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Using the standard on objective measures for concert auditoria, ISO 3382, to give reliable results
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 26, 2 (2005)
Using the standard on objective measures for concert auditoria,
ISO 3382, to give reliable results
Mike Barron
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath,
( Received 17 July 2004, Accepted for publication 4 December 2004 )
Abstract: The current version of the standard ISO 3382 has now been in existence for seven years,
yet for many the contents of Annexes A and B on newer measures remain confusing. A major issue is
the use to which these measures are put. Where the ‘new’ measures for auditoria differ from other
acoustic parameters is that they refer to a range of subjective effects, which are perceived
simultaneously. Using the newer measures requires a good understanding of the multi-dimensional
nature of music perception. Measurement data requires interpretation. When measurements are made
in unoccupied auditoria, the data requires correction to the situation with full audience. Another issue
is how to condense data measured across audience areas. The simplest approach is to present mean
values of the different quantities, but this ignores the fact that many quantities vary significantly with
location; the disappointment of sitting in a poor seat in an auditorium is no less for the knowledge that
the overall mean is good. Several of these issues are discussed here with the aim of promoting more
uniformity in the way the objective measures proposed in the Standard are applied by different
research groups and companies.
Keywords: Auditorium acoustics, Concert halls, Reverberation time
PACS number: 43.55.Gx [DOI: 10.1250/ast.26.162]
inter-aural cross correlation coe cient (IACC)—
Annex B
This paper will restrict itself to concert hall measure-
ments and will be concerned principally with the newer
measures from Annex A.
The 1997 revision of ISO 3382 was titled ‘‘Measure-
ment of the reverberation time of rooms with reference to
other acoustic parameters’’ [1]. The previous version from
1975 concerned itself exclusively with reverberation time.
The 1997 version is currently being revised into a Part 1
(the 1997 standard intended principally for performance
spaces) and Part 2 for reverberation time measurements in
ordinary rooms. The principle applied to Part 2 is that the
accuracy of measurement in ordinary rooms can be less
than in auditoria (mainly allowing for fewer source and
receiver positions).
The following measures are defined in the 1997
reverberation time (RT) — main body of standard
sound strength (G) — Annex A
early decay time (EDT) — Annex A
balance between early and late arriving energy (C 80
and others) — Annex A
early lateral energy measures (LF and LFC)—
Annex A
There are many verbal expressions used for subjective
response to live music performance. It is certain that
further subtleties remain to be resolved. At least eight
subjective qualities are currently mentioned regularly, as
listed in Table 1 together with recommended objective
measures. Listeners with some experience of completing
questionnaires can usually comment on each of these
subjective qualities. There is substantial evidence however
that listeners vary in their preferences, so that they select
different criteria when making an overall judgement.
Subjective studies to date conclude that listeners subdivide
into at least three groups: those that prefer either clarity or
reverberance or intimacy above other concerns [2, p. 188].
It is clear that a simplistic interpretation of the significance
of the measures found in ISO 3382 is unwise.
As shown in Table 1, what was often called spatial
impression is now understood to comprise two separate
Table 1 Subjective qualities in concert halls and their
possible objective correlates.
values should be corrected for these sensitivity differences.
Measurement of the total relative sound level (G)
depends on knowing the source sound power, or the
magnitude of the direct sound component. This should be
checked regularly, preferably on site before auditorium
measurements using a technique which enables the direct
sound to be isolated.
Subjective quality Objective measure
Clarity Clarity Index (C 80 )
Reverberance Early decay time (EDT)
Intimacy Total relative sound level (G)
Source broadening Early lateral energy fraction and sound
Listener envelopment Late lateral level
Total sound level and source-receiver
3.2. Audience Occupancy
In several respects, the usual measurement conditions
in halls differ from the performance situation. A frequent
difference concerns occupancy, both in the audience
seating and on the stage. The ideal is either to make
occupied measurements or to include absorbers which
simulate people, such as that proposed by Hidaka,
Nishihara and Beranek [7].
