Barbarians! - Kathryn Hinds - Scythians and Sarmatians (2009).pdf

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To Alena, with love and pride
The author and publisher specially wish to thank Dr. Jeannine Davis-Kimball,
of the Center for the Study of Eurasian Nomads, for her invaluable help
in reviewing the manuscript of this book.
Marshall Cavendish Benchmark 99 White Plains Road Tarrytown, New York 10591
Text copyright © 2010 by Marshall Cavendish Corporation Map copyright © 2010 by Mike Reagan
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the copyright holders.
All Internet sites were available and accurate when this book was sent to press.
Hinds, Kathryn, 1962-
Scythians and Sarmatians / by Kathryn Hinds. p. cm. — (Barbarians!) Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: “A history of the Scythians and Sarmatians, horse-riding nomads of Eurasia, who lived contemporaneously with the ancient
Greeks and Romans” —Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-0-7614-4519-7
1. Scythians—History—Juvenile literature. 2. Sarmatians—History—Juvenile literature. 3. Nomads—Eurasia—History—Juvenile litera-
ture. 4. Horses—Eurasia—History—Juvenile literature. 5. Eurasia—History—Juvenile literature.
6. Eurasia—Ethnic relations—Juvenile literature. I. Title. DK34.S4H56 2010 939’.51—dc22 2009016496
E DITOR : Joyce Stanton P UBLISHER : Michelle Bisson A RT D IRECTOR : Anahid Hamparian S ERIES D ESIGNER : Michael Nelson
Images provided by Debbie Needleman, Picture Researcher, Portsmouth, NH from the following sources: Front cover: Horsemen from the
Steppes (gouache on paper) by English School (20 th c). Private Collection/ © Look and Learn/The Bridgeman Art Library. Back Cover: Belt Buckle
from the Siberian collection of Peter I (gold) by Scythian (7 th c. BC). Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia/The Bridgeman Art Library. Page i:
Horse nomad (silver gilt) by Scythian (7 th c. BC). Private Collection/Photo © Boltin Picture Library/The Bridgeman Art Library; pages ii-iii: © akg-
images, London/Russian State Museum, St. Petersburg; page 6: © The Trustees of the British Museum. All rights reserved; page 8: Helmet
with combat scenes (detail), 4 th c. gold from Perederiieva Mohyla (Kurhan 2) Museum of Historic Treasures of the Ukraine, Kiev. © Bruce M.
White photograph courtesy of The Walters Art Museum; page 10: akg-images, London/Coll. Archiv f.Kunst & Geschichte, Berlin; page 12:
National Gallery, London/The Bridgeman Art Library/Getty Images; pages 13, 49: akg-images, London/Museo della Cività Romana, Rome;
page 14: akg-images, London/Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe; page 17: Two archers (gold) by Scythian (4 th c. BC). Private Collection/
Photo © Boltin Picture Library/The Bridgeman Art Library; p age 18: The Art Archive/Gianni Dagli Orti; page 20: Plaque: Panther curved round.
Gold; cast, chased. 10.9x9.3cm. Sakae Culture. 7 th -6 th c. BC. Si-1727.1/88. The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. Photograph
© The State Hermitage Museum; page 21: Queen Tomyris, from the Villa Carducci series of famous men and women, c. 1450 (fresco) by
Castagno, Andrea del (1423-57). Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy/The Bridgeman Art Library; page 22: © Araldo de Luca/CORBIS; page 27:
Mask for a horse head. Felt, leather and gold. 20x60x40cm. Pazyryk Culture. 5 th c. BC. Inv. No. 1295/238. The State Hermitage Museum, St.
Petersburg. Photograph © The State Hermitage Museum; page 28: Plaque depicting two Scythians sharing a drink (gold) by Scythian (4 th c.
BC). Private Collection/Photo © Boltin Picture Library/The Bridgeman Art Library; page 30; © Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY. Private Col-
lection, New York, NY; page 31: © SISSE BRIMBERG/The State Hermitage Museum, St.Petersburg/National Geographic Image Collection; page
33: Pin with warrior holding a head (bronze) by Scythian. Private Collection/Photo © Boltin Picture Library/The Bridgeman Art Library;
page 34: © gezmen/Alamy; page 35: © Sisse Brimberg/National Geographic/Getty Images; page 37: Mummy of a Chieftain with a loincloth.
Wool; 1.180 cm. Pazyryk Culture. 5 th -4 th c. BC. Inv. No. 1687/89. The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. Photograph © The State Her-
mitage Museum; page 38: Amazon mounted on the edge of a mixing bowl. Western Greek or Etruscan from Capua, c. 480 BC (bronze).
British Museum, London, UK/The Bridgeman Art Library; page 39: The Art Archive/Natural Science Academy Kiev/Alfredo Dagli Orti;
page 41: © SISSE BRIMBERG/Museum of Historic Treasures of the Ukraine, Kiev/National Geographic Image Collection; page 43: © Werner
Forman/Art Resource, NY. The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg; page 44: © The London Art Archive/Alamy; page 46: akg-images, Lon-
don/Musée du Louvre, Paris; page 47: Belt Buckle from the Siberian collection of Peter I (gold) by Scythian (7 th c. BC). Hermitage, St. Peters-
burg, Russia/The Bridgeman Art Library; page 52: © Art Media/Heritage/The Image Works; page 54: The Beheading of German Nobles, detail
from the Column of Marcus Aurelius (Colonna Antonina). 180-196 AD (marble) by Roman. Piazza Colonna, Rome, Italy/Alinari/The Brige-
man Art Library; page 57: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz/Art Resource, NY. Musei Capitolini, Rome Italy; page 59: © Vanni/Art Resource,
NY. Museo della Civilta Romana, Rome, Italy; page 60: © Peter Horree/Alamy; page 63: © Guy Edwardes Photography/Alamy; page 64: akg-
images, London/Lobdengaumuseum, Ladenburg; pages 67, 68: The Art Archive/The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg/Alfredo Dagli
Orti; page 69 (top and bottom): © Luka Mjeda/Art Resource, NY. Museum of Historic Treasures of the Ukraine, Kiev.
Printed in Malaysia
front cover: The Scythians’ mastery of mounted archery made them a formidable force in the ancient world.
half-title page: A seventh-century BCE Scythian plaque of gilded silver portrays a helmeted man in riding
posture—a position in which the dead were often buried.
title page: After using their bows and arrows to attack from a distance, Scythian warriors close in with
spears and shields.
page 6: From a plate made in Athens, Greece, around 500 BCE , an archer, dressed and armed like a Scythian,
blows a battle trumpet. Greek archers learned their skill from Scythian mercenaries hired by Athens,
and many seem to have adopted Scythian clothing.
back cover: This gold belt buckle weighs more than a pound; it was one of a pair worn together as a sign of a
noble warrior’s power.
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