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Lesson 31
Lesson 1
What is Europe?
Bob Kelly (Lecturer in Social Sciences at the Open University):
The first usage seems to be simple and that is geography. The idea of a
stretch of land that covers from the Atlantic through to the Ural Mountains,
that constitutes a geographical entity called Europe.
The second use of the term Europe generally refers to a whole set of values,
the system of values or beliefs, that are seen to characterize what Europe is
all about, politically, socially, culturally. It focuses on things like Christendom,
liberal democracy, the idea that everybody should have a say in the decision-
making of government. The idea of the rule of law, that nobody is above the
law and nobody should be punished without going through the due processes
of law.
We’re looking at a modern version of the project, that’s to create a peaceful
Europe, a united Europe, a trading Europe, a successful economic entity of
- użycie, usus językowy
stretch of land
- połać ziemi, szmat lądu
- jednostka
to refer to
- odnosić się, dotyczyć
set of values
- przekonanie, wiara
to focus
- skupiać się, koncentrować, ogniskować
- chrześcijaństwo
liberal democracy
- liberalna demokracja
to have a say in sth
- mieć głos/coś do powiedzenia w jakiejś
- podejmowanie decyzji
- rząd
the rule of law
- praworządność, rządy prawa
to be above the law
- nowoczesny, współczesny
- projekt, plan, przedsięwzięcie
to create
- tworzyć
- pokojowy
- zjednoczony
to trade
- handlować
- odnoszący sukcesy, zakończony
sukcesem, udany
economic entity
- jednostka gospodarcza
- system wartości
- stać ponad prawem
…that are seen to characterize what Europe is all about - które, jak się
uważa, charakteryzują to, czym jest Europa
…what Europe is all about - czym jest Europa, co mamy na myśli mówiąc
to go through the due processes of law – przejść przez wymagane instancje
a trading Europe tu oznacza: europejskie partnerstwo handlowe
uzupełnij zdania:
1. Europe is all (round, about, on) a common set of values and beliefs.
2. Nobody should be (around, above, over) the law.
3. A condition in which everybody, including the rulers, accepts the
supreme authority of the law is called the (rule, ruler, ruling) of law.
1. about
2. above
3. rule
Lesson 2
What is the European Union?
Richard Heffernan (Lecturer in Government and Politics at the Open
The European Union is a political organisation set up by member states over
the last 50 years to secure economic individual and collective self-interest. I
think we can see that Europe seeks to secure advantages for its member
states through political cooperation and economic integration, building a
common market, by cooperating with each other, and requiring member
states to pool their sovereignty in the pursuit of these common interests that
they share for their own interest but for their collective interest as well.
member state
- państwo członkowskie
to secure
- zapewnić, zdobyć, uzyskać, zabezpieczyć
- ekonomiczny, gospodarczy
- indywidualny
- wspólny, zbiorowy
- własny interes, własna korzyść
to seek (to)
- dążyć, zabiegać
- korzyść
- tu: poprzez, na drodze, za pomocą
- współpraca
- integracja
to build
- budować
to set up
- założyć, utworzyć
common market
- wspólny rynek
to require
- wymagać, potrzebować
- wspólnie zmobilizować, zebrać
- pogoń za, dążenie do
- wspólny
to share
- dzielić (wspólnie)
o n
- łasny
The European Union – Unia Europejska
over the last 50 years – w ciągu ostatnich 50-ciu lat
in the pursuit of – w pogoni za, w dążeniu do
self-interest – własny interes
own interest = self-interest
common interest – wspólny interes
collective interest – zbiorowy interes
uzupełnij zdania:
1. The European Union was set (in, up, down) by its member states.
2. They cooperate with each other in the (purse, pursue, pursuit) of
common interests.
3. They seek to (secure, secular, security) their collective self-interests.
1. up
2. pursuit
3. secure
Lesson 3
Europe after the war
Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister 1940-1945, 1951-1955):
We cannot aim at anything less than the union of Europe as a whole, and we
look forward with confidence to the day when that union will be achieved.