In the case of measurements without audience, most
concert halls fortunately have well-upholstered seating
which, though never as absorbent as occupied seating, is
almost as absorbent. It is likely that in most concert halls
the correction of objective measures for the change of
reverberation time is suciently accurate. Corrections
should be applied to all measures except the spatial ones, as
outlined in Sect. 6.1.
Typical magnitudes of corrections are four difference
limen for RT and EDT and one and a half difference limen
for C 80 and G. These have been derived as follows from
reverberation time data and difference limen for the various
objective measures, as in Table 2. Occupied and unoccu-
pied reverberation times of 17 concert halls are given by
Hidaka et al. [7], Table 2. If the Vienna Musikvereinssaal
data is omitted because some of its seating is hard, then the
mean unoccupied and occupied RTs are 2.32 and 1.85 s,
with a ratio of 0.80. With a difference limen of 5% for RT,
this corresponds to four difference limen. A similar number
of difference limen will apply to EDT; though the ratio of
EDT to RT varies slightly [8], the ratio is independent of
actual RT value. The author’s revised theory for sound
level in rooms (Sect. 7 below) allows typical values of C 80
and G to be predicted: for the reverberation time change
mentioned, the maximum change of C 80 is 1.5 dB (for a
source-receiver distance of 10m) and for G is 1.6 dB (for a
Bass level balance?
subjective effects: source broadening and listener envelop-
ment. Bradley and Soulodre [3] have proposed the late
lateral level as a measure of envelopment. This is not
included in the 1997 version of the standard but is under
discussion for its revision. Some of this author’s views on
spatial issues are found in [4]. Total relative sound level is
often referred to as ‘Strength.’
An understanding of the significance of each of these
proposed objective measures is enhanced by knowledge of
their history [5]. The history is important because sub-
jective experiments relating to concert hall listening are not
straightforward and have generally been conducted by
individuals working in different labs around the world on
their own initiative (there being little economic imperative
in this area). The measures listed in the Standard are the
best currently available but could in most cases be
improved. One major di culty with the proposed objective
measures is their interdependence. For instance, reverber-
ation time influences C 80 , EDT and G.
A mystery at present in concert hall acoustics concerns
the subjective effects of substantial diffusing surfaces on
the walls and ceiling of halls. There is some evidence that
listeners prefer diffuse conditions [6] but this is not
conclusive. The state of diffusion remains to be satisfac-
torily quantified and no suggestions have been offered for
how we perceive diffusion.
3.1. Calibration
For two of the objective measures (LF and G),
calibration is important for accurate results. For the
measurement of the early lateral energy fraction (LF),
measurement of the lateral portion is made with a figure-of-
eight microphone, with the lateral energy being compared
with that measured with an omni-directional microphone.
The maximum sensitivity of the figure-of-eight microphone
at the measuring frequencies should be measured relative
to that of the omni-directional microphone; an anechoic
chamber is likely to be the best location for this. Measured
Table 2 Possible frequency ranges for octave band
measurements in concert halls and subjective differ-
ence limen after Bork [23].
Frequency range
Reverberation time
Early decay time
Clarity Index (C 80 )
1 dB
Early lateral energy fraction, LF 125–1,000
Total relative sound level, G
1 dB
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 26, 2 (2005)
source receiver distance of 40m). In both cases, this
corresponds to changes between one and two difference
complex directivity, which also changes depending on the
note being played. The standard measurement technique is
to use a single omni-directional source, usually a dodec-
ahedron loudspeaker. To appreciate the artificiality of a
single source, one needs to listen to anechoically recorded
music played through an omni-directional source on a
concert hall stage; it is a lifeless listening experience. No
research into the significance of this issue appears to have
been done.
