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Lesson 2: The Greek Alphabet (Part 2)
The Greek Alphabet
Sight and Sounds of the Greek Letters (Module B)
The Letters and Pronunciation of the Greek Alphabet
Phonology (Part 2)
Lesson Two Overview
§2.0 Introduction, 29
§2.1 The Ten Similar Letters, 30
§2.2 The Six Deceptive Greek Letters, 32
§2.3 The Nine Different Greek Letters, 35
§2.4 History of the Greek Alphabet, 40
§2.5 The Greek Alphabet Revisited, 46
Study Guide, 51
§2.0 Introduction
Lesson One introduced the twenty-four letters of the Greek alphabet. Building on
this foundation, Lesson Two continues with the sight and sounds of the Greek
letters by merging simple vowel-consonant and consonant-vowel combinations
together into syllables, the building blocks for learning Greek phonics.
The focus of Lesson Two examines the similarities and dissimilarities between
the Greek and English alphabetical letters and their phonemes to aid between
what is known (English) and what is new (Greek).
Almost without exception, introductory Greek grammars launch students
immediately into grammar and vocabulary without first firmly grounding them in
the Greek phonemic system. This is appropriate since they assume a Greek
teacher will be present while the grammar is being presented, thereby helping
with syllable and word pronunciation. However, there is little help in these
introductory grammars for those who are going at it alone, or a small group who
are learning New Testament Greek without the aid of a teachers pronunciation.
The introductory lessons of this grammar go to great lengths to present a full-
orbed pronunciation of the Erasmian Greek phonemic system. Some may think
that the duration in which it is presented belabors it, especially those who have
had previous contact with someone who has taught them the Erasmian Greek
pronunciation system. If this is the case, then the following few lessons may be
unnecessary. However, for those who are new to the Greek language will
welcome this help, which will prepare them to read Greek, and not simply to
translate it into their native language.
' Dr. William D. Ramey ¤ Phonology (Part 2) InTheBeginning.org
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LESSON 2: The Greek Alphabet Page 30
Sight and Sounds of the Greek Letters (Module B)
The student needs to saturate himself with the sounds of the Greek language by
using the MP3 audio files that accompany every lesson. By doing so, he is
immersed in the language, by hearing, reading, and rereading Greek words and
sentences. This is different from what a word or a sentence might mean. This is
not what is important now; but an awareness of how Greek letters and words
sound like is. This approach is similar with how a young child is at first engulfed
in a sea of meaningless noise, from which gradually they learn to detect and
recognize meaningful patterns and combinations of sounds as words.
§2.1 The Ten Similar Letters
Ten of the twenty-four small Greek letters are easily recognizable because they
are very close in appearance to their English counterparts. These letters are:
English letters:
a b d e i k o s t u
Greek letters: ` 1 a c d h 2 j n i 3 s 4 t 5
Some important differences between these letters are:
1. The ` ( alpha ) should be written as a figure 8 laid on its side and opened
on the right.
2. The Greek letter h ( ita ) is never dotted.
3. Final sigma ( i ) does not sit on the line like the English s. The final curve
crosses and drops down below the line.
4. The Greek letter s ( tau ) is never crossed below the top of the vertical line
like the English t.
5. Upslon and n may be easily confused when written. Form upslon with a
rounded bottom and right straight upward stroke. The upper case should
not be confused with the English upper case "Y".
We begin with these letters because they look similar in appearance; however,
caution needs to be exercised because they are not exactly identical. It is
important not to write Greek letters to make them look like their English
counterparts, for the respective lines above represent two different alphabets for
two different languages. This will help not to fall into the trap of mistakenly
pronouncing a Greek alphabetical letter as if it was an English alphabetical letter
( i.e. , saying K, k [kay] for kappa [ J , j ], or T, t [tE] for tau [ S , s ]).
' Dr. William D. Ramey ¤ Phonology (Part 2) InTheBeginning.org
LESSON 2: The Greek Alphabet Page 31
Sight and Sounds of the Greek Letters (Module B)
Practice saying these letters aloud in different combinations with the aid of the
drill below. Only the above ten similar Greek-English letters are used. Multi-
syllable words are divided for easier identification. If you wish to hear the
instructors pronunciation, click on the audio link, Hear beside each row of
Greek syllables. The variable vowels ( ` , h , t ) may be long or short. Follow the
example of the instructor for proper pronunciation.
