Richard Bandler - Time For A Change (OCR) v1.00.pdf

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Richard Bandler - Time For A Change _OCR_ v1.00.doc
A Change
Table of Contents
Induction........................................................... vii
Prologue................. ................................ ........................... 1
I Believer Modification......................... ……………….7
II Believe in Laughter .......................................................29
III.............................................. Tips From the Lost Manual 51
IV ....................................Non-Verbal Hypnotic Inductions 63
V..............................................The House Cleaning Pattern 81
VI .......................... Getting More Time For a Change 103
VII ................................................ Slow Time Patterns. 121
V 1.00 Please increase this counter when you edit this file
VIII The Trance Phenomenon of Hyperesthesia..........149
IX ...................... Reprogramming Limiting Decisions 165
Epilogue ..........................................................................181
Accessing Cues ...........................................................193
The Meta Model.. ........................................................195
Linguistic Presuppositions.........................................223
Sub modalities .............................................................229
Reframing ....................................................................231
Toning Up Your Voice................................................233
Glossary of NLP Terms...................................................237
Time For
This book, and all the books related to it, grew out of a goal.
We all know of stunningly accomplished people. We usually call them
creative. Some of them, even geniuses, had less training, intelligence, talent,
strength, energy, money, memory, you name it, than many mediocre
achievers in the same field. Why?
Call it a fluke. Rude, but it gets us off the hook. Unfortunately, it
sounds less convincing every time. Worse, creative people have an
alarming tendency to stay increasingly creative. This flagrant violation of
entropy and justice admits no previous explanation.
Two decades ago, the founders of neurolinguistic programming
(NLP) sought to answer that "why" usefully. With a functional answer to
that question, we could train people to perform like geniuses.
Today, thousands of people have certifications in NLP. In single
sessions, they can accelerate learning, neutralize phobias, enhance
creativity, improve relationships, eliminate allergies, and lead firewalks
without roasting toes. NLP achieves the goal of its inception. We have
ways to do what only a genius could have done a decade ago.
In this book you will find more powerful ways to understand, shape,
and use your states of consciousness, your driving beliefs, and your
experience of time itself. You can apply these to accelerate learning, achieve
your ideals, contribute to others, and have a spectacularly good time. Start
now. You already have.
beliefs to install.
Sometimes a belief may seem resistant. You may want to leave it as is.
You can get back to it later. You might have other changes to make first.
You can read for the fun alone. The text came from a very entertaining
workshop. You may later enjoy acting out the workshop in your mind. Do
that well and you will save yourself money, trouble, and especially time.
If you run out of beliefs, you may enjoy reading for presup positions.
Find presuppositions that would do you good to believe. Give yourself
those beliefs. You can do that with any book. Presuppositions from the
papers of M.H. Erickson have proven valuable to me.
You can go further. When I first met Richard Bandler, people said he
demonstrated what he talked about while he described it. That became a
cliché. Now he demonstrates a lot more than he describes.
Who are the most valuable people you know of? What led them
through their wisest decisions? What beliefs would you like to share with
As a result, you can learn even more from this book than what it is
about. The original audience heard it once. You can read it twice. On a third
reading, you may wish to study the nature of the text.
A misplaced word might have purpose. Two kindred strings of
phonemes may appear pages apart, and urge unconscious associations.
Anecdotes may elicit representations that prefigure chapters to come. Non
sequiturs, senseless digressions, and irrelevant references may serve to chain
states or access resource, to aim and amplify the results of an exercise.
Grammatical awkwardness may contain a hidden message. Absolutely
concise logical paragraphs simultaneously convey other meanings. Often
demonstration subjects have done the demonstration and gained the results
before approaching the stage.
So much for the first chapter. The reader who concentrates on these
details could miss the house for the doorknobs. Enough.
Analysis may entertain. Application rewards.
People who use these understandings have a pair of common
complaints. They run into a wall, or they run out of things to do. You might
find old beliefs that seem especially hard to change, and new beliefs that
seem especially hard to start – or run out of old beliefs to change and new
I would like to dedicate this work to a few of the geniuses of our time:
Before teaching, before learning, before knowing, begin with
something more. Teaching and learning and knowing must mean more than
recapitulation. To teach, install good learning strategies. To make that worth
having, do more. You can install in people something much stronger. Call it
Moshe Feldenkrais, Patrick Moraz, and
Anthony Robbins.
Build powerful hope for people. Build it not so much from
understandings. Build hope from an experience. Create this experience.
Reality is built from ideas. Create this experience repeatedly. Most of the
time, most people have that backwards.
At one time there were no aircraft. At one time there were no
automobiles. At one time there were no combs. At one time there was no
money, no language. Only by ideas did these things appear in reality.
Share reality. People often, with NLP, changed personal history too
much. That rapidly became worse than worthless. I call that learning
schizophrenia. Schizophrenics get lousy rooms, bad food, and no zippers.
Through shared reality, things have value.
You can not only build ideas, and build reality from them, you can do
so ecologically and methodically. That applies to hypnotic techniques, or
NLP techniques. It applies to any technique that has to do with ideas.
the bridge, which remains standing.
Take mathematical equations. People can build equations that have no
value. The object is to build the equations so that the bridge does not fall
down, especially when cars go across it.
Ask yourself: "Can we build better?" To build those things we have to
be able to suspend whatever belief system we already have. Keep it out of
the way.
Many bridges didn't work. The assumption "Something is wrong,"
doesn't even work well in medicine. Yet they still try to build from it. That
includes practicality everything from medicine.
Make a distinction between these beliefs and, for example religious
convictions. We're not talking about religion, or beliefs about God. Those
things get very, very personal.
In psychology they still try to build from the model called normative
statistics. That allows you to say, "This works sometimes and not others." It
does not allow you to describe how this work, or what the work is based
on. You want other materials, and other models, even just to design
We’re talking about basic beliefs regarding human capability.
Here's the only truth about that. Nobody knows.
It fascinates me that when you cut your finger it heals. How? Also, it
knows when it's done. You don't grow a Siamese twin. Something has to tell
those cells "Stop." It does not use a higher brain function. Doctors and
biologists have no idea how healing even stops.
Design hope. It pays off. People create ideas that will shape reality.
Those ideas can become reality to share.
Maybe you want to believe that you're the only person who's
competent. Everybody else thinks you're not. You can convince yourself.
That will make you convincing to them. Then you can do surgery, or NLP,
or drive a bus. They might let you. With luck, they stop you before a
terminal adventure.
Science doesn't know everything. Wow. My guess is science doesn't
suspect anything. They don't take into account acupuncture. They don't take
into account traditional medicine of China or of India or of anywhere. If they
can't see it, and they don't know it, and they can't explain it, they say, "When
you show me how it works then I'll believe it." Yet they believe in the most
idiotic things, that they can't show nobody nothing of.
Go to London. They tell you the right side of the mad is the wrong side
of the road. People argue philosophically. But in London, or in America, you
drive on the side of the road everyone has agreed to or you collide.
We don't know how electricity works; we don't know how magnets
work. One thing I can guarantee you. Psychologists do not know how
people work.
You want to become competent at whatever you do. That does not
mean to get phobics who shake in their boots while their blood pressure
blows through the roof to believe, "This is not fear." The object is to get
them to stay calm and alert, and to stay in their own lane, and to drive across
Take somebody who's schizophrenic, or the most highly educated and
touted physicist in the world, or somebody who thinks they're the best
neurolinguistic programmer. What they can't do is based on what they don't
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