3.3. Stage Occupancy
When one goes to make a measurement in a hall, one
can either find the stage empty or occupied with chairs and
music stands. Of these, the latter is definitely to be
preferred. Ideally to match conditions with an orchestra,
chairs on stage would be occupied; however unoccupied
chairs and stands will partly obscure stage floor reflections,
which are the exception rather than the rule for symphony
orchestra performance. Measurement on an empty stage,
with in many cases floor reflections, will of course be
relevant to performances with small numbers of musicians.
The presence of chairs on stage also influences the
measured sound strength in the auditorium and may easily
reduce the sound level by a decibel or more; this is an
example of the effect of absorption close to the source [9].
This has been observed in more than one location, most
recently in a large concert hall that was measured on
different days, on one occasion with 50 chairs on stage and
the other with a bare stage (the source position was the
same for both measurements, namely 2m from the stage
front). The average auditorium level difference was 1.0 dB
[10]; that is about one difference limen. The ISO standard
rightly specifies that the stage conditions should be
carefully recorded.
3.6. Receiver Positions
The ISO standard is specific about the minimum
number of microphone positions, depending on auditorium
size. These should be distributed uniformly about the
seating area. When measuring a symmetrical hall, if the
decision has been made to measure with a source (or
sources) only on the centre line, then microphone positions
only in one half of the hall may be used. In this case
microphone positions should not be within 1m of the line
of symmetry to avoid degenerate situations.
For audience conditions, there is no merit in measuring
too close to the source where the direct sound dominates. In
large concert halls a minimum source-receiver distance of
around 10m seems appropriate; this dimension is perhaps
best expressed in terms of the reverberation radius (where
the direct and reflected sound components are equal in
level). The reverberation radius is a function of the total
acoustic absorption; for concert halls with 10m 3 /seat and
an RT of 2 s, the reverberation radius varies between 4 and
7m for 1,000 to 3,000 seats. The suggested minimum
source-receiver distance is thus between 2.5 and 1.4 times
the reverberation radius and therefore in the region
dominated by reflected sound.
3.4. Source Locations
The possible influence of stage floor reflections should
also be taken into account when choosing sound source
locations. For this author’s measurements, the tendency has
been to use a single source position on the hall centre line
3m from the stage front. This location was chosen to
minimise the chance of stage floor reflections to the
audience occurring. With a full orchestra on stage, these
reflections will be obscured for most musicians. A stage
reflection can be expected to increase level by more than a
dB; that is in excess of one difference limen.
Using just a single source position can of course be
criticised since conditions are likely to vary with source
position on the platform. However this seems a lesser risk
than the inclusion of floor reflections for some source
positions and not others. In other words, in the absence of
chairs on stage, a single forward source position seems the
best compromise, when one wants to measure conditions
appropriate to an orchestra performing on stage.
The ISO standard avoids being prescriptive about the
appropriate frequencies for measurement. Nor does the
standard say how results should be averaged to establish
the overall clarity, or whatever, in a concert hall. It is
recommended that measurements be taken in the six octave
bands from 125–4,000Hz. The standard suggests quoting
results by averaging over pairs of octaves to give low, mid-
and high frequency values. Bradley [11] uses this approach
for timbre-related parameters.
There are however two complications that occur at the
4,000Hz octave. Firstly the reverberation time etc. are
sensitive to air absorption, determined by temperature and
relative humidity. The main part of the standard states that
temperature and humidity should be measured, which
allows for correction of the reverberation time if measured
with non-standard temperatures or relative humidities. The
second di culty at 4,000 Hz is that a typical dodecahedron
loudspeaker (with a diameter in the order of 400mm)
3.5. Source Directivity
A much less manageable diculty with objective
measurements concerns the source. An orchestra occupies
around 200m 2 of stage with instruments which each have a
becomes directional at this frequency. One can compensate
for this diculty by making several measurements with
different orientations of the loudspeaker, but this is time-
consuming. Behler and M ¨ ller [12] have solved this
problem by using a separate 100mm diameter dodecahe-
dron for high frequency measurements.
