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The practice of law
Bodies of law
1 Read the excerpts below from the course catalogue of a British university’s
summer school programme in law and answer these questions.
1 Who is each course intended for?
2 Which course deals with common law?
3 Which course studies the history of European law?
LAW 121: Introduction to English law
LAW 221: Introduction to civil law
This course provides a general overview of
English law and the common-law system.
The course will look at the sources of law
and the law-making process, as well as at
the justice system in England. Students
will be introduced to selected areas of
English law, such as criminal law, contract
law and the law of torts. The relationship
between the English common law and EC
law will also be covered.
More individuals in the world solve their
legal problems in the framework of what is
called the civil-law system than in the
Anglo-Saxon case-law system. This course
will introduce students to the legal systems
of Western Europe that have most
influenced the civil-law legal systems in
the world. It aims to give students an
insight into a system based on the
superiority of written law. The course will
cover the application and development of
Roman law in Europe to the making of
national codes all over the world.
The course is designed for those
international students who will be studying
at English universities later in the academic
year. Other students with an interest in the
subject are also welcome to attend, as the
contact points between English law and
civil law are numerous. The seminars and
all course materials are in English.
The course is intended to prepare students
who are going to study in a European
university for the different approaches to
law that they are likely to face in their year
2 Match these bodies of the law (1–3) with their definitions (a–c).
1 civil law
a Area of the law which deals with crimes and their punishments, which
include fines and/or imprisonment (also penal law)
2 common law
b 1) Legal system developed from Roman codified law, established by a state
for its regulation; 2) Area of the law concerned with non-criminal matters,
rights and remedies
3 criminal law
c Legal system which is the foundation of the legal systems of most of the
English-speaking countries of the world; it is based on customs, usage and
court decisions (also case law, judge-made law)
3 Complete the text below contrasting civil law, common law and criminal law
using the words in the box.
based on bound by codified custom disputes legislation
non-criminal precedents provisions rulings
The term ‘civil law’ contrasts with both ‘common law’ and ‘criminal law’. In the
first sense of the term, civil law refers to a body of law 1) ......................... written
legal codes derived from fundamental normative principles. Legal 2) ..........................
are settled by reference to this code, which has been arrived at through
3) .......................... . Judges are 4) .......................... the written law and its 5) .......................... .
In contrast, common law was originally developed through 6) .......................... , at a
time before laws were written down. Common law is based on 7) ..........................
created by judicial decisions, which means that past 8) .......................... are taken
into consideration when cases are decided. It should be noted that today
common law is also 9) .......................... , i.e. in written form.
In the second sense of the term, civil law is distinguished from criminal law,
and refers to the body of law dealing with 10) .......................... matters, such as
breach of contract.
4 Which body of law, civil law or common law, is the basis of the legal system
of your jurisdiction?
Types of laws
The word law refers generally to legal documents which set forth rules governing a
particular kind of activity.
5 Read the following short texts, which each contain a word used to talk about
types of laws. In which kind of document do you think each appeared? Match
each text (1–5) with its source (a–e). Consult the glossary if necessary.
The new EU Working Hours Directive
is reported to be causing controversy
amongst the medical profession.
Th e purpo se of th is Ord inance 1 is to r egulate
tra ffic upo n the S treets a nd Pub lic Plac es in th e
To wn of H anville, New H ampsh ire, for the
pro motion of the safety and we lfare of the pu blic.
When a statu te is pla in and
unam biguous , the co urt mu st give e ffect
to the intenti on of th e legisl ature a s
expre ssed, ra ther tha n deter mine w hat
the la w shou ld or sh ould no t be.
Mr S peaker, I am pleased to h ave the opportunity to pre sent the Dog Control
Ame ndment Bill to the House . It is a further milestone in meeting the
chan ging expectations we hav e about what is responsib le dog ownership.
(UK) by-law
a court ruling
b local government document
c newspaper
d parliamentary speech
e brochure for employees
Unit 1 The practice of law
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6 Find words in Exercise 5 which match these definitions.
1 Rules issued by a government agency to carry out the intent of the law;
authorised by a statute, and generally providing more detail on a subject
than the statute
2 Law enacted by a town, city or county government
3 Draft document before it is made into law
4 Legal device used by the European Union to establish policies at the
European level to be incorporated into the laws of the Member States
5 Formal written law enacted by a legislative body
7 Complete the following sentences using the words in the box
bill directive ordinance regulations statutes
1 The Town Council will conduct a public hearing regarding a proposed
.......................... concerning property tax.
