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1. About

This program was created to be able to watch partially downloaded DivX (AVI) 
movies. If you have a broken movie, you can rebuild it's missing index part 
with this program. 

!!! W A R N I N G !!!

If you want to continue the download later, don't forget to strip the index! 

!!! W A R N I N G !!!

For maximum safety, you should use this program on a backup copy first to
avoid problems from continuing the download later without stripping the

2. History:

  1.0 First version (without version number)
    This version was not intended for global distribution (so, sorry for the
    missing readme file :)

    Changes in the Win32 version:
      - you can change if you want the DivFix window stay on the top
        (usefull for drag-and-drop)

      - you can open the files with drag-and-drop (Thanks for Angus Johnson
        and Anders Melander for their Drag and Drop Component Suite)

      - Fixed the bug with the "Read beyond end of file" error

    This new readme file... :)

    Changes in the Win32 version:
      - At least fixed that annoying "I/O Error" bug... :)

    Changes in the Win32 version:
      - Fixed another cause for "I/O Error" bug. If a frame header was corrupted,
        DivFix stopped with this error. Now it will give you an error message,
        where the corrupted frame was and continue the searching for the next valid
        frame. The corrupted frame will not be in the index, but if you still
        experience problems (frozen picture during playback), the only solution is
        cutting the damaged frame out with VirtualDub (or with any other editor).
        The error detection is not perfect, it only scan the frame header. So if
        the damage is only in the frame data and the header is perfect, DivFix
        will not notice it (and the video will freeze).

      - Added a scroll bar to the status display to see the error messages, if
        there is too much...

      - Fixed the problem with seeking in some movies after using DivFix.

      - The About window is no longer sizable (Thanks to Atte for detecting this
        serious security hole! :))

    Changes in the Win32 version:
      - Fixed a bug caused DivFix to cut the avi to the size of the previous size
        after a rebuild,strip and resume. Sorry for those who had problems from this...

      - Added a nice progress indicator.

      - Changed the Regenerate in the File menu to Rebuild. That has the same function
        as the button, i just forgott to rename it and a few people found it confusing.

    Changes in the Win32 version:
      - Fixed two bug causing I/O errors

      - Fixed a possible bug which cause truncating the avi (i hope this problem is now
      - Added the error-checking function, but this check is not 100% bulletproof,
        because it will detect faulty frames only if the frame-header is damaged too.

      - For a request, DivFix show the position where the corrupted frame was found.

3. Known bugs:

     There should be still some I/O-error (but hey, this is the first and only
     program i made with Borland Delphi... :). If you can send me a video that
     produce such error, i will try to fix it.
     But if you send meg bug-report, PLEASE write down the version number too... :)

4. Future plans:

     Maybe there will be versions for other platforms (MacOS, Linux).
     And maybe there will be an "official home page" too... :) (Currently i put
     the new versions to the server)

5. And at last... :)

If you like this program, you should send a postcard (with a nice picture
about your city or country) or $5 (but you are not forced to do so, because
this is a freeware utility) to the following address:

Budai Csaba
Sarberek 603. II/6.

You can send bugreports (please include the version number!!!), suggestions, etc.
to the following e-mail address:

Special thanks to Arty ( for the beta testing!
Yes, you can send those mail-bombs to him in case of any damage, that
program do for you... :)
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