The author [9,13,14] has tended to measure over five
octaves 125–2,000Hz and divide results into a bass region,
125–250 Hz, and a mid-frequency region, 500–2,000Hz.
The major differences between the bass and mid-frequency
are different amounts and type of absorption (usually panel
vs. porous absorption) and that the bass frequencies are
affected by the seat-dip effect [2, pp. 19–21], for which the
frequency of maximum absorption lies within the two
octaves 125 and 250 Hz. Since individual octave measure-
ments are influenced by interference, either constructive or
destructive, except in the case of reverberation time it is
preferable to use averages of several octaves where
appropriate, as elaborated below.
This last point, about averaging octave results to reduce
interference effects, does not apply in the case of most
computer simulation programmes, since they usually
ignore phase. To gain a result equivalent say to the
average of 500–2,000Hz, a computation at only 1,000Hz
may be suitable, as long as absorption coe cients etc. for
1,000Hz are the average of those for the frequency range in
Some recommended frequency ranges for the different
measures are included in Table 2 [15]. In the case of C 80 ,
the literature is limited, though Beranek and Schultz [16]
suggest that low frequencies do not contribute to clarity.
Since low-frequency early sound levels are strongly
influenced by the seat-dip effect, whose magnitude varies
depending on seat location [13], whereas clarity is affected
by other concerns, measuring C 80 over the range 500–
2,000Hz looks appropriate. On the other hand, for the early
lateral fraction there is significant evidence that low
frequencies are important whereas high frequencies are
less so [17–20].
Regarding quoting measured values, individual mean
octave values can be used for RT and EDT. Individual EDT
values at different positions can be quoted as mid-
frequency and bass frequency values. For C 80 the three-
octave mean of 500–2,000Hz can be used, while for LF the
four-octave mean of 125–1,000 Hz is appropriate. Whether
G should be calculated as a full-frequency average or split
between bass and mid-frequencies depends on the situation
in hand.
With five or more measures at five or six octaves, a lot of
data is generated. To make sense of this plethora of
numbers, some averaging is appropriate.
5.1. Measurement Scatter
One issue relevant to measurement accuracy is the
variation of objective quantities for small movements of
the microphone [21]. To our knowledge, theoretical values
of scatter only exist for reverberation time and total sound
level (G). The measured scatter of reflected sound level in a
model diffuse space is illustrated in Fig. 1. This topic is
discussed in [22], which quotes the approximate theoretical
standard deviation proposed by Lubman and Schroeder:
s G r ¼
1 þ
where B is the bandwidth and T the reverberation time.
This relationship provides a justification for averaging
objective measures over several octaves, as mentioned
To experience subjective changes within concert halls
it is usually necessary to move to a seat position several
metres away, whereas objective data often changes
between one seat and its neighbour. The relevant compar-
ison is with subjective difference limen; limen listed by
Bork [23] were included in Table 2. It is thus tempting to
average over a few or many measurement positions.
Averaging over blocks of audience seating has its place,
classical theory
best-fit line
revised theory
Source-receiver distance, m
Fig. 1 Measured values of reflected sound level for 240
source-receiver pairs in a scale model diffuse space.
Reflected sound level values are relative to the direct
sound level at 10m from the source. The notional
model scale factor is 1:25; source-receiver distances
are full-size equivalents as is the 500 Hz octave at
which the measurements were made. Included on the
figure are predicted values according to classical and
revised theory [9].
The standard specifies that for halls with more than
2,000 seats at least 10 seat positions should be measured.