Edward Heath (British Prime Minister 1970-1974):
There was the Hague Conference, which the British Labour government was
not present at, and the Europeans there decided to move towards much
closer unity. And then in 1950 it was Jean Monet who brought forward the
idea of the Coal and Steel Community. And so from that it all developed.
Christopher Johnson (journalist):
The European Coal and Steel Community was really an attempt by France,
Germany, and the Benelux countries and Italy, to turn their back on the war
and to say, “If we pool the two basic materials that every economy needs in
war or in peace, namely coal and steel, then there can't be a war again”.
to pool
- suwerenność
- ojna
to aim
- tu: dążyć/zmierzać do czegoś
- unia, związek
to look forward to
- wypatrywać, oczekiwać
- tu: ufność, nadzieja
to achieve
- osiągnąć
Labour government
- rząd laburzystowski, rząd Partii Pracy
to move towards
- pójść w kierunku
- jedność
to bring forward an idea
- wystąpić z pomysłem, ideą
- próba
to turn one’s back on sth
- odwrócić się do czegoś plecami, odciąć
się od czegoś
to pool
- wspólnie złączyć, zmobilizować
- podstawowy
- gospodarka
- pokój
- ęgiel
- stal
The European Coal and Steel Community Europejska Wspólnota
Węgla i Stali (pierwsza integracyjna organizacja europejska, założona w roku
1951 przez 6 państw: Belgię, Holandię, Luksemburg, Francję, RFN i Włochy,
weszła w życie w lipcu 1952 roku)
And so from that it all developed – I to dało wszystkiemu początek
uzupełnij zdania:
1. They looked (above, further, forward) with confidence to the day when
that union would be achieved.
2. They decided to (twist, turn, bend) their back on the war.
3. They decided to (pool, pull, puddle) the two basic materials that every
economy needs, namely coal and steel.
1. forward
2. turn
3. pool
Lesson 4
The remaking of Europe
Richard Heffernan (Lecturer in Government and Politics at the Open
I think you have to see the emergence of the European Union as being a
product of the remaking of Europe after 1945. I think, particularly continental
- cały
powers agreed that they were best suited to try to cooperate rather than
conflict. And I think that the fear was that Europe should never ever again go
to war, and that economic and political cooperation, in an institution organised
internationally in a European arena, would be a good way of ensuring that that
would not happen.
Tony Benn (former Labour cabinet minister and Member of Parliament):
Germany knew it could only rediscover its power through a political instrument
that wasn't Germany. And therefore the European union provided a
framework within which its own economic and industrial power could be
recreated. France realised that it depended on Germany to have the industrial
base for its diplomatic leadership. And the little countries did, of course, feel
that they were best protected within a framework of the European Union.
- przekształcenie, przerobienie, tworzenie
na nowo
- wyłonienie się
to cooperate
- potęga, mocarstwo
to conflict
- pozostawać w konflikcie
- obawa, strach
never ever
- (emfatycznie) nigdy więcej
to go to war
- iść na wojnę
- współpraca
to ensure
- zapewnić, upewnić się
to rediscover
- odnaleźć, odzyskać
- potęga
to provide
- dostarczać
- struktura, ramy
to recreate
- odtworzyć
to depend on
- zależeć, być uzależnionym od czegoś
industrial base
- baza przemysłowa
diplomatic leadership
- przywództwo dyplomatyczne
to be protected
- być chronionym
within a framework
- w łonie/w ramach struktury
they were best suited to try to cooperate – najlepiej nadawały się do tego,
żeby ze sobą współpracować
would be a good way of ensuring that that would not happen – byłoby dobrym
sposobem zapewnienia, że do tego nie dojdzie
uzupełnij zdania:
1. The (merger, mergence, emergence) of the European Union was the
product of the remaking of Europe after the Second World War.
2. The fear was that Europe should never (whatever, whenever, ever) go
to war again.
3. The little countries felt that they were best protected within a (frame,
framed, framework) of the European Union.
- współpracować
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