1.Transformacje ze słowem kluczem.doc

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Transformacje ze słowem kluczem

Zadania egzaminacyjne

Zadanie I.

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde z niedo­kończonych zdań tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów ani formy podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów.

I.I.              Her argumentation is so complex that I find it difficult to understand her point.

Her argumentation is not              to understand.

I.2.              Henry is I5, so he is not allowed to watch late night horror shows.

Henry is              late night horror shows.

I.3.              Sheila couldn't deliver so many letters in one day.

There              in one day.

I.4.              They have run out of food supplies, so I think they will release the hostage.

Their food supplies              , so I think they will release

the hostage.

I.5.              Herbie would rather study in the reading room than read in the dorm.

Herbie              in the dorm.

I.6.              Sheila has never seen a more violent movie than Natural Born Killers

Natural Born Killers              seen.

I.7.              The management didn't start negotiating the contract until the major investor


The management waited              negotiating

the contract.

I.8.              When did you first have this pain in your chest?

How              this pain in your chest?

I.9.              Let me introduce you to Maud. Her novel won the Booker Prize.

Let me introduce you to Maud              the Booker Prize.

I.I0.              It's two years since the building was inspected for safety.

The building              two years.

I.II.              Your essay will exceed the word limit, whichever typeface you choose!

It              , your essay will still exceed the word limit!

I.I2.              The wooden floor was so damaged that it wasn't worth sanding.

The wooden floor was so damaged that              it.

I.I3.              It was outrageous that the Smiths were deprived of state benefits.

The Smiths              of state benefits.

I.I4.              We couldn't discuss the issue properly because Helen kept interrupting
our conversation.


We couldn't discuss the issue properly because Helen kept             

              our conversation.

Zadanie 2.

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde z niedo­kończonych zdań tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów ani formy podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pefna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów.

2.I.              You can use additional sources but you must list them in you bibliography.

You can use additional sources              in your bibliography.

2.2.              The island was practically uninhabited.

There              on the island.

2.3.              Steve would rather not give his presentation today.

Steve              his presentation today.

2.4.              The invoice is essential if you want to receive a refund.

You will              the invoice.

2.5.              You'll recover from the loss of your mother if you let time heal your wounds.

You will              your mother, even if it takes a long while.

2.6.I met your nephew Carol accidentally on Wednesday.
I              your nephew Carol on Wednesday.

2.7.              Brenda will be back when she finishes the writing.

Brenda              the writing.

2.8.              The prize-winning novel was not as good as we expected.

The prize-winning novel              .

2.9.              Would you prefer me to marry Ian instead of Greg?

Would              Ian instead of Greg?

2.I0.              Delia forgot to switch on her mobile, which is why you couldn't contact her.

If Delia              with her.

2.II.              If you notice any side-effects of this medicine, call the doctor.

Call the doctor              any side-effects

of this medicine.

2.I2.              Unless you show me your work permit, I will not offer you any job.

If              , I will not offer you any job.

2.I3.              John wants to have more time to work in the local hospice.

John              to volunteer to work

in the local hospice.
2.I4.I find it irritating when you let the water run for such a long time.
I wish              run for such a long time.

Zadanie 3.

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde z niedo­kończonych zdań tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów ani formy podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów.

3.I.              Unfortunately, I did not state my point clearly in the exam.

I              the exam.

3.2.              The word 'abridged' means that some parts of the book were omitted.

The word "abridged" means that              the book.

3.3.              What a pity I didn't know that it was possible to apply for this job.

If              that it was still possible to apply for the job.

3.4.              I don't think it's a good idea to keep a hamster in such a small jar.

If              , I wouldn't keep a hamster in such a small jar.

3.5.              Nobody in the village protested against the new regulations except for Liz.

With              '              everybody

              the new regulations.

3.6.              The villagers believe that a ghostly maiden haunts their households at night.

A ghostly maiden              households at night.

3.7.              It is known that the convict escaped despite heavy shackles.

The convict              despite heavy shackles.

3.8.              They made me measure the hallway with a match.

I              the hallway with a match.

3.9.              You mustn't smoke in your rooms.

It              in your rooms.

3.I0. Our heating system has just been installed.


We              .

3.II.I want this research to be conducted in a professional laboratory, not in

a classroom!


I'd              out in professional laboratory,

not in a classroom.

3.I2.              There are only a few painters who know how to influence the viewer's eye.

There              who know how to influence the viewer's eye.

3.I3.              The essay was so interesting that it won the first prize.


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