready to have fun.
the rules in Chapter 3, players piece together the
powers and abilities of their character, but should
also consider their character’s disposition, person-
ality and background. During play, they are also
responsible for all the characters actions and state-
ments. Playing a roleplaying game becomes so much
fun as soon as you are playing a role.
A game Session occurs when you and your friends
sit around the table and join together in collective
storytelling. The GM sets the scene and then the
players decide how their characters respond to the
events that occur. Below is a short example of how a
typical scene should work:
GM: Arriving in a ninja-friendly village, your
keenly trained eyes land on Izou Foot Soldiers
roughing up the town leader. He’s a kindly old man
with a long beard and is being tugged by one of the
Game Master (GM)
One member of your gaming group takes the role
of the GM, who crafts a story and takes the charac-
ters through the world. It is a big job, but is quite
satisfying and rewarding in the end. The GM has the
opportunity to develop plots, create mysteries, and
plan puzzles and challenges for the players to take
on. They also take on the roles of the people in the
world for the player’s characters to interact with.
If any disputes arise, the GM is the inal arbiter of
what happens. Wu Xing: The Ninja Crusade is only
one setting/system in this glorious pastime of RPGs.
If you like this game, check out others and be sure to
support the hobby.
Player 1: I’m thinking we need to stop them. I
look around irst to see if there’s any sign that they
have backup.
GM: Townspeople have started to collect around
the ruckus, but no other soldiers. Appears they may
be here on some sort of scout mission.
Player 2: I’m going to skulk around them and get
a better vantage point of the action.
Player 2 rolls 1d20, adding their AGY Attribute and
Stealth Skill to the roll versus a Moderate (20) Dificulty
decided by GM. He rolls 23 (Success) and stays out of the
soldiers’ view.
The players aren’t expected to craft the world
to their will like the GM, but they have a big job of
their own… building their very own character. Using
Player 1: I’m going to make my way through the
crowd, inching closer with every word they say to
the old man.
GM: The soldiers are attempting to interrogate
the leaders, saying things like “Who in this town is a
ninja?” and “Tell us or we’ll torch this place.” At this
point, they’ve just been shaking the man, but now
the soldier throws the irst punch to his gut.
GM: Yes, it does. They grab their weapons and
start to back out, holding them in defensive ways
and attempting to retreat. They obviously iden-
tify you as ninja, but have probably never actually
fought one.
All the villagers in the crowd also grab their
sticks and shovels and yell for the soldiers to leave.
Screaming things like “Tell the Emperor he can shove
it!” and “Never come back, you cowards!”
Player 1: I step out of the crowd. “Unhand that
man!” I call out. I’m attempting to sound very threat-
ening with my deep imposing voice.
Player 1 rolls 1d20, adding their CHM Attribute and
Intimidation Skill versus the soldier’s 1d20 plus resistance
to Fear/Awe (the GM rolls for the soldiers). Player 1 rolls
higher and wins!
Player 2: We wait for them to leave, then turning
to the villagers and attempting to calm them down.
Player 2 rolls 1d20, adding the CHM Attribute and Per-
suasion Skill versus a Simple (10) Dificulty and succeeds.
GM: They back up, deinitely startled by anyone
putting up a ight against them. They eye you down
and look like they are ready to attack at any minute,
throwing the old man to the side.
Player 2: “We need to be ready for when they come
back. This is just the beginning folks. If you can’t handle
the war, I suggest you make your way to the nearest sister
village and wait for word.”
Player 2: That’s when I leap from behind them.
“Ah ah ah, it’d be unfair for you to ight my friend two
to one. Why don’t we even the odds?” Not trying to be
intimidating, just bringing them into reality.
Player 1: “Or you can stand with us and ight!”
GM: The village roars with excitement, ready for
the war at hand.
Player 1: Yeah, that should demoralize them.
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