Hear ` (short) , `c, c`c, `s, a`s, `shj
( `-shj )
Hear d, dj, cd, cds, dc, cdc, ads
Hear h (short) , hc, chc, ahs, ahc, jhi
Hear n, ns, cns, ani, nc, ana, jnc
Hear t (short) , stj, jtj, jti, atj
Hear c `s, cdj, cdj`, ahj, cns, j`jh`
( cd-j` ) ( j`-jh-` )
Hear Jhi, jhs, j`s, a`c, `i, j`s`
( j`-s` )
Hear j`jni, stsni, a`sni, snsd
( j`-jni ) ( st-sni ) ( a`-sni ) ( sn-sd )
Hear chj, hs, `s, s`c, njs, jns
Hear `i, a`s, s`, c`, chc`j, cdc`j
( ch-c`j ) ( cd-c`j )
Hear jns, s`j, sni, `aa`, @ah`
( `a-a` ) ( @-ah-` )
Hear `chjh`, jtsni, ch`, chi, jshrhi
( jsh-rhi )
' Dr. William D. Ramey ¤ Phonology (Part 2) InTheBeginning.org
( `-ch-jh-` ) ( jt-sni ) ( ch-` )
LESSON 2: The Greek Alphabet Page 32
Sight and Sounds of the Greek Letters (Module B)
§2.2 The Six Deceptive Greek Letters
Six lower case Greek letters (four consonants and two vowels) appear to be
identical to English letters, but their appearance is very deceptive. These letters
often confuse beginning Greek students, and therefore need to be carefully
distinguished. These deceptive Greek letters are gamma ( f ), ta ( g ), nu ( m ),
rh ( q ), ch ( w ), and mega ( v ). Their English look-alikes are also displayed in
the chart below.
Greek: f 1 g 2 m 3 q 4 w 5 v 6
x w
1. The Greek letter, gamma ( f ), looks like the English letter y.
2. The Greek letter, ta ( g ), looks like the English letter n.
3. The Greek letter, n ( m ), looks like the English letter v.
4. The Greek letter, rh ( q ), looks like the English letter p.
5. The Greek letter, ch ( w ), looks like the English letter x.
6. The Greek letter, mega ( v ), looks like the English letter w.
Below, each of the six lower case deceptive letters is examined separately.
Special attention should be given to the proper pronunciation of these letters so
that they may not be confused with their English look-alikes.
§2.2.1 GAMMA Ff
The lower case Greek letter, gamma ( f , capital letter, F ), is not to be confused
with the English y. F , f is pronounced as the hard g as in g o. It is never
pronounced like the soft g as in gin. Read the following syllables and words
aloud as many times as necessary to be able to recognize the Greek
alphabetical letter and its associated phoneme.
Hear f, fns, fhs, c`f, a`f, fds, `fdm
Hear ftjni, f`a, fda, chf, fd, ft, df
' Dr. William D. Ramey ¤ Phonology (Part 2) InTheBeginning.org
( ft-jni )
LESSON 2: The Greek Alphabet Page 33
Sight and Sounds of the Greek Letters (Module B)
§2.2.2 TA Gg
The lower case Greek letter, ta ( g , capital letter, G ), does not correspond to the
English n, but pronounced like the a in g a te. Furthermore, its upper case
letter ( G ) must not be confused with the English capital letter of h, H. Read
the following syllables and words aloud as many times as necessary to be able to
recognize the Greek alphabetical letter and its associated phoneme.
Hear g, gs`, cg, `cg, gcg, fg, fngi
( g-s` )
( `-cg )
( g-cg ) ( fn-gi )
Hear G, Gs`, chjg, `jng, gf, gs, sg
Hear gi, sgi, sgm, j`jg, gsd, gsh, sgcd
§2.2.3 N Mm
( j`-jg ) ( g-sd ) ( g-sh ) ( sg-cd )
The lower case Greek letter, n ( m , capital letter, M ), does not correspond to the
English v, but is pronounced like the n as in i n . A Greek alphabetical letter
does not correspond to the English letter v. Read the following syllables and
words aloud as many times as necessary to be able to recognize the Greek
alphabetical letter and its associated phoneme.
Hear mt, mtm, dm, sdm, `m`, `mdagm, chdagm
( `-m` ) ( `-md-agm ) ( ch-d-agm )
Hear `fdm, m`ni, mdni, s`mg, jhcnm, jdmg
( `-fdm ) ( m`-ni ) ( md-ni ) ( s`-mg ) ( jh-cnm ) ( jd-mg )
Hear fdm, fdmm`, mtjs`, mhjg, fdmg, a`m
Hear fgm, fdmni, nmni, ftmg, sgm
' Dr. William D. Ramey ¤ Phonology (Part 2) InTheBeginning.org
( G-s` ) ( ch-jg ) ( `-jn-g )
( fdm-m` ) ( mt-js` ) ( mh-jg ) ( fd-mg )
( fd-mni ) ( n-mni ) ( ft-mg )
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