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The Palace Of Love
The Palace Of Love
By Jack Vance
Book 3 in the "Demon Prince" Series
From Popular Handbook to the Planets, 348th edition. 1525:
SARKOVY: Single planet of Phi Ophiuchi. Planetary
constants: diameter-9,600 miles; sidereal day-37.2
hours; mass-1.40; G-.98 . . .
Sarkovy is moist and cloudy; with an axis normal to
the orbital plane it knows no seasons.
The surface lacks physiographical contrast. The
characteristic features of the landscape are the steppes:
Hopman Steppe, Gorobundur Steppe, the Great Black
Steppe, and others... . From the abundant flora the no-
torious Sarkoy venefices leach and distill the poisons for
which they are famous.
The population is largely nomadic, though certain
tribes, generically known as Night Hobs, live among
the forests. (For detailed information regarding the
rather appalling customs of the Sarkoy, consult the En-
cyclopedia of Sociology and The Sexual Habits of the Sarkoy,
by BA. Edgar.)
The Sarkoy pantheon is ruled by Godogma, who
carries a flower and a flail and walks on wheels. Every-
where along the Sarkoy steppes may be found tall poles
with wheels on high, in praise of Godogma, the strid-
ing, wheeling God of Fate.
News feature in Rigelhan Journal, Avente, Alphanor
Paing, Godoland, Sarkovy July 12
As if Claris Adam were to he destroyed for beguil-
ing William Wales
As if the Abbatram of Pamfile were to be liquefied
for smelling too strongly
As if Deacon Fitzbah of Shaker City were to be
immolated for an excess of zeal
Today from Sarkovy comes news that Master Ve-
nefice Kakarsis Asm must "cooperate with the guild"
for selling poison
Circumstances, of course, are not all that simple
Asm's customer, no ordinary murderer, was Viole Fa-
lushe, one of the Demon Princes The essence of the
crime was neither "trafficking with a notorious crimi-
nal" nor "betrayal of guild secrets," but rather "selling
fixed-price poisons at a discount "
Kakarsis Asm must die
How7 How else7
The longer Alusz Iphigema traveled in the company ofKirth Ger-
sen, the less certain she became that she understood his personality.
His moods perplexed her, his behavior was a source of misgiving
His modesty and self-effacement-were they inversion, brooding
cynicism3 His careful politeness-could it be no more than a sin-
ister camouflage7 Such questions entered her mind with increasing
frequency no matter how staunchly she rejected them
On one occasion-the date was July 22, 1526-they sat on the
Avente Esplanada in front of the Grand Rotunda, Gersen sought
to explain the seeming contradictions of his character "There's
really no mystery I've been trained to a certain function It's all I
know To justify the training, to fulfill my life, I exercise the func-
tion It's as simple as that."
Alusz Iphigenia knew the general outlines ofGersen's past The
five Demon Princes joining for the historic raid on Mount Pleasant
had destroyed or enslaved five thousand men and women Among
the handful of survivors were Rolf Gersen and his young grandson
Alusz Iphigema realized that such an experience must alter anyone's
life, still, she herself had known tragedy and terror "I am not
changed," she told Gersen earnestly "I feel neither rage nor hate "
illL !^L~t(EOI LOl-L
"My grandfather relt the rage and hate," said Gersen in rather
a flippant tone ot voice "So far as I'm concerned the hate is ab-
stract "
'\lus/ Iphigema became e\cn more disturbed "Are you then
just a mechanism7 This is rnindtessness, to be the instrument of
someone else's hate'"
Crersen grinned "That's not quite accurate \\\ grandfather
trained me, or rather had me trained, and I am grateful to him.
Without the training I would be dead "
"He must ha\e been a terrible man, so to warp a child's mind'"
"He was a dedicated man," said Gersen "He loved me and
assumed I shared his dedication I did and I do "
"But what of the future7 Is revenge all you want from life7"
" 'Revenge'7 I don't think so I have only one life to live and
I know what 1 hope to achieve "
"But why not try to achieve the same goals through a lawful
agency7 Isn't this a better way7"
"There isn't any lawful agency Only the IPCC*, which isn't
altogether etfective "
" Fhen why not bring the issues before the people of the Con-
course, and the other important worlds7 You have the energy, you
have more than enough mono) Isn't this better than killing men
with your own hands7"
Gersen had no rational counterarguments "These aren't my
talents," he told her "I work alone at what I do best"
"But you could learn'"
Gersen shook his head "If [ involve myself with words and
harangues, I trap myself, I become futile "
Alus/ Iphigema rose to her feet She walked to the balustrade,
looked out across the rhaumaturge Ocean Gersen studied the
clear profile, the proud stance, as if he had never seen them before
The time was approaching when he must lose her, and everything
that was eas) and fresh and uncomplicated would leave his life The
breeze shifted her bright hair, she was looking down into the blue
water, watching the shifting glints and planes ofRigel light Gersen
sighed, picked up a newspaper and morosely scanned the frontpage
*IPC C Inn_r\u)rld Polin- ( oonim.unm C oinpirn-m thcon .a pn\ )[L or^mi/.mon
