Lost [05x16,17] The Incident [ENG].txt

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0:00:00:{y:i}Previously on "Lost"...
0:00:01:The Dharma folks at|the Swan worksite--
0:00:03:they're gonna|drill into the ground
0:00:05:and accidentally tap into|a massive pocket of energy.
0:00:08:And {y:i}that will|cause your plane--
0:00:10:Oceanic 815--|to crash on this island.
0:00:13:And just how exactly do you plan|on destroying this energy?
0:00:16:I'm gonna detonate|a hydrogen bomb.
0:00:27:(wheel spinning)
0:00:40:(fire crackling)
0:01:55:Mind if I join you?
0:02:02:Want some fish?
0:02:05:Thank you. I just ate.
0:02:08:I take it you're here|'cause of the ship.
0:02:11:I am.
0:02:16:How did they find|the island?
0:02:19:You'll have to ask 'em|when they get here.
0:02:22:I don't have to ask.
0:02:24:{y:i}You brought them here.
0:02:29:Still trying to prove|me wrong, aren't you?
0:02:31:You {y:i}are wrong.
0:02:32:Am I?
0:02:34:They come. They fight.
0:02:37:They destroy. They corrupt.
0:02:40:It always ends the same.
0:02:43:It only ends once.
0:02:44:Anything that happens|before that is just progress.
0:02:59:Do you have any idea|how badly I wanna kill you?
0:03:05:One of these days,|sooner or later...
0:03:09:I'm going to find a loophole,|my friend.
0:03:11:Well, when you do,|I'll be right here.
0:03:18:Always nice|talking to you, Jacob.
0:03:20:Nice talking to you, too.
0:04:13:Are you gonna do it?
0:04:15:Unh-unh. {y:i}You do it.
0:04:17:Fine. I'll do it. But you're|gonna be lookout, okay?
0:04:28:(man) The crops came in|pretty good this year.
0:04:31:Hey you hear? Frank bought|the old... (speaks indistinctly)
0:04:34:(woman) Yeah, I hear|he's gonna farm the land
0:04:36:all the way out to Ames road.|- Yeah, I hear that, too.
0:04:39:(man continues|speaking indistinctly)
0:04:42:{y:i}(Patsy Cline) # two cigarettes|{y:i}in an ashtray #
0:04:45:{y:i}# my love and I #
0:04:47:There's nothing|he would like less.
0:04:49:{y:i}# in a small cafe #
0:04:54:What you kids got there?
0:04:57:Open your bag.
0:05:01:(thermos rattles)
0:05:03:Mm-hmm.|Where'd you get this?
0:05:05:Got it over there.|- I know you.
0:05:08:You're Diane Austen's girl.|What's your name?
0:05:12:Well, Katie, I'm calling|your mom, then the cops,
0:05:15:because I don't tolerate|stealing here. You understand?
0:05:19:(man) No need to do that.
0:05:21:I'll pay for it.
0:05:23:I hope this is enough.
0:05:28:Well, long as somebody|pays for it,
0:05:30:guess there's no harm done.
0:05:33:But I don't wanna|see you in here ever again
0:05:36:without your parents.|You understand me?
0:05:41:Thanks, mister.
0:05:43:You're welcome.
0:05:46:You're not gonna|steal anymore, are you?
0:05:55:Be good, Katie.
0:06:01:{y:i}(man) Welcome aboard, everyone.
0:06:03:{y:i}We will be doing some|{y:i}system checks offshore here
0:06:05:{y:i}before heading out|{y:i}into the open ocean
0:06:07:{y:i}and submerging to|{y:i}our operational running depth.
0:06:09:{y:i}You should be receiving|{y:i}your sedatives,
0:06:12:{y:i}and then we will escort you|{y:i}to your sleeping berths.
0:06:15:Have a nice rest.|See you on the other side. (click)
0:06:22:We have to get out of here.
0:06:24:"Out of here"?
0:06:25:We're underwater.
0:06:27:What the hell are you doing here?|How'd you get caught?
0:06:30:I came back to get you.
0:06:31:Came back to get me for what?|- Where's Jack?
0:06:34:Jack is on his way|to blow up a hydrogen bomb.
0:06:38:Why the hell would he do that?|- Does it matter? We have to stop him.
0:06:48:Sorry, I'm gonna pass.
0:06:50:Did you hear|what I just said?
0:06:52:Yeah, I heard you.|You just don't get it, Kate.
0:06:55:We were happy in Dharmaville|till y'all showed up.
0:06:59:But now that's all over.
0:07:02:So we're gonna|drink our O.J.
0:07:04:and take our chances|in the real world.
0:07:07:Jack wants|to blow up the island?
0:07:11:Good for Jack.
0:07:14:Is there anything in there|about how we're supposed to move
0:07:17:a 10-ton bomb|across the island?
0:07:20:(Sayid) Actually,|it's 20 tons.
0:07:22:Fortunately,|it seems that Faraday
0:07:25:never intended to freight|the device in its entirety.
0:07:28:He left|detailed instructions
0:07:30:on how to remove|the Plutonium core...
0:07:35:and how to detonate it.
0:07:37:Faraday told me|that we needed to wipe out
0:07:39:some kind of pocket|of energy.
0:07:41:Is only part of the bomb|gonna be enough to do that?
0:07:44:The core itself is|a thermonuclear weapon.
0:07:46:It'll be more than enough.
0:07:52:Hey! Hey! Wait.
0:07:54:We sealed that thing up|20 years ago,
0:07:56:and we put it underground
0:07:58:because it was|emitting radiation.
0:08:00:Does this sound like a|good idea to you, Eloise?
