Charley Forness - You, Simplified.pdf

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You, Simplified
Handbook for a Simpler Life
By Charley Forness –
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You, Simplified
Table of Contents
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You, Simplified
Sorry, but I have to say this...I am not a physician. I am not a certified financial planner am not a
professional organizer. I am merely another spiritual traveler on this human plane.
I've tried everything in this book and it has worked marvelously for me. Just understand that the
information in this book is meant for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered
financial or health advice. I share it with you so that you may pick and choose the parts that
resonate with you.
I am not a guru of any sort. I have my own daily obstacles that I do my best to attack diligently.
The bottom line is that you are the one person in the World who knows you best. You are a
certified expert on yourself and your life.
As always, consult your physician before engaging in any new diet or exercise routine.
Uncopyright 2010 by Charley Forness
All Rights Surrendered
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You, Simplified
I put together this little book for myself and any other readers like me whoÔve longed for a more
meaningful life, outside the wheel that most of us find ourselves running on each day. I believe
that life should be enjoyable and that we shouldnÔt be dreading each day as we wake. There are
ways to design the life you want. There are ways to clear the distractions so that you have the
energy and resources to create the life you want.
So, What's in the Book?
There are five major sections of the book, in order as followsÈ
1. Life Design 101
Cleaning things up just for cleaning sake may help a bit with your sanity but the fact is that you'll
fill up the empty space again unless you know what you want, exactly. This is the highly
introspective part of the book, and being quite personal, you may have to work at one of the
toughest concepts known to humans...being honest with yourself.
It may be that you fill up your home and your time with mindless things because it helps keep your
mind off what's really troubling yearn to lead a more authentic life. We'll dig in here with
some tools you can use to design your ideal life, and make it seem real to you as you learn to grow
into this new role.
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You, Simplified
2. Simplify Your Stuff
There really is quite a disparity in modern times between what most of us think we need to live and
thrive versus what we actually need. We often can get by on much less that we currently have and
we find that it's much more manageable to care for our things that way.
This section will help define your possessions based on what you've determined in the first
Essential Area. I won't tell you what you have to get rid of, that can only be determined by you,
but you'll get the techniques you need to make this process as simple as possible.
3. Simplify Your Commitments
Everybody has twenty-four hours in a day and time is your most precious capital. During these
lessons you'll assess how your spending your twenty-four hours and learn to align your tasks with
your goals and values.
You'll find that there are a lot of activities that don't really help you accomplish your goals. Like a
master surgeon, you will cut away the tasks that don't serve you.
4. Simplify Your Health
It does you no good to design a new life if you're not healthy enough to enjoy it. Of course, all of
these concepts interlock, synergistically, so if you have little time and no equipment to work on
your health, well I've got some simple health hacks for you to give you all the functional strength
you need.
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