Crowley, Aleister - One Star in Sight.pdf
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Thy feet in mire, thine head in murk,
O man, how piteous thy plight,
The doubts that daunt, the ills that irk,
Thou hast nor wit nor will to fight ---
How hope in heart, or worth in work?
No star in sight!
Thy gods proved puppets of the priest.
"Truth? All's relation!" science sighed.
In bondage with thy brother beast,
Love tortured thee, as Love's hope died
And Lover's faith rotted. Life no least
Dim star descried.
Thy cringing carrion cowered and crawled
To find itself a chance-cast clod
Whose Pain was purposeless; appalled
That aimless accident thus trod
Its agony, that void skies sprawled
On the vain sod!
All souls eternally exist,
Each individual, ultimate,
Perfect --- each makes itself a mist
Of mind and flesh to celebrate
With some twin mask their tender tryst
Some drunkards, doting on the dream,
Despair that it should die, mistake
Themselves for their own shadow-scheme.
One star can summon them to wake
To self; star-souls serene that gleam
On life's calm lake.
That shall end never that began.
All things endure because they are.
Do what thou wilt, for every man
And every woman is a star.
Pan is not dead; he liveth, Pan!
Break down the bar!
To man I come, the number of
A man my number, Lion of Light;
I am The Beast whose Law is Love.
Love under will, his royal right ---
Behold within, and not above,
One star in sight!
A glimpse of the structure and system of the Great White Brotherhood.
A.'. A.'.
<<The Name of the Order and those of its three divisions are not disclosed to the
profane. Certain swindlers have recently stolen the initials A.'. A.'. in order to
profit by its reputation.>>.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
1. The Order of the Star called S. S. is, in respect of its existence upon the Earth,
an organized body of men and women distinguished among their fellows by the
qualities here enumerated. They exist in their own Truth, which is both universal
and unique. They move in accordance with their own Wills, which are each
unique, yet coherent with the universal will.
They perceive (that is, understand, know, and feel) in love, which is both unique
and universal.
2. The order consists of eleven grades or degrees, and is numbered as follows:
these compose three groups, the Orders of the S. S., of the R. C., and of the G. D.
The Order of the S. S.
Ipsissimus .................. 10 Degree = 1Square
Magus ....................... 9 Degree = 2Square
Magister Templi ............. 8 Degree = 3Square
The Order of the R. C.
(Babe of the Abyss --- the link)
Adeptus Exemptus ............ 7 Degree = 4Square
Adeptus Major ............... 6 Degree = 5Square
Adeptus Minor ............... 5 Degree = 6Square
The Order of the G. D.
(Dominus Liminis --- the link)
Philosophus ................. 4 Degree = 7Square
Practicus ................... 3 Degree = 8Square
Zelator ..................... 2 Degree = 9Square
Neophyte .................... 1 Degree = 10Square
Probationer ................. 0 Degree = 0Square
(These figures have special meanings to the initiated and are commonly
employed to designate the grades.)
The general characteristics and attributions of these Grades are indicated by
their correspondences on the Tree of Life, as may be studied in detail in the Book
--- His business is to acquire a general intellectual
knowledge of all systems of attainment, as declared in the
prescribed books. (See curriculum in Appendix I.)
--- His principal business is to begin such practices
as he my prefer, and to write a careful record of the same for
one year.
--- Has to acquire perfect control of the Astral Plane.
--- His main work is to achieve complete success in Asana
and Pranayama. He also begins to study the formula of the Rosy Cross.
--- Is expected to complete his intellectual training, and
in particular to study the Qabalah.
--- Is expected to complete his moral training. He
is tested in Devotion to the Order.
Dominus Liminis.
--- Is expected to show mastery of Pratyahara
and Dharana.
(without). --- is expected to perform the Great Work
and to attain the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy
Guardian Angel.
(within). --- Is admitted to the practice of the formula
of the Rosy Cross on entering the College of the Holy Ghost.
(Major). --- Obtains a general mastery of practical
Magick, though without comprehension.
(Exemptus). --- Completes in perfection all these matters.
He then either ("a") becomes a Brother of the Left
Hand Path or, ("b") is stripped of all his attainments and of himself
as well, even of his Holy Guardian Angel, and becomes
a babe of the Abyss, who, having transcended the Reason,
does nothing but grow in the womb of its mother. It then
finds itself a
Magister Templi.
--- (Master of the Temple): whose functions
are fully described in Liber 418, as is this whole initiation
from Adeptus Exemptus. See also "Aha!". His principal
business is to tend his "garden" of disciples, and to obtain a
perfect understanding of the Universe. He is a Master of
--- Attains to wisdom, declares his law (See Liber I, vel
Magi) and is a Master of all Magick in its greatest and highest sense.
--- Is beyond all this and beyond all comprehension
of those of lower degrees.
But of these last three Grades see some further account in "The Temple of
Solomon the King", Equinox I to X and elsewhere.
It should be stated that these Grades are not necessarily attained fully, and in
strict consecution, or manifested wholly on all planes. The subject is very
difficult, and entirely beyond the limits of this small treatise.
We append a more detailed account.
The Order of the S. S
. is composed of those who have crossed the Abyss; the
implications of this expression may be studied in Liber 418, the 14th, 13th, 12th,
11th, 10th, and 9th Aethyrs in particular.
All members of the Order are in full possession of the Formulae of Attainment,
both mystical or inwardly-directed and Magical or outwardly-directed. They
have full experience of attainment in both these paths.
They are all, however, bound by the original and fundamental Oath of the
Order, to devote their energy to assisting the Progress of their Inferiors in the
Order. Those who accept the rewards of their emancipation for themselves are
no longer within the Order.
Members of the Order are each entitled to found Orders dependent on
themselves on the lines of the R. C. and G. D. orders, to cover types of
emancipation and illumination not contemplated by the original (or main)
system. All such orders must, however, be constituted in harmony with the A.'.
A.'. as regards the essential principles.
All members of the Order are in possession of the Word of the existing Aeon,
and govern themselves thereby.
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