021 Słońce, księżyc.pdf

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Sun, Moon & Stars Mobile - © Jane Eborall 2004
The sun, moon and stars have been inserted into brass rings and then suspended from a length
of metal coat hanger. Both the rings and hangers have been crocheted over to enable easy
balancing. The sun and moon measure 3½ in diameter with the stars measuring 1½ in
Wsh1 working shuttle 1
Wsh2 working shuttle 2
bead moved into place to
replace picot
bead added to p before
split ring
6 first half of ds
setb 6 second half of ds
very long picot
very small picot
very long picot
Lock join
shoe lace trick – tie knot
SCMR self closing mock ring
Skills needed – Knowledge of Split Rings (1 in the sun and 6 in the stars), the SCMR (1 only in
the moon) and Victorian ‘sets’ or rick rack tatting (seta & setb very easy – see abbreviations).
Materials – 20 crochet cotton, 2 shuttles. Beads – add 2 large beads (eyes) to Wsh1and 32
beads to Wsh2. 9 small black beads are needed to add to Vlp.
Round 1
Tip – when adding beads to the very long picot on R3 move the 9 beads to the thread
running round the back of the hand before starting the ring (core thread). When they
are added to the picot adjust the thread so that all the beads fit but not forgetting to
leave a small space for joining between the beads. Place a safety pin after the final
bead to keep them in place and THEN work the next ds. Leave the safety pin in place
until the final join on R6 has been made (see fig.1).
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6 – 4 – 6
vsp 4 B 2 – 2 B 4
6 +(2 nd p R1) 2 B (eye) 2 – 6
vsp 4 B 2 – 2 B 4
6 +(last p R2) 3 Vlp (to take 9 beads + joining space) 1 – 6
vsp4 B 2 – 2 B 4
6 +(last p R3) 2 +(Vlp after 3 rd B) 2 – 6
vsp4 B 2 – 2 B 4
6+(last p R4) 2 +(Vlp after 6 th B) 2 – 6
vsp 4 B 2 – 2 B 4
R6: 6 +(last p R5) 1 (+Vlp after 9 th B) 3 – 6
Ch: vsp 4 B 2 – 2 B 4
R7: 6 +(last p R6) 2 B (eye) 2 – 6
Ch: vsp 4 B 2 – 2 B 4
R8: 6 +(last p R7) 4 +(1 st p R1) 6
Ch: vsp 4 B 2 – 2 B 4 + base R1
Round 2
SR9: 4 / 4
*Ch: 4 – 4 – 4 vsp 1 seta B setb 1 (continue working back along the head of the chain just
worked joining to opposite p’s) +(last vsp) 4 +(next p) 4 +(next p) 4 Change to Wsh2 *
R:10: 2 +(centre p of next Ch on Round 1) 2 Change to Wsh1
Repeat from * to *
R11: 4 +(vsp at base of next R on round 1) 4 Change to Wsh1
Repeat from * to * all round using R10 to join to p’s at centre of chains of round 1 and R11 to
join to bases of rings on round 1.
NB tension should be adjusted as work progresses during the working of round 2 as the core
thread runs throughout the whole round.
Materials – 20 crochet cotton, 2 shuttles. Add 38 beads to Wsh1 – 1 large bead needed to add
to p for eye.
Row 1 (outer part) – starting at bottom and using Wsh1
R1: 2 B 2
SR2: 2 B 2 / 2 – 2
SR3: 3 B 3 / 3 - 3
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SR4: 4 B 4 / 4 – 4
SR5: 2 B 3 B 3 B 2 / 5 – 5
SR6: 2 B 4 B 4 B 2 / 6 – 6
SR7: 2 B 4 B 4 B 2 / 6 – 6
SR8: 4 B 3 B 3 B 4 / 7 – 7
SR9: 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 / 8 – 8
SR10: 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 / 8 – 8
SR11: 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 / 8 – 8
SR12: 4 B 3 B 3 B 4 / 7 – 7
SR13: 2 B 4 B 4 B 2 / 6 – 6
SR14: 2 B 3 B 3 B 2 / 5 – 5
SR15: 4 B 4 / 4 – 4
SR16: 3 B 3 / 3 - 3
SR17: 2 B 2 / 2 – 2
R18: 2 B 2 Change to Wsh2
Row 2
Ch: 3 Lj(SR17) 4 Lj(SR16) 4 Lj(SR15) 4
R19: 2 +(SR14) 2
Ch: 3
R20: 4 +(SR13) 2 – 2
Ch: 3
R21: 2 +(R20) 2 +(SR12) 3 – 3
Ch: 4
R22: 4 +(R21) 4 +(SR11) 4 – 4
Ch: 10 Rw & change to Wsh1
SCMR23: 4 R(4 +B[R22 - eye] 6 +(SR10) 6 – 4 Cl) 4
Ch: 4 – 4 seta – setb 3 +(1 st p on this chain) 3 +(space
btwn 2 parts of SCMR) SLT 8
SR24: 2 +(SCMR23) 6 +(SR9) 6 / 2
SR25: 4 + (SR8) 4 – 4 / 4
Ch: 6
R26: 4 +(R25) 4 +(SR7) 4 – 4
Ch: 3
R27: 4 +(R26) 4 +(SR6) 3 – 3
Ch: 3
R28: 3 +(R27) 3 +(SR5) 4
Ch: 3
R29: 2 +(SR4) 2
4 +(SR3) 4 +(SR2) 3 T & C base R1
Materials – 20 crochet cotton, 2 shuttles. Add 12 beads to Wsh1
Hint – leave almost as much thread after the beads as the beads take up in the thread
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see fig. 6a.
The tops of all chains face inwards as in the sun.
Move 6 beads onto back of hand before starting SR1 – see hint above and fig. 6
SR1: 2 – 1 BBBBBB 1 – 2 / vsp 2 Change to Wsh2
Ch: 4 – 4 vsp 1 seta B setb 1 +(vsp on Ch) 4 +B(– on Ch) 4 Change to Wsh1
*SR2: 2 +B(3 rd p last SR) 1 +(2 nd p last SR betwn next 2 beads) 1 – 2 / 2 Change to Wsh2
Ch: as last
Repeat from * joining last p of SR6 to 1 st p of SR1 and last Ch to vsp of SR1 T & C
For any help please contact me.
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