Power Rangers - 01x37 - Clean-up Club [DVD-Rip].txt

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{1}{75}movie info: XVID  640x480 25.0fps 174.1 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{1598}{1702}Everybody take their places, please.
{1706}{1741}Bulk, the world's greatest guy.
{1765}{1895}Take 32, I have always|enjoyed this notable class. Ha ha!
{1942}{2020}Take your seats now, please.
{2144}{2235}That was Miss Appleby, who can|wait for me to sit down,
{2237}{2302}she really is a lovely teacher.|Ha ha!
{2367}{2432}Ah, light's no good, left.
{2445}{2549}No, my left, no right, back up.
{2809}{2900}Don't worry about it, Bulk,|I'll edit it out later.
{3017}{3147}It's time for our first|video project, today. Trini.
{3219}{3336}My video project is called|"Pollution problems in Angel Grove".
{3466}{3557}Pollution it exits even here|in beautiful Angel Grove.
{3570}{3635}Despite all the attention|focused on the evironment
{3635}{3726}in the past few years,|we still have a problem with trash,
{3735}{3839}dirty air and polluted water.|Heavy industry,
{3839}{3956}a major source of contaminants|have made progress recently
{3951}{4029}but there's still a lot|that needs to be done.
{4023}{4114}We must take care not to|destroy nature's delicate balance,
{4122}{4239}for the sake of the animals|and for our very world.
{4243}{4334}Because if the animals disappear,|ultimately, so will we.
{4360}{4464}The time to act is now.
{4527}{4698}Very nice job, Trini. Pollution is a|serious concern to our society.
{4687}{4759}I couldn't agree more.|I'm deeply concerned about
{4760}{4851}ecological ramifications of ozone|depletion, acid rain,
{4841}{4919}deforestization and the|loss of our topsoils.
{4907}{5024}Yeah, you're right. So what can|we do to help beautify our city?
{5024}{5063}I want to start a clean up club.
{5074}{5128}One day a week we can|do some recycling,
{5128}{5206}he can even count|endahngered animals.
{5236}{5304}- Count me in!|- Sounds cool!
{5376}{5424}A clean up club, eh.
{5448}{5552}We'll give them something to clean.|Call Finster's Pollutatorn.
{5551}{5623}He will make such a|mess of their planet
{5625}{5676}they'll never get it cleaned up.
{5713}{5804}Goldar, I have you two to|make sure it works, now go.
{5817}{5856}Yes, my Queen.
{6168}{6207}That was very good!
{6233}{6285}Watch this.
{6402}{6493}Not very practable,|but big points for style.
{6506}{6532}How's it going, huh?
{6532}{6584}Good, two more and we're done.
{6720}{6785}- Very good, Billy!|- Thanks.
{6785}{6824}I'm using a special mixture|of totally organic
{6824}{6915}paint pigmented with|various natural substances.
{6906}{6984}Okay, a little to the left.
{7046}{7137}Back a little bit to the right.
{7171}{7184}It's great.
{7191}{7243}Listen, I want to thank|you guys for helping me out.
{7248}{7287}With all this recycling stuff.
{7287}{7339}That's what the clean up club is for.
{7347}{7412}Now let's go to that field|near the park and pick up trash.
{7417}{7443}- Shall we?|- Yes!
{7437}{7463}Let's go!
{7464}{7490}See you later, guys.
{7509}{7613}Bulk, the worlds greatest guy.|Scene 40.
{7613}{7704}Working out. This is where I train.
{7717}{7782}Copping up is important to me.
{7842}{7933}Bulk, you promised I could|do the scene with you.
{7933}{8011}Whose going to run the camera, stupid.
{8013}{8104}Hey, Ernie, do you want|to film us working out?
{8104}{8169}You two, working out?
{8167}{8247}Just run the camera, okay.
{8286}{8351}Oh, this aught to be fun.
{8390}{8442}Guys, this is really sad.
{8494}{8546}Look at this mess.
{8559}{8598}This is terrible.
{8598}{8676}Who would think people|would ruin such a beautiful place.
{8683}{8761}Let me take a soil sample.
{8822}{8884}Completely polluted.|This kind of wanted disregard
{8887}{8952}is so destructive to|such a fragile escosystem.
{8952}{8978}And it stinks.
{8983}{9061}Okay, clean up club,|time to get busy.
{10028}{10080}Looks like our club really|cleaned up.
{10070}{10148}Looks totally far out|and funky down the drain dude.
{10145}{10174}Very successful venture.
{10174}{10213}And it was fun too.
{10213}{10265}Now let's do that section|over there and then
{10265}{10304}head down to the recycling centre.
{10395}{10499}It's almost time. Ha ha ha!
{10499}{10564}Another brilliant plan, my Queen.
{10564}{10655}I'll send Putties to soften|them up for the pollutercorn.
{10819}{10858}This is going to make me look good.
{10858}{10923}Thanks for all your help goodie goods.
{11066}{11157}Bulk, the worlds greatest guy.|Take 53.
{11157}{11222}I picked up all this trash myself.
{11235}{11274}Beautiful man, but this way.
{11300}{11378}Right, my right, other right.
{11378}{11430}To right, other right.
{11533}{11585}Get me out of here!
{11964}{12055}What kind of people just|dump their trash like this?
{12076}{12115}Polluters like that.
{12115}{12167}Oh no! Putties!
