directions, places, prep.doc

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1. cinema


4. hospital


5. railway station


6. swimming pool


9. pub


14. chemist’s



Look at the map and read the descriptions. What are these places? (Write numbers)


The baker’s is in Ford Road opposite the swimming pool.

The restaurant is on the corner of Ford Road and St. John’s Street but it isn’t next to the park.

The library is in Ford Road opposite the Park, near the restaurant.

The bus stop is next to the cinema.

The school is in Garden Street but it isn’t on the corner.

You are in the Tourist Office, in High Avenue.

a)      Ask about facilities:

  • Is there a post-office near here? Are there any banks in the town?....

b)      Ask for directions:

  • Where’s the ….?
  • How can I get to ….?
  • Can you tell me the way to …?


Here are some sample phrases and expressions to use in giving directions in English.

Go down this street.

Go straight ahead

Turn left (right)

Take the first (second…etc) turning

(First,) go down this street.

(Then,) turn left/right at the traffic light.

(After that,) go straight on until you get to the ______.

(When you get to the _____,) turn left/right again.

It's on your left, next to the __________. You can't miss it!

Sorry. I don't live around here.

Go straight down this street for two blocks.

Turn left when you get to Maple Street.

It's on the left hand side.




During his holidays James visited some friends at school. Then he had to meet his group in the library. After the meeting he had to go to the railway station.

He asked a police officer the way from school to the library but he doesn't know the way to the railway station either.


1. First complete the dialogue with the directions that the police officer gave to James.


James: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the library?

Police officer: It is not far from here. You can go on foot. It is ______ the restaurant. Go ______ the street, take the first _______ on the left and then turn ________. The building at the corner is __________. Next to it there’s the ________, just _________ the park.

James: Thank you very much.

Police officer: You're welcome.


2. How can James get from Library to the restaurant? Find the way and then write the directions.


When you leave the library,






                                                                                                                              you are here




Look at the map. Choose the correct name of the building.


1. Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Go straight on and cross the road. It's on the left.   

2.  Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Take the next street on the right. Pass the Fire Department. It's on your left.




Fill in the missing preposition.


1. The Women's wear is ____________ the Jewelry Store.

2. The Movie Theater is ___________ the Book Store.

3. The Women's wear is ___________ the Jewelry Store and the Sporting Goods.

4. The Toy store is ___________ of Main Street and Forest Street.

5. The Jewelry Store is ____________ the Italian Restaurant.


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