0:08:02:You're pregnant.
0:08:03:Which is exactly why we have|to help them see this through.
0:08:07:Once the core is removed,
0:08:09:then what?
0:08:10:Then we have|approximately two hours
0:08:12:to take it to the Swan site.|- Two hours?
0:08:15:When Faraday|returned to the island,
0:08:19:he was very explicit|about his timetable.
0:08:23:Well then...|we'd better get movin'.
0:08:29:(hammering and whirring)
0:08:36:(men shouting indistinctly)
0:08:39:Who stopped the damn drill?!
0:08:41:I did.
0:08:43:Why?|- Because when we passed 70 meters,
0:08:45:the drill temp went up|60 degrees,
0:08:47:and I didn't want it|to melt.
0:08:49:Well, Pierre, that's why we have|a truck full of water.
0:08:52:So cool it down|and turn it on.
0:08:54:Stuart, we've just|evacuated the island
0:08:56:of all nonessential|personnel.
0:08:58:We're in the midst|of a possible insurrection.
0:09:00:Do you really think|this is the ideal time
0:09:02:for your experiments?
0:09:04:I've been working on|this project for six years--
0:09:06:designing a station|that'll be able
0:09:08:to manipulate electromagnetism|in ways we only dreamed of.
0:09:10:Have you thought|about the consequences
0:09:12:of drilling|into that pocket?!
0:09:14:We have no idea what|we are going to--
0:09:16:If Edison was only worried|about the consequences,
0:09:18:we'd all still|be sitting in the dark.
0:09:21:I came to this island|to change the world, Pierre.
0:09:24:That's {y:i}exactly what|I intend to to.
0:09:26:Let's get it started!|(punches button)
0:09:28:(drilling resumes)
0:10:03:(Locke) Take five, everybody.
0:10:05:We still got a ways to go|to get to Jacob's.
0:10:07:Who's Jacob?
0:10:10:He's in charge|of this island.
0:10:13:You said John was in charge.
0:10:15:No, I said|he was the leader--
0:10:17:a title that I've discovered|is incredibly temporary.
0:10:20:But everyone answers|to someone,
0:10:22:and the leader|answers to Jacob.
0:10:24:What's he like?
0:10:28:I don't know, Sun.|I've never met him.
0:10:42:You've been staring for|the last ten minutes, Richard.
0:10:45:Is there something|you would like to ask me?
0:10:48:Ben told me that...|he strangled you.
0:10:52:That is my recollection,|yes.
0:10:55:He said he was sure|you were dead.
0:10:57:He saw your coffin|loaded onto that plane
0:10:59:that you came back on.|How are you alive?
0:11:02:Well, you've been|on this island
0:11:04:much longer than I have,|Richard.
0:11:07:If anyone should have|an explanation,
0:11:09:I'd think it would be you.
0:11:10:Yeah, I -I have been|here a long time, John,
0:11:12:and I've seen things|on this island
0:11:15:that I can barely describe.
0:11:17:But... I've never seen someone|come back to life.
0:11:19:And I've never seen anyone|who doesn't age.
0:11:23:It doesn't mean|it can't happen.
0:11:25:I'm this way|because of Jacob.
0:11:28:And if I had to guess,
0:11:30:he's the reason you're not|in that coffin anymore.
0:11:32:I agree completely,|Richard.
0:11:34:That's why I'm doing this--|so I can thank him.
0:11:38:(sighs) And once I've done that,|we're gonna need to deal with
0:11:41:the rest of the passengers|from the Ajira flight
0:11:44:that brought me here.
0:11:46:What do you mean, "deal with"?|- You know what I mean.
0:11:51:Let's go!
0:12:19:Untie the crates.
0:12:23:Why'd we even bring this yahoo?|- Because we might need him.
0:12:27:For {y:i}what? He didn't know|the answer to the question.
0:12:31:That doesn't mean|he's not important.
0:12:33:What, you think|he's a candidate?
0:12:40:He's awake.
0:12:45:How long you been|listening to us?
0:12:48:Long enough to wonder what|the hell I'm a candidate for.
0:12:55:Who the hell are you people?|- We're friends.
0:12:58:So you smack all your friends|in the face with a rifle,
0:13:01:shove 'em in a boat|and kidnap 'em?
0:13:03:Only the ones we like.
0:13:08:(Bram) Let's go.
0:13:17:What's in the box?
0:13:24:Your call.
0:13:30:Open it.
0:14:39:Need a pen, son?
0:14:45:Yeah. Thanks.
0:14:50:There you go.
0:14:52:You can keep it.
0:14:58:I'm very sorry about|your mother and father, James.
0:15:11:(bird calling)
0:15:14:Come on, Jimmy. We gotta get|to the cemetery, okay?
0:15:20:What you writin'?
0:15:28:"Dear Mr. Sawyer,
0:15:31:"you don't know who I am,|but I know who you are,
0:15:34:and I know what you done."
0:15:44:Listen to me, Jimmy.
0:15:46:I know you're angry
0:15:47:at the man that did this|to your mama and daddy.
0:15:50:And hell,|you got every right to be.
0:15:53:But you gotta move on, boy.
0:15:56:They're gone,
0:15:58:and there ain't nothin'|you can do to change that.
0:16:03:What's done is done.
0:16:09:Now promise me you're not gonna|finish that letter.
0:16:15:I promise.
0:16:21:Come on.|Let's go say good-bye.
0:16:37:Let me get this straight.
0:16:39:Jack sets off a nuke,|which somehow resets everything.
0:16:43:So flight 815 never crashes.|It just...
0:16:46:lands in L.A. safe and sound,|and none of this never hap...
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