{12193}{12245}Now we've got something|else to clean up.
{14205}{14257}So much for them.
{14421}{14460}Monster sky high.
{14473}{14499}Flying in fast.
{14499}{14538}That's one nightmare.
{14538}{14590}It's Morphin Time!
{14590}{14629}- Mastodon!|- Pterodactyl!
{14642}{14694}- Triceratops!|- Sabretooth Tiger!
{14759}{14785}Power Rangers!
{15019}{15084}Toxic winds blow!
{15227}{15253}You guys okay?
{15255}{15333}Come on, we've got to stop him or|we could lose everything in sight?
{15393}{15458}Oh man, what now?
{15586}{15651}Stop! I will take care|of these irritants.
{15924}{15963}It doesn't even feel our attacks.
{15974}{16026}I like his style.
{16026}{16117}I'm going to destroy you|and your miserable planet.
{16270}{16364}That's the way, Pollutercorn.|I'm so devious, it's delicious.
{16479}{16520}That horse things too much.
{16520}{16598}This monster may prove|difficult for you to defeat Rangers.
{16598}{16673}Billy help Alpha with the|situation analysis while
{16676}{16702}I brief the others.
{16708}{16747}Yes, sir.
{16753}{16805}Data printout coming up.
{16818}{16870}So what's up with this|new monster, Zordon?
{16870}{16961}It's all part of Rita's latest|plan to destroy the earth.
{16961}{17013}Observe the Viewing Globe.
{17039}{17104}Rita has created this monster|called Pollutercorn to
{17104}{17156}cover the earth with pollution.
{17156}{17195}We can't let that happen.
{17195}{17247}There's got to be a way|to stop that thing.
{17260}{17286}Yeah, but how?
{17286}{17364}Ai yi yi! Whoa!
{17377}{17442}- Alpha.|- Are you alright?
{17468}{17507}You okay?
{17676}{17725}My analysis shows that|Pollutercorn derives
{17728}{17767}it's powers from it's horn.
{17774}{17865}Good work, Billy, I will|bring it up on the Viewing Globe.
{17917}{18047}The Pollutercorn is attacking|the Angel Grove Recycling plant.
{18060}{18109}I can pollute you whole|pathetic little planet
{18110}{18188}faster than you can clean it up.
{18214}{18279}We can't let him|wreck that factory.
{18292}{18344}It's Morphin Time!
{18344}{18396}- Mastodon!|- Pterodactyl!
{18389}{18441}- Triceratops!|- Sabretooth Tiger!
{18662}{18688}You guys get them!
{18700}{18727}I'll check out horn head.
{18738}{18779}Alright, let's do it!
{19515}{19645}Got to find a way|to chop off that horn.
{19677}{19781}Face it. I'm just too powerful|for you puny Ranger.
{19780}{19820}Besides your friends are finished.
{19859}{19911}Wait a minute. I've got to|finish destroying this
{19911}{20028}recycling plant first. Ah, so much|to pollute, so little time.
{20041}{20106}Your polluting days are|over horse face.
{20106}{20158}I'm sending you back to the barn.
{20501}{20579}Alright, smog breath,|my friends need help.
{20576}{20657}I summon the Power of Dragon Shield.
{21109}{21200}I'll get you for that.|Make my Pollutercorn grow!
{21520}{21585}We need Dinozord power now!
{22196}{22261}Toxic winds blow!
{22495}{22521}Take that!
{22534}{22612}We're getting done, guys.|We need the Power Sword!
{22807}{22872}Let's finish him, ha!
{23223}{23288}Oh, such a headache!
{23288}{23392}Never fear someday we'll make|those Power Rangers pay.
{23426}{23478}This special bulletin just in.
{23478}{23517}We've just gotten word|that once again
{23517}{23592}the Amazing Power Rangers|have saved our town
{23592}{23686}and the world from one of|Rita Repulsa's lethal monsters.
{23688}{23750}Eye witness report that after|a lengthy battle,
{23755}{23820}the Power Rangers and|their Zords were able to
{23818}{23924}defeat the beasts, just before|it attacked downtown Angel Grove.
{23919}{23971}No people were reported injured.
{23966}{24057}How long will we be safe|from Rita Repulsa's monsters.
{24070}{24161}No one knows for sure,|but thank you, Rangers.
{24161}{24200}Whoever you are.
{24200}{24278}Hey, more recycling gang.|Time to go to work.
{24304}{24343}Okay, Ernie.
{24595}{24660}That makes an even 500.
{24655}{24746}Someday soon this plastic's|going to make a lot of credit cards.
{24746}{24798}Oh, yeah, well check out|this pile of papers. Man!
{24798}{24889}We just saved a redwood.
{24925}{25071}Remember you want to help, act|helpful. Tell them your here to help.
{25071}{25110}Yeah. I know my lines.
{25104}{25192}Alright, Bulk woulds greatest guy,|scene 78.
{25200}{25317}I always like to help out|with the recycling.
{25382}{25447}What a dork!
{25694}{25733}I'm gonna pound you.
{25733}{25980}Oh, yeah. I think whenever possible|everything should be recycled.
{26247}{26390}Today we will be seeing Bulk|and Skull's video, won't we?
{26385}{26463}Uh, well.
{26486}{26577}Just finished editing it.
{26606}{26671}This will be very interesting.
{26684}{26749}I'm sure it will be an|award winning project.
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