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My Christmas

My Christmas

I spent Christmas at home with my family.On Christmas Eve my grandma , aunt , uncle and cousin come to our house for dinner .There is a beautiful custom of sharing a wafer with the whole family just before Christmas dinner. All family members wish one another Merry Christmas.We have a big dinner but we must not eat meat.For startes we have borsch a soup made of beetroots.For the main course we have carp.I like fried carp.It is delicious.We also have dumplings filles with sour cabbage and mushroms ,peas with cabbage and other dishes.We always have traditional poppy seed cake for dessert.On December 26th I went with a group of friends to an odl people is home to sing carols.I spent New Years Eve with my friends at a party.We denced a lot and played lost of various games.At midnight we wished one another a happy new year and we all kissed one another and hugged.I like Christmas because all the family is together and everything we do at that time is very special.For a short time at Christams the whole world is silent and full od peace and beautiful Christmas music.


My dream house - mój wymarzony dom

My dream house is situated by the sea. My house is very big - it’s a villa. Inside there are two floors. In my house I have got a big kitchen, enormous dining-room and three living-rooms, a double garage, an attic, a large hall, a terrace, a bathroom, a toilet, five bedrooms, a long balcony, a cellar and four usual rooms. My room is in the attic. In my room there are blue walls and a blue carpet. There is a lot of furniture in it. I have got an enormous bed, and a desk similar in size to my bed on which my computer stands. There are some pictures painted by well-known artists on the wall. In my room I have not got a wardrobe, but there is a cloak-room. Near the sofa there is a little table, on which the television set stands. In my room there are two armchairs, and close to them stands my bookshelf. In my room you can find many sorts of plants. Outside there is a very, very big garden, a swimming pool in shape of a kidney and a greenhouse. It is how my dream house looks like. I think it is very beautiful and one I hope to have such.


my holidays

will never forget this year’s holidays. On the 7th of July I went with my arents by the polish sea. We spent 10 days there. We lived at a guest house called “Artur”. Our accomondation was rather in good condition. There were two rooms, bathroom and a terrace. My parents slept on king-size bed and I slept on the sofa. Our place was near the sea, which was really comfortable, especially when we were going back from the beach, quite tired and hungry.
Because the weather was not the best, we toured into a district. We were in places such as: Międzyzdroje, Kamień Pomorski, Dziwnów. We also went to Trzęsacz and Niechorze, where we saw the ruins of some medevial church. In Dziwnów we sailed in the pirate ship called: Korsarz. It was amazing experience. In Niechorze we saw a lighthouse, but we did not enter it because the queue was very long. In Międzyzdroje my dad took me a photo with a snake. Then, I was frightened, but when I recall it now this memory makes me happy and proud of my courage. Whe the weather was sunny and hot we were tanning. In the evenings we used to go café’s or pizza place’s to have something to eat. Breakfasts we prepared on our own in the quest house, the lunchs were provided by the “Artur”’s canteen. When we returned to our hometown I spent the majority of my spare time with my best friend riding bikes and watching movies. On the lat evening of my holidays we went to Leszno to Marcin Rozynek’s concert. We had great fun.
This year’s holidays were very succesful, among other things I was at the sea for the first time, which made a huge impression on me.


My last summer holidays

My last holidays I recollect with great pleasure and I think that this year’s holidays will leave for long time in my memory. I come back to them when I look at the scenes from the photos or when I watch film which shoot my mum. This holidays was exceptional because the weather was fine all time. It was hot about 35 degree, sun shone day by day and even per one day wasn’t rain. And never wasn’t so hot and so sunny like in this vacation. My parents, sister and I spend holidays away from house because we were at the Polish seaside in Jastrzębia Góra. So we were at the far end Poland. It’s small seaside village however there is beautiful. It’s farthest northernmost place in Poland. Except sea there is forest and the air is so fresh. The beach is long and water in the sea is clean. We traveled there car. Travel was tiring boring and long, we drove all night but when we arrived on the place when I saw wonderful sea with waves and beach with gold sand at once I feel better and although I traveled per many hours I didn’t feel weary and sleepy. We lived near beach in luxurious hotel with full board. Food was very tasty, particularly dish wit fish. All day I spent on the beach. Early morning I waked up, ate breakfast, wore swimsuit, sunhat, sunglasses and I went on the beach. I sat on the deckchair and I sunbathed my skin. I sunbathed many hours. I use sun cream of course because I take care about my skin. Somebody think that it’s boring however not for me because when I do this I feel relaxed. I also swam on the sea and even tired water-sport e.g. windsurfing however I had failed… On the beach I met a lot of young people and I made friends. I stay in contact till now with some person. I and my friends played beach volleyball and even make sandcastle or picked shells. And evening we went on the discos. In evening I also walked coast and I admired sunset, at the morning sunrise. Although I saw this a lot of times I am delighted every time. It’s gorgeous feeling, fantastic view, it’s exciting. When I was at the seaside I bought a lot of souvenirs e.g. bracelet with shells and beautiful amber jewellery and many others things. I didn’t forget about my family and friends of course and I sent postcard to them. I was there 10 days when approached depart day I was some sad because time my trip was up however I was also happy because I could be there. En route to home we visited Sopot. There I walked jetty , it’s the longest jetty in Europe. I also sightseeing lighouse and I saw also a few monuments among other things Adama Mickiewicza and Armi Krajowej. And later I came back to home. Maybe my summer holidays wasn’t so exciting for some people because I wasn’t aboard and I only visited sea in my country. However I am enjoy with my holidays very much, this was fantastic time for me and I am satisfaction because I relaxed and my skin is dark because I sunbathed. It’s a pity that holidays was finished the more so because this school year will be difficult hard because I’ll pass the mature exam. But All good things come to an end.


