Letter of complaint.doc

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Dear Sir/Madam,

      I am writing to express my disappointment with the service I received when I stayed in your hotel on 20th December.

      Firstly, your food is usually of a very high standard but on this occasion, the meal in your restaurant left a lot to be desired. The food was cold and absolutely tasteless so neither my family nor I felt inclined to finish our meal.

      Furthermore, although I had booked a double room with a bathroom and tea and coffee making facilities, on my arrival I received only a room with a shower. To make matters worse, the heating in the room did not work,

      I hope not to be treated lightly and I feel that I am entitled to compensation for this inconvenience during my holiday.

      I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. 


Yours faithfully


Useful language: 

·         (beginning) I am writing to complain about.../express my disappointment with.../draw your attention to the problem of.../express my anger at.../ express my strong dissatisfaction with …

·         (ending) I hope this matter will be resolved as soon as possible/I trust this matter will not be treated lightly/ I feel that you should .../I believe I am entitled to compensation/If I do not hear from you, I will be forced to take legal action


Write sentences using the prompts given below: 

1.       I/write/express/disappointment/the unfortunate accident/take place in your hotel 

2.       I/believe/entitle/refund/for the inconvenience/suffer 

3.       I/trust/this matter/receive your immediate attention


4.       I/write/complain/poor quality/service/experience/in one of your restaurants



Mild complaint:

I am writing to complain about a damaged videotape I bought at your shop.

I hope you will deal with this matter/resolve this matter quickly.

Strong complaint:

I am writing to express my disgust at the appalling treatment I received while staying at your hotel.

I insist upon full compensation or I will be forced to take this matter further.




Opening remarks:

Mild: I AM Whiting to complain about / regarding / on account of / because of / on the subject of / I AM Whiting to draw your attention to…/I am Whiting to you in connection with…

Strong: I was appalled at / I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with / I feel I must protest/complain about


Closing remarks:

Mild: I hope/assume you will replace/ I trust the situation will improve/ I hope that the matter will be resolved / I hope we can sort this matter out amicably

Strong: I insist you replace the item at once/ I demand a full refund/ I hope that I will not be forced to take further action


1.       Zacznij nowy paragraf dla każdego punktu listu.

2.       Powinnaś przedstawić powód zażalenia/skargi w pierwszym paragrafie.

3.       Każde zażalenie powinno być poparte wyjaśnieniem problemu.

4.       Skargi i zażalenia mogą łączyć się za pomocą zwrotów:

I still haven’t received the foods I ordered in spite of/despite the fact that I sent you a cheque three weeks ago.

Although/even though I have only used the automatic tin-opener once , it no longer works. I have written to you twice but you have not taken any action.

I have already written to you twice. Nevertheless,/However, you have not taken any action.

Letter of Complaint

I would therefore be grateful if you could consider a full refund of....
Such a delay seems to me inexcusable - takie opoznienie jest dla mnie niewybaczalne
Unfortunately your product (or service) has not performed well (or the service was inadequate) because...
I am disappointed because....(ex. the product does not work properly/the service was not performed correctly etc)



Jesteś w Anglii. 2 dni temu kupiłaś MP4  które przestało działać następnego dnia. Napisz list do biura obsługi klienta, w którym:

-opisz co sie stało z MP4

-wyraz swoje rozczarowanie jakością zakupionego przedmiotu

-określ jak duże poniosłaś straty

-zaproponuj formę rekompensaty



You stayed at a holiday resort recommended by your travel agent. However, you did not enjoy your stay due to a number of difficulties. Write a letter describing them and asking for action to be taken.







Match the complaints with the justifications using appropriate linking words.

1.       My 2-year-old daughter cut herself on the toy.

2.       When we received the bill we realized we had been charged the full price.

3.       The top rack of the dishwasher has broke.

4.       You still keep delivering equipment to the wrong address.

5.       I received a letter saying my licence has expired.

6.       The shirt’s bright collar has turned pink.

7.       I had to share a bathroom with other guests.


a)      I sent you a cheque to renew it a month ago.

b)      I informed you of my change of business address.

c)       I booked a room with a private bathroom.

d)      I have only used it three times.

e)      You claim it is safe for children over 18 months.

f)        The label states that it can be washed at high temperatures without the colours fading.

g)       We were told there would be a 20% discount if we ordered before June.


Linking words:

Although / even though / however / despite the fact that /


Dear Sir/Madam,                                          Dear Mr Smithers,

…………………………..                                          ……………………………..             

              Yours faithfully,                                                        Yours sincerely,

              Simon Rogers                                                        Alex Matthews


When you want to introduce another complaint in a letter, you can begin the sentence with one of the following linking words or phrases:

What is more / in addition (to this)/ furthermore / moreover / apart from this / Besides (this)



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