2 According to the .......................... concerning working time, overtime work is work
which is officially ordered in excess of 40 hours in a working week or in
excess of eight hours a day.
3 Early this year, the government introduced a new .......................... on electronic
commerce to Parliament.
4 A number of changes have been made to the federal .......................... governing
the seizing of computers and the gathering of electronic evidence.
5 The European Union ....................... on Data Protection established legal principles
aimed at protecting personal data privacy and the free flow of data.
Speaking 1: What a law says
There are several ways to refer to what a law says. Look at the following
The law stipulates that corporations must have three governing bodies.
The law provides that a witness must be present.
The patent law specifies that the subject matter must be ‘useful’.
These verbs can also be used to express what a law says:
The law states / sets forth / determines / lays down / prescribes that ...
8 Choose a law in your jurisdiction that you are familiar with and explain what it
says using the verbs listed above.
Types of courts
Courts can be distinguished with regard to the type of cases they hear.
9 Match each of the following types of court (1–9) with the explanation of what
happens there (a–i).
1 appellate court ( or court of
appeals, appeals court)
2 crown court
3 high court ( or supreme
a This is where a person under the age of 18 would be tried.
b This is the court of primary jurisdiction, where a case is heard
for the first time.
c This is where small crimes are tried in the UK.
d This is where law students argue hypothetical cases.
4 juvenile court
5 lower court ( or court of
first instance)
6 magistrates’ court
7 moot court
8 small-claims court
9 tribunal
e This is where a case is reviewed which has already been heard
in a lower court.
f This is where cases involving a limited amount of money are
g This is where serious criminal cases are heard by a judge and a
jury in the UK.
h This is where a group of specially chosen people examine legal
problems of a particular type, such as employment disputes.
i This is usually the highest court in a jurisdiction, the court of
last resort.
Speaking 2: Civil court systems
10 Work in small groups.
1 Describe the civil court system in your jurisdiction.
2 Select one type of court in your jurisdiction and explain which kinds of
cases it deals with.
Persons in court
11 Complete this diagram with the words and definitions below (a–f).
1) ...........................
public official who has
the authority to hear
and decide cases
person who
initiates a civil
2) ...........................
prudent person
3) ...........................
person who has
specialised knowledge
of a particular subject
who is called to
testify in court
5) ...........................
4) ...........................
employee who takes
records, files papers
and issues processes
6) ...........................
person who
appeals a decision
to a higher court
a expert witness
b appellant
c person who is sued in a civil lawsuit
d officer of the court whose duties include keeping order and assisting
the judge and jurors
e person who pleads cases in court
f hypothetical person who uses good judgment or common sense in handling
practical matters; such a person’s actions are the guide in determining
whether an individual’s actions were reasonable
Unit 1 The practice of law
Listening 1: Documents in court
12 X Listen to a lawyer telling a client about some of the documents involved in
his case and answer these questions.
1 What is the client accused of?
2 Will the case go to trial?
13 Match these documents (1–9) with their definitions (a–i).
1 answer a a document informing someone that they will be
involved in a legal process and instructing them what
they must do
2 affidavit b a document or set of documents containing the details
about a court case
3 brief c a document providing notification of a fact, claim or
4 complaint d a formal written statement setting forth the cause of
action or the defence in a case
5 injunction e a written statement that somebody makes after they
have sworn officially to tell the truth, which might be
used as proof in court
6 motion f an application to a court to obtain an order, ruling or
7 notice g an official order from a court for a person to stop
doing something
8 pleading h in civil law, the first pleading filed on behalf of a
plaintiff, which initiates a lawsuit, setting forth the
facts on which the claim is based
9 writ i the principal pleading by the defendant in response to
a complaint
14 X Listen again and tick the documents that the lawyer mentions.
1 answer
2 affidavit
3 brief
4 complaint
5 injunction
6 motion
7 notice
8 pleading
9 writ
15 Match each verb used by the lawyer (1–5) with its definition (a–e).
1 to draft a document
2 to issue a document
3 to file a document with an authority
4 to serve a document on someone
( or to serve someone with a
5 to submit a document to an
a to deliver a legal document to someone, demanding
that they go to a court of law or that they obey an order
b to produce a piece of writing or a plan that you intend
to changer later
c to deliver a document formally for a decision to be
made by others
d to officially record something, especially in a court
of law
e to produce something official
16 Decide which of the nouns in Exercise 13 can go with these verbs. The first
one has been done for you.
1 draft an answer
2 issue
3 file (with)
4 serve (on someone)
5 submit
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