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 26, 2 (2005)
but the extreme of presenting hall average values needs
careful assessment.
measures are usually conducted with the hall unoccupied,
whereas we are generally interested in concert conditions
with a full audience. A measurement of occupied rever-
beration time is generally made soon after a hall opens. It is
therefore appropriate to make corrections to other objective
measures for the change in reverberation time between the
unoccupied and occupied state. In the case of measure-
ments in scale models, the model reverberation time is
often slightly different to that expected in the real hall,
probably because of small inaccuracies in the absorption
coecients of model materials. Again corrections are
appropriate for RT change. The measures affected are EDT,
C 80 and relative level. Spatial measures such as LF and
IACC are little affected by RT change.
The following authors have suggested techniques for
correcting for reverberation time: Hidaka et al. [7], Bradley
[11] and Barron [2, p. 419]. Though the methods have
different origins, they are likely to give similar results. The
accuracy of the correction will decrease for larger
reverberation time differences. When seating is well-
upholstered, the RT change is modest and corrections are
likely to be reasonably accurate. The discussion of criteria
below will relate to figures following a reverberation time
5.2. Whole-Hall Averages
Beranek in his extensive survey of world concert halls
[24] presents mean values for objective quantities and uses
these to establish guidelines for concert hall design. While
this limits the quantity of data one has to process, it tends to
make extracting significant results dicult because the
means do not differ much. For example, a comparison of
two British halls, one much liked and the other with
disappointing acoustics, is barely predicted by their mean
objective behaviour [5].
When an objective quantity varies only little through-
out a hall (or more precisely little more than the subjective
difference limen), then it is appropriate to talk about the
value of the quantity for the hall and work with the mean of
the objective quantity. This is generally the case with
reverberation time. If however the quantity varies signifi-
cantly throughout the hall (relative to the difference limen),
then the mean value is only representative of a small
number of audience locations. The mean value says
nothing about the spread of values, nothing about the best
and worst seats. Most of the newer measures vary
significantly within halls and there is usually a lot of
overlap between measured values of quantities such as C 80
between two halls. A satisfactory mean value only
indicates a tendency for the quantity/quality to be
To give a simple example, the total relative sound level
(G) typically varies about 4.0 dB between seats 10 and
40m from the source in a large concert hall. This
corresponds to about four difference limen. The mean
value may apply to seat locations towards the rear of the
Stalls but says little about the level in the highest balcony.
It says little about the acoustic designer’s ability to provide
good acoustics throughout the auditorium. Including in
presented data the variation within halls is more dicult
but it indicates the full variety to be experienced within
individual concert halls.
One way of deriving a single figure of merit for halls
for a quantity such as C 80 is to quote the fraction of values
measured at different positions in a hall which fall within
the preferred range for that quantity.
Where mean values are used for EDT and C 80 , they are
probably best calculated without including seats under
overhangs (Sect. 6.8). Mean values of LF need not exclude
these seats.
6.2. Simple Range Criteria
Many authors have provided recommended ranges for
objective measures for concert hall listening. This author’s
recommendations based on objective and subjective sur-
veys of concert halls are given in Table 3 [2, p. 61].
Under balcony overhangs, measured values tend to be
lower (for EDT and G) and higher (for C 80 ), as discussed in
Sect. 6.8 below. It may be argued that slightly less stringent
criteria are applied for EDT and C 80 in these locations.
When objective data for a hall is displayed, there is a strong
case for treating values from overhung seats separately. For
the same reason, mean values are probably better taken
omitting these locations — though the value of whole hall
mean objective measures has been questioned in Sect. 5.2
The following discusses more elaborate ways in which
objective data can be analysed. In all cases apart from
reverberation time, values vary throughout auditoria. By
Table 3 Recommended ranges for objective measures
for concert halls.
Measure Acceptable range
Reverberation time (RT) 1:8 RT 2:2 s
Early decay time (EDT) 1:8 EDT 2:2 s
Early-to-late sound index (C 80 ) 2 C 80 þ2 dB
Early lateral energy fraction (LF)
6.1. Correction for Reverberation Time Change
For tests in full-size halls, measurements of the newer
0:1 LF 0:35
Total relative sound level (G)
G > 0 dB (see text)
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