Poker Tactics 101.pdf

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poker tactics 101
If you want to become a winning poker player, there are some basic tactics and tips you must
learn in order to succeed. These poker tips are not difficult to learn or remember, but you must
practice these tactics regularly if you want to win at the majority of your poker sessions.
poker tactics: watch the pot
Insist that all players put the proper amount in the pot at all times. Many card hustlers obtain a
decided edge by playing shy and forgetting to make good. Nickels and dimes stolen in this
fashion amount to dollars at the end of a poker session. Don't be a sucker for a card hustler: make
him put up.
poker tactics: know the rules
Learn the correct rules of the game so that in an argument you can protect your money. A bad
decision against a player can break him for the evening. If you know the rules and poker tactics,
no smart aleck will be able to cheat you out of a pot by a bad decision.
poker tactics: skill level
If you are a neophyte poker player, don't get into a game in which the boys are old hands.
Experience is a big factor and very hard to overcome with mere talent. If you are lucky in a game
with such players, you win a little; if unlucky, you lose heavily. Find a game where the players
are in your class.
poker tactics: have the appropriate bankroll
Before joining a poker game, ascertain the minumum and maximum limits, find out if the game is
being played with any special house rules and whether the number of raises is limited or
unrestricted. You need this information to determine whether you have enough money on your
person to sit in the game. There is no law at poker that says a player can't sit in a $5 limit game
with a $10 bankroll, but you must realize that you will probably lose your $10 on the very first
pot and get plenty of criticism from the other players. Only very rarely will you be lucky from the
start and win many times the $10 invested.
The smart poker player has a couple of hundred dollars as a cushion in a $5 limit game, and the
same ratio applies for smaller or larger limits. For example, a player should figure his cushion at
$40 for a $1 limit; at least $20 for a 50¢ limit, etc. The smart poker player reasons that his skill
will win for him over several hours of play but if he lacks sufficient money to overcome a streak
of bad luck, which may occur in the first few hands, he has, for that evening, lost any opportunity
of putting his skill to work.
poker tactics: observe before sitting in
Before you sit down to a poker game with strangers it is suggested that you observe the game for
at least an hour, studying the players' characteristics. See who plays the cards loose and who
plays tight. When you do join in, play a conservative game at first, just in case it might be a steer
game (crooked game). If you are dealt an exceptionally good hand in a strange poker game, don't
bet everything you have with you. Be satisfied with small winnings on the hand; if it is a steer
game your losses will be small, and perhaps the cheaters will decide you are too hep to be taken
poker tactics: a lender nor borrower be
Don't lend money to another player in a poker game. The money you lend will often help break
you. Also, it is an even bet you won't get it back. Gambling debts aren't paid back as often as
legitimate debts.
poker tactics: improve your skills
If you desire to improve your game, play as often as you can, because skill develops with
experience. But don't play in a big-limit game during the learning period.
Poker skill consists of five elements:
Knowledge of the game's mathematics.
Money management.
Psychological deception.
Card memory and analysis.
Betting courage.
The extent to which a player can use these elements will determine his poker ability.
These poker tactics are from the world's foremost gambling authority and expert, John Scarne,
and adapted for texas holdem online poker.
poker strategy
It is almost impossible to teach anyone to become a good poker player by setting a standard
pattern of poker strategy because all players have different traits. Some are nervous and crave to
be in every pot; others like to raise just for the thrill of the game; others are very conservative;
others have no courage (afraid to bet up their cards at the proper time).
I do not believe that giving sample problems and their solutions as poker strategy can lead to
better poker playing. Even if you memorized their solutions, you would grow old waiting for one
of these sample hands to occur in an actual game. And even if such a sample hand did turn up, it
would be most unlikely that the other players would have the same poker characteristics and the
same amounts of money as the illustration specified.
There is a certain fundamental poker strategy a player must follow if he hopes to play well.
poker strategy: learn the mathematics of poker
Know the mathematics of the game: It's not difficult to learn this poker strategy. You simply use
some common arithmetic plus a little patience to guide your playing. You should remember, for
instance, that in poker the average hand becomes less valuable with the addition of more players.
For example: A pair of jacks is worth holding in a two-handed game, but in a seven-handed game
it is very weak. A poker player will better his game immediately if he remembers this.
poker strategy: know the odds and probabilities
Next, a player must also have some knowledge of the chances of bettering certain hands. Study
the poker odds <poker-probability.php> on this web site. Don't try to memorize them; merely
absorb the general implications. Some of the best poker players just play a tight game, knowing
little of specific probabilities but applying the general principles.
poker strategy: don't give yourself away
Keep a poker face: Don't complain when losing or show elation when winning. Emotional
displays prohibit clear thinking and the proper evaluation of your hand. Don't indulge in
unnecessary conversation. Keeping a poker face means keeping the same disposition at all times.
Such restraints are very difficult to acquire overnight, but they are essential requirements of a
good poker player. When you achieve them, not only will you play your best game, but your
opponents will not be able to figure your hand so easily.
poker strategy: there are no friends in poker
Forget friendship: Upon entering a poker game leave friendship behind. If you hold a "cinch
hand" at stud and you allow your friend to see your hole card without putting in the last bet to call
your hand, I can assure you that you won't be a winner. If you want to play a good game, you
must bet your hand for what it is worth. Top money winners do. Poker is a game for blood.
poker strategy: know the opposition
Know poker psychology: A good poker player must be a good psychologist. During a big money
game, every kind of human emotion comes into play. I used to play stud with a player who,
whenever he was dealer and had a pair back to back, would almost always fail to deal himself an
upcard until his attention was called to it. He was concetrating so much on his pair that he forgot
he could better the pair by drawing.
Another player at draw poker would always ask, "Whose play is it?" When he asked this
question, I knew he probably had openers or a four-card flush -- at least he was going to play.
When he had a poor hand he would keep quiet and put his cards down before him. These are little
mannersims, if noted by the smart poker player, that will help him win because they will help him
to know what to do at the proper time.
These poker strategy tips and tactics are from the world's foremost gambling authority and poker
strategy expert, John Scarne.
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