Switched at Birth [01x01] This Is Not a Pipe [ENG].txt

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[143][160]Excellent tongue control, liam.
[161][180]It's good to know for our future.
[181][219]- Watch it, bay. - Yeah, bay, watch it.
[219][240]<i>Teacher: Okay, let's begin |our blood type test.</i>
[240][260]<i>Use the needle to prick a drop of blood</i>
[260][291]<i>Onto the four fields on your test cards.</i>
[352][371]<i>Bay: Apparently it's extremely rare.</i>
[372][393]Only 1% of the population is a-b.
[393][422]I have lacrosse practice |tomorrow, so I can't drive bay.
[422][450]Honey, you can't be a-b because |your mother and I are both a,
[450][473]Which means you have to be either a or o.
[473][500]Well, it said a-b, and blood don't lie.
[501][513]I'm taking the mercedes tomorrow, okay?
[513][533]I'm telling you it's genetically impossible.
[533][563]Well, maybe I'm some super-human |mutant freak from another planet.
[563][589]- Or a vampire. - Oh, how awesome would that be?
[590][602]Toby, you may have a point there.
[603][620]Your mother once had a deep fascination
[620][639]With a mail carrier with snaggly teeth.
[639][659]I do not have snaggly teeth.
[659][680]- You do have that one. - Ha.
[681][701]Toby was barely two when I got pregnant with bay.
[701][721]I was far too exhausted to have an affair.
[721][741]And besides, my grandmother was italian.
[741][773]- That's where bay gets her beautiful| coloring from. - Beautiful.
[773][800]It has to be a mistake, sweetie.
[834][874]<i>d I should be feelin' more d</i>
[892][942]<i>d I should be writing words... d</i>
[942][972]<i>- Look, another one. |d I should be crying tears... d</i>
[973][992]<i>Bay: I wish I knew who was doing it.</i>
[993][1011]- I know you think that's art. - It is art.
[1012][1029]It's graffiti.
[1030][1052]What if we all ran around with spray cans?
[1052][1071]- But obviously that doesn't happen. - Good thing.
[1072][1084]( laughs )
[1084][1112]Why do you think we see things |differently all the time?
[1112][1123]Well, you're a teenager.
[1123][1151]It's your job to disagree with me.
[1151][1190]But we've always been different, |really different.
[1190][1211]I don't think that's true, baby.
[1211][1241]Mom, we look nothing alike. Look at our hair.
[1242][1272]Look at our hands. Look at our bodies.
[1273][1319]- Was I adopted or something? |- You were not adopted.
[1319][1342]People ask me that-- a lot of people.
[1343][1363]Who? I'll show them my stretch marks.
[1389][1412]If I wanted you to do something,
[1413][1452]Even if you thought it was crazy...
[1452][1471]Would you?
[1502][1540]<i>d how could I love you? d</i>
[1560][1579]We've done extensive
[1579][1601]12-marker testing on all three of you.
[1601][1641]<i>It is 99.9% certain</i>
[1641][1682]That bay is not related to you.
[1682][1712]- I knew it. |- The hospital believes there was a mix-up.
[1712][1731]Did they actually use that word-- mix-up?
[1732][1752]Someone wasn't careful matching the I.D. Anklets.
[1753][1791]It's extremely rare, but it happens.
[1792][1819]You took home someone else's baby
[1820][1853]<i>And another family took home yours.</i>
[1879][1913]<i>- It's a lot to take in, I know. |- Yes, it is a lot to take in.</i>
[1913][1941]Would you just tell us what |the procedure is going forward?
[1941][1980]You find your real daughter,| I find my real parents.
[1981][2011]We say "biological," not "real."
[2011][2030]Who could these people be?
[2031][2051]- And what would they expect from us? |- Bay: Yeah, who are they?
[2051][2070]<i>- Where do I come from? |- Dad: Just hold on one second.</i>
[2071][2103]Does anybody know where this| other child might be?
[2104][2124]<i>( kettle whistling )</i>
[2124][2149]<i>( phone ringing )</i>
[2150][2170]( whistling continues )
[2170][2194]<i>( ringing continues )</i>
[2400][2430]<i>Woman: John and kathryn kennish,| regina vasquez.</i>
[2431][2460]- Hello. - John kennish. Nice to meet you.
[2460][2480]Nice to meet you.
[2543][2570]Daphne, this is bay.
[2570][2592]<i>Bay, daphne.</i>
[2592][2631]It's nice to meet you.
[2792][2828]What was he again? |A pitcher? First baseman?
[2828][2850]Third base for the royals.
[2850][2871]Now he owns like seven car washes.
[2872][2891]Regina: Rough life.
[2892][2910]Put your name on a sign
[2910][2931]And sit around and collect dough.
[3021][3059]I'm so glad you found it.
[3079][3118]( shouting ) daphne, this is toby.
[3118][3141]- Hey. - Nice to meet you.
[3141][3159]You two sure look alike.
[3159][3187]Now matter how loud you yell, |she still can't hear you.
[3187][3200]Right, of course.
[3201][3220]Just face her and talk normally--
[3221][3239]Not too fast, not too slow.
[3239][3258]It's okay. Everyone does it.
[3259][3277]I gotta go. Hey, sorry. Hi.
