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Occasional Table
ccasional Table
Everyone can use an extra table somewhere in the house, and because this occasional
table is only 21” high and about 24” square, it will fit almost anywhere, too. If you have enough
space, make a couple of these tables and place them side-by-side to create a good-looking coffee
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Special Tools and Techniques
  Bar clamps
Materials and Supplies
  18 linear feet of 1 x 4 pine
  7 linear feet of 1 x 6 pine
  1 piece of laminated pine, 17” x 17”
  4 table legs, each 20” long
  Approximately 40 #6 x 1-1/4” flathead wood screws
  Approximately 8 # 10 x 3” flathead wood screws
Cutting List
Code Description Qty.
A Center Top
1 Laminated pine 17” x 17”
B Top Trim
4 1 x 4 pine
24” long
C Long Base
2 1 x 6 pine
24” long
D Short Base
2 1 x 6 pine
13” long
E Leg
4 Purchased
20” long
F Rail
4 1 x 4 pine
Cut to fit, (approx. 16-3/4” long)
B Corner Support
4 1 x 4 pine
10” long
Notes on Materials
The center top (A) of this occasional table is made from laminated pine boards. Most building-
supply stores sell sections of wood that have already been laminated. You can laminate the
boards yourself, of course, but we don’t recommend doing so unless you’re an experienced
woodworker and own the necessary tools. The monetary savings aren’t that significant, and
you’ll save a lot of time by purchasing the laminated pine.
If you don’t have a lathe or don’t want to turn the legs yourself, just purchase four turned legs
from a building-supply store. The shape of the legs isn’t important, but the four faces at the top
of each one must be flat in order to provide proper connections for the rails that abut them.
Constructing the Table Top
1. Cut one 17” x 17” center top (A) from laminated pine.
2. Cut four 24”-long top trim pieces (B) from 1 x 4 pine.
3. Set each top trim piece (B) on its face and miter each end of all four pieces at a 45-degree
angle, as shown in Figure 1 . When you’re finished, one edge of each top trim piece should
be 17” long and the opposite edge should be 24” long.
4. Glue and clamp the top trim pieces (B) to the edges of the table top (A) and leave the
assembly undisturbed for at least 24 hours. The framed top should measure 24” x 24”.
Constructing the Base Frame and
1. Cut two long base pieces (C) from 1 x 6 pine,
each 24” long.
2. Cut two short base pieces (D) from 1 x 6 pine,
each 13” long.
Figure 1
3. To assemble the base frame, place the two long
base pieces (C) on a level surface, parallel to
each other and 13” apart. Place the two short
base pieces (D) between the long base pieces
(C) to form a 24” x 24” square, as shown in
Figure 2 . Glue and clamp the four pieces
together. Leave the assembly undisturbed for
at least 24 hours.
4. To add the four 20”-long legs, you must first
center each one in a corner of the base frame.
To locate the center point for a leg, draw a line
across a long base piece (C) 5-1/2” from the
end, as shown in Figure 3, to form a 5-1/2” x 5-
1/2” square. Then draw two lines to connect
that square. The intersection of these two lines
is the center point for the leg.
Figure 2
5. Most purchased legs come with a metal screw
in the center of the top of the leg. At the
marked center pint on the long base (C), drill a
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hole slightly smaller in diameter than the metal screw. Apply glue to the meeting surfaces
and hand-screw the leg (E) into the drilled hole. Make certain that the leg is positioned so
that the flat faces at its top are parallel to the edges of the table.
Figure 3
6. Repeat Step 5 to attach the remaining three legs (E) to the other three corners of the base
7. Make certain that all four legs (E) are perfectly straight. Then let the assembly dry
overnight until the glue sets.
8. To reinforce the leg joints, turn the base assembly right-side up. Insert two 3” screws
through each long base (C) and into each leg (E).
Adding the Rails
1. Before cutting the four rails (F) from 1 x 3 pine, measure the distance between each set of
table lets. This measurement will vary, depending upon the diameter of the legs you
purchased. Then cut each rail piece (F) to that length.
2. Glue one rail (F) between each set of two adjacent legs (E), as shown in Figure 4 . Then
insert 1-1/4” screws, spaced 6” apart, through the long bases (C) and short bases (D) and
into the edges of the rails (F).
3. Cut four 10”-long corner supports (G) from 1 x 4 pine. Set the corner supports on their
faces and miter the ends of each one at 45-degree angles.
4. To further reinforce the rails (F) and legs (E), glue a corner support (G) between each set of
two rails (F), as shown in Figure 4 . Insert 1-1/4” screws through the corner support and
into the base frame.
Adding the Table Top
1. Place the center top (A) and attached trim pieces (B) upside down on a level surface.
2. Center the base assembly over the top assembly, so that the sides of the assemblies are
exactly flush (see Figure 4 ). Glue the assemblies together and insert 1-1/4” screws, spaced
6” apart, through the long and short base pieces (C and D) into the top assembly.
1. Fill any cracks, crevices, or screw
holes with wood filler. Then sand
all surfaces of the occasional table
2. Paint or stain the completed project
the color of your choice.
Figure 4
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