mim^ the I<)L)I poliLL s\stLins ot tin OikuiiiLiiL sp(.u lli^ul (.onsultltion
i cuitril inter
nnnon hit Lnniinolo^iLil hhonroriLs in prictiLt l siiptrgoicrnniLnnl igeno
oLLisionilh ninu-ninin^ as i bn in irscit I he complin stock is widd\
disscnimircd ind
though \ itlilin^ no t^rc it hn inu ll arum is much in dun ind
Hyrcan Major Attacks Camping Party
Gersen glanced at the text
Trovenei, Phrygia, July 21 Johan Scrub, advocate
of the star-capture theory which assigns the original
parentage of the Concourse Worlds to Blue Compan-
ion, yesterday was set upon by an adult hyrcan ma)or,
and almost instantly killed Dr Strub and several mem-
bers of his family were exploring the Midas Mountains
of upper Phrygia and unwittingly crossed the elving-
platform of a king beast Before others in his party were
able to destroy the eight-foot ogre, Dr Strub had suf-
fered fatal blows
Dr. Strub is chiefly noted for his efforts to prove
that Blue Companion and the twenty-six worlds of the
Concourse were originally an independent system
which wandered into the gravitational domain of Rigel
Such a circumstance would explain the disparity in the
ages of the Concourse worlds and Rigel, a compara-
tively young star
Gersen looked up Alusz Iphigenia had not moved He read on
Famous Old Journal Faces Extinction
Directors Make Last-ditch Efforts at Salvage
London, England, Earth, June 25 The ancient firm of
Radian Publishing Company today sought a stopgap loan
to meet the chronic annual deficit incurred in the publica-
tion of Cosmopohs, the 792-year-old magazine devoted to the
life and affairs of the civilized universe Sherman Zugweil,
Chairman of Radian's Board of Directors, admitted a crisis
to be at hand, but announced himself confident of coping
with it and keeping the doughty old journal in circulation
another eight hundred years
Alusz Iphtgenu had shifted her position Elbows on the balustrade,
chin resting in her hands, she studied the hon/on Contemplating
the soft contours, Gersen felt himself softening He now was a man
of almost unlimited wealth, the\ could live a life of wonderful ease
and pleasure Gersen considered a long minute, then shrugged
and looked back to the newspaper
Pamg, Godoland, Sarkovy, July 12 As if Claris Adam
were to he destroyed
Alus/ Iphigenia glanced over her shoulder Gersen was reading the
newspaper in complete absorption She swung around in outrage.
Here was sang-froid indeed While she wrestled with doubts and
conflicts, Gersen read a newspaper an act of conspicuous msensi-
Gersen looked up, smiled. His mood had changed. He had
comeah\e Alusz Iphigenia's fury ebbed Gersen was a man beyond
her understanding, whether he were vastly more subtle than she or
vastly more elemental, she would never know
Gersen had risen to his feet "We're going on a trip Across
space, toward Ophmchus Are vou ready3"
"Ready2 You mean now2"
"Yes Now W^hynot^
"No reason Yes, I'm ready In two hours "
"I'll call the spaceport "
The Distis Spaceship Corporation produced nineteen models,
ranging from a version of the 9B to the splendid Distis Imperatrix,
with a black and gold hull. With funds derived from his epic looting
of Interchange* Gersen had purchased a Pharaon, a spacious craft
equipped with such niceties as an automatic atmospheric control
which during the course of a voyage gradually altered air pressure
and composition to match that of the destination.
Rigel and the Concourse receded. Ahead lay star-spangled dark-
ness. Alusz Iphigenia studied the Star Directory with a puzzled
frown. "Ophiuchus isn't a star. It's a sector. Where are we going?"
"The sun is Phi Ophiuchi," said Gersen, and after a barely
perceptible pause, "the planet is Sarkovy."
"Sarkovy?" Alusz Iphigenia looked up quickly. "Isn't that where
the poisons come from?"
Gersen gave a curt nod. "The Sarkoy are poisoners, no doubt
about it."
Alusz Iphigenia looked dubiously out the forward port. Ger-
sen's haste to leave Alphanor had puzzled her. She had credited a
sudden determination to alter his way of life; now she was not so
sure. She opened Handbook to the Planets, read the article on Sar-
kovy. Gersen stood by the pharmaceutical cabinet, compounding a
conditioner against possibly noxious serums, proteins, viruses and
bacilli of Sarkovy.
'Interchange an institution of the planet Sasani in the near-Beyond,
functioning as a
detention depot and broker between kidnappers and those who sought to pay
Gersen had swindled Interchange of ten billion SVU (Standard Value Units).
Alusz Iphigenia asked, "Why are you going to this planet? It
seems an evil place."
"I want to talk to someone," said Gersen in a measured voice.
He handed her a cup. "Drink this; you'll avoid itches and scabs."
Wordlessly Alusz Iphigenia drank the mixture.
There were no formalities at Sarkovy; Gersen landed at Paing
Space-port, as close as possible to the depot, a timber structure
roofed with varnished reeds. A clerk registered them as visitors, and
they were immediately set upon by a dozen men wearing dark
brown gowns with bristling fur collars and cuffs. Each protested
himself the foremost guide and sponsor of the region.
"What do you wish, my sir, my lady? A visit to the village? I
am a hetman-"
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