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Kinematic Data Consistency in the Inverse Dynamic Analysis of Biomechanical Systems
Kinematic Data Consistency in the Inverse Dynamic Analysis of
Biomechanical Systems
IDMEC-Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica, Instituto Superior Técnico
Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal.
Abstract: Inverse dynamic analysis is used in the study of human gait to evaluate the reaction forces
transmitted between adjacent anatomical segments, and to calculate the net moments-of-force that result
from the muscle activity about each biomechanical joint. The quality of the results, in terms of reaction
and muscle forces, is greatly affected not only by the choice of biomechanical model but also by the
kinematic data provided as input. This three-dimensional data is obtained through the reconstruction of
the measured human motion. A biomechanical model is developed representing human body components
with a collection of rigid bodies interconnected by kinematic joints. The data processing, leading to the
spatial reconstruction of the anatomical point coordinates, uses filtering techniques to eliminate the high
frequency components arising from the digitization process. The trajectory curves, describing the
positions of the anatomical points are obtained using a form of polynomial interpolation, generally cubic
splines. The velocities and accelerations are then the polynomial derivatives. This procedure alone does
not ensure that the kinematic data is consistent with the biomechanical model adopted, because the
underlying kinematic constraint equations are not necessarily satisfied. In the present work, the
reconstructed spatial positions of the anatomical points are corrected by ensuring that the kinematic
constraints of the biomechanical model are not violated. The velocity and acceleration equations of the
biomechanical model are then calculated as the first and second time derivatives of the constraint
equations. The solution to these equations provides the model with kinematically consistent velocities
and accelerations. The procedures are demonstrated through the application to a normal cadence stride
period and the results discussed with respect to the underlying principles of the techniques used.
Key words: biomechanical model, kinematically consistent data, inverse dynamics, data filtering, motion
reconstruction, natural coordinates.
1. Introduction
The evaluation of the muscular actions and internal forces at the human body articular
joints is of major importance in different areas of medicine, sports, physical rehabilitation
or biomedical engineering. However, there are no experimental methodologies that can
measure these forces directly. Therefore, the human motion studies rely on mathematical
and computational models in general, and multibody biomechanical models in
particular, to evaluate the intersegmentar reaction forces as well as the muscle forces
and their net moments-of-force about the anatomical joints without external interference
on the motion of the subject of the analysis.
The construction of a supporting biomechanical model requires the knowledge of its
important functions and the identification of the experimental or numerical data
required as input and the system dynamics response that is to be reported [1].
Furthermore, their application in the context of inverse dynamics analysis requires that
the kinematics of the human motion, i.e., the position, velocities and accelerations of the
anatomical points, is known in advance. This data set is generally obtained by standard
reconstruction methods based on the Direct Linear Transformation technique (DLT) [2].
The biomechanical multibody models used in the inverse dynamics procedure are
developed using any of the multibody formulations available [3]. The most common
procedures use classical dynamic approaches to obtain the reaction forces and the
moments-of-force at the joints by formulating and solving the dynamic equilibrium
equations of each anatomical segment of the human body, starting from the segments
further away from the torso and moving inwards along the kinematic chain under
analysis. The unknown forces and moments at each segment are used, after being
calculated, as external applied forces to the preceding segment in the kinematic chain
[4]. Alternatively, the general multibody dynamic formulations assemble and solve, in
a systematic way, the complete set of the equations of motion of the system, for each
time step. These models are general and allow for their use in different motion
scenarios, even those that include kinematical loop closures, for instance when the
hands grip a golf club or a steering wheel. The biomechanical model used in this work
for gait analysis was proposed by Celigueta [5] and by Silva et al. [6]. The model has
33 rigid bodies connected by 32 kinematic joints representing 16 anatomical segments.
The muscle action may be obtained by having each particular group of muscles, defined
as those with similar functions and common anatomical insertions, modeled
independently and included in the biomechanical model [7]. This leads to an
indeterminate problem, in terms of the unknown forces, that can be solved using the
optimization theory [8]. Alternatively the actions of the different muscle groups can be
lumped as moments about anatomical joints leading to a determinate inverse dynamics
problem [9]. It can be shown that the problem of force sharing by the muscles can be
viewed as an optimal problem where some of the constraints simply impose that the
muscle net moments-of-force about any given joint must be equal to those obtained in
the determinate inverse dynamic analysis. This procedure is generally referred to as
static optimisation [10]. Therefore, the correct evaluation of the net moments-of-force
obtained in the inverse dynamic analysis procedure in fundamental, regardless of the
methodology used to evaluate the muscle and anatomical joints reaction forces.
The kinematic data required for the inverse dynamic analysis of the biomechanical
model needs the trajectories of 23 anatomical points, located at the anatomical joints
and segments extremities, which are obtained by using the DLT procedure [2]. The
ground reaction forces must be acquired with force platforms synchronized with the
cameras [11]. Both of these acquisition processes are prone to errors due to signal noise,
operator imprecision or finite precision of the equipment. Therefore, the experimentally
acquired data must be filtered before it can be used in the inverse dynamic analysis.
Different filtering methods can be used in the experimental data filtering, for noise
reduction. Among these, the Butterworth 2 nd order filters [12] and the Fourier series
with optimal regularization [13] are the most commonly used. The selection of the best
filter for each type of application is a question not completely settled [14]. Taking into
account that the applications foreseen in the present work aim to gait analysis, which is
characterized by a certain noise level in the points trajectories and force platform data, it
is used the 2 nd order Butterworth filter with the zero phase-shift technique and cut-off
frequencies on the range of 2-8 Hz [12].
