Samir Amin - Ending the Crisis of Capitalism or Ending Capitalism (2011).pdf

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Ending the Crisis
of Capitalism or
Ending Capitalism?
ngntea IT
Through the voices o f the peoples of Africa and the
glo ba l South, Pa mbazuka Pre ss and Pamba zuka
News disseminate analysis and debate o n the
struggle for freedom and justice.
Pam baz uka Press - www.pam baz ukapress .org
II A Pan-Afric an pu bl is he r o f prog res.., ive books and DVDs
on A frica and the g lobal South that rum to s timu late
d iscussio n, ana lysis and cngagemcnt. Our p u bli cati ons
add re ss issue s o f h uman r ig hls, so cial justice, ad vocacy, the
politi cs o f aid, d evelo pme nt an d inte rnational fin a nce, women's
righ ts, e merging powe rs and ac ti vi s m. They are primarily writ-
tcn by wcll -known A fr ican a cad e mics and a ctivists. A ll books arc
a vail a bl e as c books.
Pam baz uka News - www.pam baz
The award-w inn ing and in flue n ti al e lect ro ni c wee kly
new s lette r pro vid i ng a pla tform fo r progres.., ive Pan-
A frican pe rs pecti ves o n poli tics, developmen t and g lo bal
a ffair s. Wi th more than 2,500 co nt rib uto rs across the
con tinen t and a re ade rshi p of m o re than 660,000, Pamhaz u ka
NcIVs has beco me thc indispcns<'lb Jc sourcc o f au thcn ti c voiccs o f
A fr ica's social analysts a nd activists .
Pamba::uktl Prl'ss //lui Pmnba:: ukil Ne ws are pI/blishI'd by Full/IIIIII
(rmmJ ) fall1l III
ngntea IT
Ending the Crisis
of Capitalism or
Ending Capitalism?
Samir Amin
Trans lated by
Vict o ri a Bawtree
Pambazuka Press
At) imprint o f Fa hamu
Internatio nal Publish ing House
ngntea IT
Tlus English edition first published 2011 by Pambazuka Press,
an imprint of Fahamu
CapeTown, o.-.kar, Nairobi and Oxford
\VwI \'
Dab r
\\-.vI\'.codcsria. org
Books for Change,
Fahamu, 2nd /l oor, 51 Cornmarkel Street, Oxford OX I 3l-J A, UK
Fah amu Kenya, PO Box 47 158, 00 100 GPO, N airobi, Kenya
Fah>!mu Senegal, 9 Ci te Sonatel2, roB 2502 1, Dakar-I'arm, Dakar, Seneg,,1
Fahamu SouUr Africa, c /o 19 Nerina Crescent, Fish Hoek,
7Cf75 Cape Town, South Africa
CODESRIA, Avenue Chcikh Antn Diop X Canal IV; BP 3JO.1, CP 18524,
Dakar, Senegal
Book!> for CJ1<1nge, 139 Richmond Road, &:mg<ll orc 560 025, India
French edition /...11 aifot": S",·ti, ili' Illaifot" illl cul'itil/islrw Oil ~()1tir lill CUl,ifldisllw
ell aise fir st published 2<Xl9 by Le Temps d es Cerises
Cop yright © Samir Amin 2011
The ri ght of Samir Amin to be identi(jed as th e author of thi s work
has been asserted by him in accordance wilh the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserl'ed . Redi stribu ti on of the material presented in thi s work
i~ encouraged by the publis her, prol'id i..-d thai the ori ginal text is nol a1ten.-d,
lhal the o rigin>!1 source is properly and fully acknoll'lcdgi..-d and that the
obJectil'e of the redis tributio n is not conunercial gain. Please con tact
the publi sher if youlI'ish to reproduce, redistribu te or tnnsmit, in
any form or by any mea ns, thi s work o r <Illy portion thereof
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A ca talogue record for th is book is al'ailable from the Bri tish Lib rary
ISBN : Cf78- 1-9063S7-80-8 paperback
ISBN: Cf78- 1-906387-83-9 cbook - pdf
ISB N India: 978-8 1- 829 1- 109-3
oc ngntea IT
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