[3277][3312]We're opening up two new car |washes and it's just been crazy.
[3331][3352]I can't believe you own kennish car wash.
[3352][3377]- We used to go there. - John: Oh.
[3377][3408]- I can't understand her.| - Daphne: My friend emmett is dying to meet you.
[3408][3450]- He's a huge royals fan. |- Well, let's go to a game.
[3479][3520]- So, shall we go have lunch? |- Yes, let's-- let's go in.
[3521][3541]Be nice.
[3588][3630]I made chicken enchiladas, so save room, okay?
[3631][3649]Oh, actually I'm a vegetarian.
[3649][3670]But it's okay. |I always find something.
[3670][3689]Oh, I'm sorry. |I didn't know.
[3689][3717]When daphne was 11, I dated a guy
[3717][3731]Who managed a chicken plant
[3731][3760]And the stories we heard were...
[3760][3790]( growling )
[3790][3817]( imitates machinery )
[3817][3848]- ( choking ) - ( parents laughing )
[3861][3891]Well, I think eating vegetarian is great.
[3891][3910]You hunt.
[3910][3949]Well, there was that one time |with the guys from the team.
[3950][3988]Right, that one time.
[3988][4020]So, daphne, are you allergic to anything?
[4021][4058]- Toby and I both break out into| hives whenever we eat-- - kiwi.
[4058][4080]Yes! Isn't that amazing?
[4081][4110]Bay isn't allergic to anything, but picky.
[4110][4148]As a baby she went nothing but carrots--
[4148][4171]<i>- Orange poo. - Thanks, mom.</i>
[4171][4201]That's classy.
[4201][4230]She was such a cute baby.
[4231][4257]<i>I bet you were a cute baby too.</i>
[4257][4278]So, um, you all live in east riverside?
[4278][4317]Yes.  It's near a lake and a park
[4318][4350]And it's very diverse, |which I think is important.
[4350][4388]- Definitely definitely. - Yes, of course.
[4401][4421]Are you mexican?
[4450][4470]Puerto rican... On my mother's side.
[4471][4497]<i>She named her, actually.</i>
[4497][4528]Daphne paloma, after my father daniel.
[4528][4557]Daphne paloma vasquez-- yeah,| that definitely fits
[4557][4570]Better than bay madeleine kennish.
[4570][4597]I think bay is a beautiful name.
[4597][4630]- Of course you do. - We thought so too.
[4687][4721]- Can I use the restroom? Make yourself at home.
[4721][4748]If you need anything, pretend it's your house.
[4748][4778]Because technically it is.
[4828][4861]- Sweetie, what are you doing? |- Taking the chicken out.
[4861][4889]You can't take chicken |out of chicken enchiladas.
[4889][4910]That's our daughter out there.
[4911][4927]- I know. - That girl.
[4927][4941]I know. It's crazy.
[4942][4968]Some nurse spaces out and suddenly our lives
[4969][4988]Are just tossed up in the air.
[4988][5007]They shuffled them. |Who could make that kind of mistake?
[5007][5029]- We're gonna fix that. |- Yeah? Well, how?
[5029][5057]You think that woman's just gonna hand her over?
[5058][5071]And what about our bay?
[5071][5091]What if she tries to get her back from us?
[5091][5118]- She's not gonna try |- can I help?Ack from--
[5119][5131]- Uh, no. - No.
[5131][5159]We're just taking the chicken out--
[5459][5480]Hi.  I-- I just--
[5480][5510]Mom, I'm out of here.
[5511][5547]Would you show daphne around? |See if she needs anything?
[5547][5560]I don't need anything.
[5560][5587]She doesn't need anything.
[5587][5610]I think it would be nice.
[5610][5630]Okay then.
[5651][5678]Let's take a tour.
[5740][5789]Tennis courts, gazebo,
[5790][5829]Concrete dogs-- every house needs them.
[5887][5921]Guest house, basketball court,
[5921][5951]Garage bay uses for her "art."
[6017][6051]- One on one? |- Okay.
[6129][6149]You can talk as much trash as you want--
[6149][6176]I can't see your lips, |I can't hear you.
[6237][6268]So, um, how did-- |how did daphne go...
[6268][6281]<i>- It's okay. ...Deaf?</i>
[6281][6300]It's not a bad word.
[6300][6327]She got meningitis when she was three.
[6327][6350]- And the hearing aid? |- She can hear some ambient noise.
[6350][6381]It helps her know what's going on around her,| but it can't make her hear.
[6381][6408]She needs to see your lips| to know what you're saying.
[6409][6429]And how did she get the meningitis?
[6448][6487]It's a bacteria. She caught it.
[6488][6509]- And she goes to school and everything? |- Yes.
[6509][6540]It's just her ears that don't work, not her brain.
[6540][6570]- Right. - Bay goes to buckner hall. |It's a wonderful school.
[6570][6597]Not that school is bay's thing.
[6597][6636]Yeah, well-- but she loves photography and art.
[6637][6676]<i>- ( hard rock music playing )| - music-- she loves music.</i>
[6677][6716]Yeah, excuse me. Um, ahem.
[6717][6749]Bay, bay, turn it down! Thank you!
[6749][6788]Ever since she found out, |it's jus...
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