Either because the acquisition of the kinematic data is generally done independently of
the biomechanical model effectively used or due to the filtering procedure, the
processed kinematic data does not ensure that the kinematic constraints associated to the
biomechanical model are fulfilled. The inverse dynamic analysis also requires that the
system velocities and accelerations are known. A common process to obtain those
involves the use a polynomial interpolation of the coordinates and its time derivatives.
This procedure does not ensure that the constraint velocity and acceleration equations
are fulfilled, even if the position data is kinematically consistent. Consequently,
spurious joints reaction forces and net moments-of-force, associated to the constraint
violations, are generated in the solution of the inverse dynamic problem [15].
To ensure the consistency of the kinematic data with the constraints of the
biomechanical model it is proposed here that the kinematic positions are modified in
order to fulfil the constraint equations. Furthermore, the velocity and acceleration of the
system are obtained by using the velocity and acceleration equations respectively. The
proposed methodology is applied to the analysis of the human gait with a normal
cadence in order to obtain the intersegmentar forces and the muscle net moments-of-
force. The need and implications of the use of the filtering procedures and the
enforcement of the kinematic data consistency are discussed in the process.
2. Input Data Conditioning
Inverse dynamic analysis of a mechanical system requires, the knowledge of its motion
and all external applied forces. The motion of the system is described by the kinematic
information necessary to define the position and orientation of each anatomical
component during the analysis period. The external applied forces, obtained using force
plates, provide all information necessary for the construction of the system force vector.
The motion of the system consists of the trajectory of a set of anatomical points located
at the joints and extremities of the subject under analysis, as depicted in Figure 1. In the
present work, these curves are obtained through a digitization process in which the
images collected by four video cameras are used to reconstruct the three-dimensional
coordinates of the anatomical points. This reconstruction process uses DLT [2,16] to
convert the two-dimensional coordinates of the video images into three-dimensional
Cartesian coordinates.
15 16
14 17
5 6
11 12
13 18
12 19
11 20
4 7
3 8
2 9
Figure 1. Set of anatomical points.
1 10
The motion reconstruction process, by nature, introduces high frequency noise into the
trajectory curves of the reconstructed anatomical points. This noise occurs due to
several factors such as digitalization errors and the finite resolution of the two
dimensional images. In order to make these trajectories suitable for use in the inverse
dynamic analysis, a filtering procedure is applied with the objective of reducing the
noise levels. A Butterworth 2 nd order, low-pass filter [12,17], with the zero phase shift
technique is applied with properly chosen cut-off frequencies, reducing the noise levels
and smoothing the trajectory curves.
A similar filtering procedure is applied to the external applied forces, in order to reduce
the noise levels introduced during the acquisition process. The external forces are
measured using force plates that convert an analog electric signal into a digital signal.
The noise introduced in the external force measurement is associated with factors such
as the cross talk between force plates and the conversion from an analog to a digital
signal. In the present work three force plates are used in the measurement of the ground
reaction forces. In Figure 2, the apparatus of the gait lab, with the three force plates and
the four video cameras, is presented. The use of four video cameras not only improves
the chances for the anatomical points to be visible all time in at least one of the cameras,
but also provides an extra set of equations for the DLT method.
Cam #3
Top View
Cam #2
Plate #1
Plate #2
Plate #3
Forward Direction
Cam #4
Cam #1
Figure 2. Overall apparatus of the gait lab.
15 16
14 17
5 6
13 18
11 12
12 19
11 20
4 7
3 8
2 9
1 10
Top View
Cam #3
Cam #2
Plate #1
Plate #2
Plate #3
Forward Direction
Cam #4
Cam #1
The ground reaction forces are obtained independently for each foot during the trial. In
order to reduce the noise levels in the external force curves and center-of-pressure
curves, the Butterworth 2 nd order low pass filter is once again applied with cut-off
frequencies ranging from 10-20 Hz for the forces and 3-5 Hz for the center-of-pressure
curves. The choice for the correct cut-off frequency is based on a residual analysis [12].
3. Biomechanical Model Description
A whole body response biomechanical model of the human body is used in the inverse
dynamic analysis of the stride period. This model is defined using 33 rigid bodies. The
rigid bodies are connected by revolute and universal joints in such a way that 16 major
anatomical segments can be identified. A description of the 16 anatomical segments
and their corresponding rigid bodies is presented in Table I. Figure 3 illustrates the 16
anatomical segments and the underlying kinematic structure of rigid bodies and
kinematic joints. Considering this kinematic structure, an open loop topology can be
identified, with a base body described by rigid body number 7, and 5 kinematic
branches defined by the 4 limbs and the head/neck. The model has 44 degrees-of-
freedom that correspond to 38 rotations about 26 revolute joints and 6 universal joints,
plus 6 degrees-of-freedom that are associated with the free body rotations and
translations of the base body.
Revolute joints in this model are defined in two different ways, as depicted in Figure 4,
for the example case of the elbow joint. The revolute joints between two adjacent
anatomical segments are defined using an anatomical point and a joint direction unit
vector that are shared by the adjacent rigid bodies. When describing the axial rotation
within an anatomical segment, revolute joints are defined using two anatomical points
that are shared by two different rigid bodies of the same anatomical segment.
T able I. Anatomical segments description with the topology of rigid bodie s.
Segment Nr.
Rigid Body Index
Lower torso
Upper torso
Right upper arm
Right lower arm
Left upper arm
Left lower arm
Right upper leg
Right lower leg
Left upper leg
Left lower leg
Right hand
Left hand
Right Foot
Left foot
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