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My Farm
Player’s Guide
1. Installation and settings
2. Main menu
3. How to play ?
3.1. The interface
3.2. Moving an animal
3.3. Feeding an animal
3.4. Cleaning
3.5. The stock
3.6. The Shopkeeper
3.7. Installing equipment
3.8. The Penny Fair
3.9. Farmer Jack
4. Keyboard shortcuts
5. Game techniques
6. Screensaver
7. Credits
My Farm is a farm animal raising simulation game. With it, you are going to transform yourself
into a cyber-farmer, watching your animals live and evolve.
At the start of the game, all you own is a single little hen, an empty field and a few pennies…
You need to feed it, take care of it and improve its lifestyle. Well fed with seeds, your hen will
lay eggs which you can then sell to the Shopkeeper. In exchange, you can buy new animals at
the Penny Fair. Be careful, if your hens are not regularly fed, they end up feeding themselves
In My Farm, the aim of the game is to make profit to increase your capital. Sell eggs and other
farmyard products, in order to buy more livestock (hens, ducks, turkeys, pigs, sheep and cows)
from the Penny Fair and make improvements to your farm at the shop (fences, sheep barn,
drinking trough, etc…).
And, little by little, your Farm will evolve and you will unlock bonuses: a windmill, a rooster, a
dog, a tractor, etc.
1. Installation and settings
Minimum configuration:
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Processor 1 GHz or faster
512 Mb RAM
64 Mb graphics card compatible DirectX 9
Sound card compatible DirectX 9
60 Mb free hard disk space
CD-Rom drive
Windows XP or more recent
Recommended configuration:
Processor 2.8 GHz
1024 Mb RAM
128 Mb 3D graphics card
Insert the CD-Rom « My Farm » in the CD drive of your computer. The installation menu should
automatically appear. Click on « Install My Farm » and then follow the instructions for the
installation program.
Once the installation has been completed, an icon will appear on your Desktop. Use this to start
the game.
During the installation, My Farm was also configured for you to use as a screensaver. To edit its
settings, click on the screensaver tab of Display Settings in the Control Panel of Windows.
2. Main menu
Once My Farm has been loaded, the main menu appears. It displays a few options : New game,
Continue, Options, Credits and Quit.
If you are playing My Farm for the first time, then the Continue button will be unavailable. Click
on New game to start playing. The next time you load the game, the Continue button will be
available and will allow you to go back to the game where you left it.
The Options button enables you to open an option panel which will not only help you with the
game settings but also with the screensaver which was installed with it.
In this window, it is possible to deactivate the sound effects or the music.
It is also possible to turn the volume up or down with the cursors on the left.
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You can also alter the level of detail seen on screen in My Farm. By default, it’s at its maximum,
the cursor being completely to the right. If your graphics card is struggling to make the game
work, you can lower this level by moving the cursor to the left. There will be less detail on your
farm, but the scrolling will be more fluid!
It is also possible to adjust the scroll speed of your cursor.
You can also deactivate the tooltips, which tell you what each button does when you hover over
it with the cursor of the mouse.
Finally, one last option enables you to use, or not, the My Farm screensaver function. If this
function isn’t activated, your normal Windows screensaver will be used.
When your farm is in sleep mode, it is still possible for you to go back in and continue playing.
For this, you just need to press a key. By default, this key is the space bar, but you can change
it. To do this, click on the zone « Stop sleep mode », then press the new key which you would
like to designate for this function.
The last button on the bottom row of the My Farm interface will let you quit the game. Don’t
worry, though, as when you reload the game, you will find your farm in the same state as when
you left it!
3. How to play?
You have decided to drop everything, school and friends, to set up home in the countryside.
You have just inherited a small farm from your Uncle.
Farmer Jack is the neighbouring farmer! He quite freely gives all kinds of good advice. Listen
carefully to what he says as it will help you run your farm better.
To move about on your farm, use the mouse. When you reach the edge of the screen, on the
right, on the left, at the top or at the bottom the view will change. You can also use the cursor
movement keys on your keyboard instead of the mouse.
With a right click of the mouse you can change the view at will. With the mouse’s scroll wheel
you can zoom in or out of parts of the farm. Finally, a left click of the mouse is used to select
your animals or installations (see further on).
At the start of the game, you only have 100 pennies and a hen! You will be able to feed it with
seeds and, the next day, it will have laid eggs… This is how everything starts! Now you need to
familiarize yourself with the interface controls.
3.1. The interface
This interface is very simple: at the top, the counter and score indicator bar and, at the bottom,
the control buttons. The only exceptions, in the top right hand corner, are two small arrows.
These enable you to speed up or slow down time on the farm. By default, time goes by at
normal speed (x1). But by clicking on the right hand arrow, you can accelerate time and
inversely with the left hand one. This option is quite important as sometimes there is nothing to
be done on the farm. In this case, you can speed up the game a little without getting bored in
front of your screen!
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At the top, information on the state of your farm is displayed.
On the left, the pig’s head followed by some numbers indicates how many animals you currently
have on your farm. The maximum number that your farm can handle is twenty!
To the right, the coins followed by a number indicate how many « pennies » you have. This
money counter automatically updates itself after every purchase or sale.
The central icon is a sundial which tells you the time of day. Your animals live by the rhythm of
the sun and you should run your farm accordingly.
The « Smiley » icon followed by a percentage indicates the overall happy mood rate of your
animals. It’s not only necessary for your animals to be well fed, but also to be happy. Though
the two normally go together…
When you select an animal by clicking on it, two indicator bars appear,
enabling you to see its state. At the top, in green, is the happy mood
bar. Below, in yellow, is the food indicator bar. Ideally both bars should
be at their maximum.
3.2. Moving an animal
At the bottom of the screen there is a row of ten buttons. Each one of these enables you to do
an action.
The first button, illustrated by a pair of boots, allows you to move the
animals on the farm. By clicking on it, two new tools appear: the carrot
and the stick. If you want your animal to come towards you, entice it
with the carrot. If you want your animal to go away, hit it with the stick!
To use the carrot, click on the top button. The cursor will transform itself. Select an animal. A
few little arrows will pop up. They indicate the direction in which you want to send the animal.
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To make it come towards you, for example, click on the middle arrow pointing downwards.
Please note however, it is not always possible to send an animal in every direction. Certain
obstacles can block the way. In the same way, it is not possible to order an animal to move if it
is already moving. In both of these cases, the cursor will transform itself into a no entry sign to
warn you that this action is impossible.
To use the stick, proceed in the same way but click on the « Move with stick » button instead.
But be careful, as hitting an animal with a stick will slightly lower its happy mood bar. So you
must be reasonable and not go overboard… On the other hand, using the carrot can have the
opposite effect, so when an animal is unhappy, try using the carrot…
3.3. Feeding an animal
By clicking on the button « Feed », three new buttons will pop up:
seeds, fruit & vegetables and hay. The right food must be given to the
right animal. Buy, from the Shopkeeper (see further on), the stock and
food that you need.
Hay is used to feed the cows and the sheep. As soon as you notice
that one of these animals is hungry, click on the button « Feed with
hay ». The cursor of the mouse will change shape. Just click on the
animal to feed it.
Vegetables are only used to feed the pigs. Click on this button, then
on a pig, to give it the food.
Seeds are used for feeding the hens, the ducks and the turkeys.
Luckily this is the cheapest food. Click on the « Feed with seeds »
button and use the same procedure.
When you feed an animal, you will not only see its food indicator bar go up, but also its happy
mood bar, though to a lesser degree. Each animal should be fed regularly and in a reasonable
manner. Pay careful attention as not to waste food as it can be quite expensive.
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