The house of my dreams

Have you ever wanted to live in a small town in house by the river? That is my dream.
My house would be a midle-size fenced in detached house surrounded by a lot of flowers and apple trees. It would have a small private beach where I could swim and sunbath.
This house would have a large living-room where I could spent time with my family. The living-room would have French Windows to go through them to a terrace. My kitchen woulde be simple. I do not need to have modern furniture. The kitchen would be plain and useful. There would be only cupboard, some machines to the kitchen and a table with wooden chairs. The most important room for me is a bedroom. This is a place where I get rest so it would have warm colours on the walls and a big comfortable bed. of course it should have a wardrobe to have all my clothes nearly when I get up in the morning.
It I would have a proposition to move from a flat to house like that right now I would not think of it but say immediately "Yes".


My ideal life

Each of us has a vision of his ideal life. Some people would be satisfied only with having an ordinary job and their own little house. As for me, when it comes to earnings, I am more ambitious than to live in a tiny flat.

In my ideal life I can afford a big house with a marvelous garden and a swimming pool. I have a well-paid job which fulfils my ambitions, for instance in a small company. If my wishes came true, I could be proud of my accomplishments and my children would never have to say they do not have enough money to buy something.

So far I just want to finish school with the best possible results and up until now I have been doing very well. Nowadays, the higher educated you are, the better job you may get. I realize that I will have better prospects for the future if I am highly educated.

Despite writing about such vision of my ideal life, I do not hesitate to say that my present life is perfect. However, one should aim high to fulfil their dreams.

My family             

I think I have a small family. There are four people in it. I am 17 years old, I have blond hair and light blue eyes. I am a first-year student at secondary school in Wieruszów. I have a sister but sometimes I wish I had a brother, because I quarrel with her often. She is 15. She is pretty and blond-hair girl. My mother is a teacher-educator in TPD DWD Glaz and my father is an driver and he work in PPKS Ostrow Wlkp. He spends most of his time away from home and this means that I and my sister mostly with our mother. Nevertheless, I think that when we are together we are a happy family. My father and I are very keen on computing and we always spend summer holidays together in mountains. My mother likes traveling abroad and she enjoys warm countries in particular.
Every Sunday we go on dinner to grandparents, who live in Walichnowy.
In week visit them also. But now I dislike go there recently.
When I was born we lived in Glaz, but I disremember unfortunately because I was small. When I was 6 years we moved to Sokolniki and we live there to today. We are very happy and loving family


Perfect holidays

I don?t like winter well my perfect holidays have to be in summer. In summer is warmer and just better. I have bigger choice of my holidays, because I can spend this time in the mountains, at the seaside, at the lake, in the countryside or when I have money I can go abroad. For me the best way to spend this perfect holiday is seaside. Free time with my friends on the seaside is the most relaxing. I like water-sports so I can go to swim or surf. But the best is watching sunsets, it looks wonderful. Every morning before breakfast go to a beach and run. When the sun is shining we can play beachball on the hot sand, it?s funny. But when we are tired we can lie all day in the sun and just do nothing, it?s great. I wish had those holidays in this summer, after my matura exam it will be very relaxing.


Summer holidays


Summer holidays people spent differently. Some of them spent them at the sea, others in mountains. Others spent summer holidays in a camping. I think that camping is a good way to spent a summer holidays. You a far form city and civilization. You are friendly with nature. But not everybody likes camping. On the camping you haven?t got electricity or running water. You can?t use microwaves or watch TV. Many people couldn?t live without there things so they hate camping. I?d like go on camping because I relax thanks to this. I live only with nature and I can count on myself. Thanks to camping I forget about problems. Camping is a place where I live like I want. Nobody tells me what I should do. I thin that camping is a good way to spend summer holidays.



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