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12. Electric and Clean-Fuel Vehicles
Table of Contents
What's New
Useful Items - You may want to see:
Deductions for Clean-Fuel Vehicle and Refueling Property
Deduction for Clean-Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property
How To Claim the Deductions
Recapture of the Deductions
Basis Adjustments
Electric Vehicle Credit
Qualified Electric Vehicle
Amount of the Credit
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Topics - This chapter discusses:
Deduction for Clean-Fuel Vehicle Property
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How To Claim the Credit
Recapture of the Credit
What's New
Clean-fuel vehicle and refueling property deduction. The clean-
fuel vehicle and refueling property deduction will expire for vehicles
placed in service after December 31, 2005.
Alternative motor vehicle credit. The Energy Policy Act of 2005
added a new credit for alternative motor vehicles placed in service
after 2005. For details, see Form 8910, Alternative Motor Vehicle
Maximum qualified electric vehicle credit. The maximum qualified
electric vehicle credit will be 25% of the otherwise allowable amount in
You are allowed a limited deduction for the cost of clean-fuel vehicle
property and clean-fuel vehicle refueling property you place in service
during the tax year. Also, you are allowed a tax credit of 10% of the
cost of any qualified electric vehicle you place in service during the tax
You can take the electric vehicle credit or the deduction for clean-fuel
vehicle property regardless of whether you use the vehicle in a trade
or business. However, you can take a deduction for clean-fuel vehicle
refueling property only if you use the property in your trade or
Topics - This chapter discusses:
The deduction for clean-fuel vehicle property
The deduction for clean-fuel vehicle refueling property
Recapture of the deductions
The electric vehicle credit
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Basis Adjustments
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Recapture of the credit
Useful Items - You may want to see:
463 Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses
544 Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets
946 How To Depreciate Property
Form (and Instructions)
Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit
8910 <<< this form is attached on the CD
Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit
See chapter 14 for information about getting publications and forms.
The following definitions apply throughout this chapter.
Clean-burning fuels. The following are clean-burning fuels.
1. Natural gas.
2. Liquefied natural gas.
3. Liquefied petroleum gas.
5. Electricity.
6. Any other fuel that is at least 85% alcohol (any kind) or ether.
Motor vehicle. A motor vehicle is any vehicle that has four or more
wheels and is manufactured primarily for use on public streets, roads,
and highways. It does not include a vehicle operated exclusively on a
rail or rails.
Nonqualifying property. This is property used in the following
1. Predominantly outside the United States.
2. Predominantly to furnish lodging or in connection with the furnishing
of lodging.
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3. By certain tax-exempt organizations.
4. By governmental units or foreign persons or entities.
Deductions for Clean-Fuel Vehicle and Refueling Property
You are allowed a limited deduction for the cost of clean-fuel vehicle
property and clean-fuel vehicle refueling property. These deductions
are allowed only in the tax year you place the property in service.
You cannot claim these deductions for the part of the property's cost
you claim as a section 179 deduction. For information on the section
179 deduction, see Publication 946.
Deduction for Clean-Fuel Vehicle Property
The deduction for this property may be claimed
regardless of whether the property is used in a trade or
Clean-fuel vehicle property. Clean-fuel vehicle property is either of
the following kinds of property.
1. A motor vehicle (defined earlier) produced by an original equipment
manufacturer and designed to be propelled by a clean-burning fuel.
These include designated hybrid gas-electric automobiles which, at
this time, only include the Ford Escape Hybrid, Honda Accord Hybrid,
Honda Insight, Honda Civic Hybrid, Lexus RX 400h, Mercury Mariner
Hybrid, Toyota Highlander Hybrid, and Toyota Prius. Those
designated automobiles do not qualify for the electric vehicle credit.
For other than those designated automobiles, the only part of a
vehicle's basis that qualifies for the deduction is the part attributable
a. A clean-fuel engine that can use a clean-burning fuel,
b. The property used to store or deliver the fuel to the engine, or
c. The property used to exhaust gases from the combustion of
the fuel.
2. Any property installed on a motor vehicle ( including
installation costs ) to enable it to be propelled by a
clean-burning fuel if:
a. The property is an engine (or modification of an engine) that
can use a clean-burning fuel, or
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b.The property is used to store or deliver that fuel
to the engine or to exhaust gases from the
combustion of that fuel.
For vehicles that may be propelled by both a clean-
burning fuel and any other fuel, your deduction is
generally the additional cost of permitting the use of
the clean-burning fuel.
Clean-fuel vehicle property does not include an electric vehicle that
qualifies for the electric vehicle credit, discussed later.
Qualified property. Your property must meet the following
requirements to qualify for the deduction.
1. It must be acquired for your own use and not for resale.
2. Its original use must begin with you.
3. Either—
a. The motor vehicle of which it is a part must satisfy any federal
or state emissions standards that apply to each fuel by which
the vehicle is designed to be propelled, or
b. It must satisfy any federal and state emissions certification,
testing, and warranty requirements that apply.
4. It cannot be nonqualifying property, defined earlier.
Deduction limit. The maximum deduction you can claim for
qualified clean-fuel vehicle property with respect to any motor
vehicle is one of the following.
1.$50,000 for a truck or van with a gross vehicle weight rating over
26,000 pounds or for a bus with a seating capacity of at least 20
adults (excluding the driver).
2.$5,000 for a truck or van with a gross vehicle weight rating over
10,000 pounds but not more than 26,000 pounds.
3.$2,000 for a vehicle not included in (1) or (2).
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