Outcasts [01x01] [ENG].txt

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[114][141]Carpathia, this is CT-9.
[150][175]Can you hear me, Carpathia?
[190][228]Captain Kellerman from CT-9|calling Carpathia.
[228][255]We're approaching your atmosphere.
[255][283]Are there any human beings|out there?
[504][558]Tyger! Tyger! burning bright|In the forest of the night.
[605][652]Busy...deaf. Remember how I tried|to teach you the difference?
[652][672]I saw lights in the sky.
[672][689]There's nothing.
[689][738]Is it the transporter with the new people? |They're too far away for us to see their lights.
[738][770]D'you think they'll know|about the tigers? Well...
[770][789]Will they, Mummy, will they know?
[789][802]Of course they'll know,
[802][843]and I bet there still were tigers|on Earth when they left,
[843][856]in zoos at least.
[856][907]Now, I want you up and out of here|in one minute, starting now.
[962][1026]Tyger! Tyger! burning bright|In the forests of the night.
[1655][1680]Mitchell. We were expecting|you tomorrow.
[1703][1745]Well, you know about the new rules.|No weapons inside Forthaven itself.
[1745][1776]All my PAS officers have|handed theirs in, even me.
[1776][1810]We're not PAS officers, Stella,|we're expeditionaries.
[1810][1841]OK, but you're still not supposed to|be soldiers. Your job is to resear...
[1841][1856]Don't tell me my job.
[1856][1877]..to research the planet|and its resources.
[1877][1894]Look, the main issue here, Mitchell,
[1894][1914]is that I don't have|to justify it to you now.
[1914][1944]It was passed by General Council|and everybody will respect that.
[1944][1961]PAS and XPs alike.
[1978][1999]It's the comms room.
[1999][2050]Could be the transporter.|We might have made contact at last.
[2050][2070]Check the weapon in, Mitchell.
[2140][2186]Carpathia, this is CT-9.|Can you hear me, Carpathia?
[2204][2228]Carpathia, this is CT-9.
[2265][2299]'Carpathia, this is Captain Kellerman|from CT-9.'
[2299][2324]We hear you, Captain. We hear you.
[2324][2344]Is that a human voice?
[2344][2384]This is Richard Tate, President of|Carpathia, as human as you are.
[2384][2414]'Flash up that we have voice contact|with Carpathia.'
[2414][2428]We've got visuals now.
[2428][2476]'Captain, I'm switching from|antimatter to normal controls.'
[2476][2488]'I can see you now.'
[2488][2507]It's been so long, Captain.
[2507][2544]Over five years waiting|and hoping for more arrivals.
[2544][2564]We thought there would be|no more arrivals.
[2564][2577]There might not be now.
[2577][2613]We've lost all signals from the ships|in our departure flotilla.
[2613][2640]Well, I can't tell you what it means|to have your signal.
[2640][2654]What's your status, Captain?
[2654][2678]We've got a couple of|higher-than-normal protocols
[2678][2704]on the right side of the ship.|Fatigue damage.
[2704][2720]It's important you deal with that.
[2720][2755]Heat stress on atmospheric entry has|been an issue for some transporters.
[2766][2782]How much of an issue?
[2792][2820]Catastrophic, in some cases.
[2836][2861]OK, it's best to know the truth.
[2874][2892]I appreciate your honesty.
[2892][2927]And Earth? We lost their|pulse signal some years ago.
[2945][2965]We picked up some data.
[2965][2990]Anybody still down there is...
[3000][3019]..not having such a good time of it.
[3038][3068]Well, let's keep the important|questions for when you're in.
[3068][3090]'I do have one question, actually.'
[3090][3100]Fire away.
[3100][3124]What's the weather like on Carpathia?
[3124][3148]Admirable priorities, Captain.
[3148][3196]Um... Occasional whiteouts caused by| our lunar system, but on the whole...
[3196][3218]nice and warm.
[3234][3270]I need to patch things up out here.|Don't go anywhere.
[3493][3512]Keep beating.
[3512][3529]Keep beating.
[3824][3839]How's my boy?
[3839][3872]I'm practising my poem|to welcome the transporter.
[3882][3931]Pablo Zavaleta is going to sing|Gracias A La Vida.
[3931][3979]Well, that will make five years |hurtling through space seem worthwhile.
[3979][3993]Where's your mum?
[4031][4076]Pablo's parents came from a place |called Chile. Is there tigers at Chile?
[4076][4128]Not that I remember. Armadillos, |chinchillas, jaguars maybe...
[4128][4151]but tigers, I'm not sure.
[4151][4186]You're early. We weren't|expecting you till tomorrow.
[4186][4216]Yeah, I came back to show them|what I thought of their weapons ban.
[4216][4257]I bumped into Stella. She said PAS|officers had already given them up.
[4257][4291]I don't mind.|It's not like I've ever used mine.
[4320][4354]Not long now. We're nearly ready.
[4381][4404]We're nearly ready, Karina.
[4419][4431]What about Linus?
[4455][4496]Linus will be fine, won't you?
[4496][4512]He'll be better.
[4523][4539]It's good to see you.
[4728][4744]You're not on duty yet, Cass.
[4744][4784]I heard we had visuals with the|transporter. Came straight here.
[4784][4802]Is it true? It's true.
[4850][4869]Oh, yeah! Er...
[4869][4914]Number 4, meet Dr Stella Isen.|Not just the head of Protection and Security,
[4914][4936]but the brainiest woman|in the whole universe.
[4936][4966]Couple of guys in Food and|Distribution made four of these.
[4966][4982]What happened to numbers 1 to 3?
[4982][5002]Not in front of 4.
[5002][5028]I didn't know General Council|had approved any livestock clones.
[5028][5043]No, it was done on the sly.
[5043][5063]Renegade carnivores|getting their bacon fix.
[5063][5084]That and some black market action,|I'd imagine.
[5084][5123]And we intervened just before they...|(lit the coals under her curly little tail.)
[5123][5149]Stop it.|You'll have me crying in a minute.
[5226][5242]Thermal shield damage.
[5270][5307]Captain's apparently very competent.|They're doing repairs in orbit.
[5307][5322]They have a good chance.
[5347][5368]Maybe your family are on board.
[5368][5394]There have been far too many maybes|already, Cass.
[5416][5436]Get the pig out of my office.
[5450][5475]Come on, Pork Chop.
[5805][5819]I need to go to work.
[5849][5862]Do you love me?
[5862][5895]You know I do.|I've never loved anybody else.
[5895][5911]And trust me? Of course.
[5911][5924]Linus will be fine.
[5940][5956]And the others left behind?
[5956][5978]It's only been ten years.
[5978][6011]We were pioneers before.|We'll be pioneers again.
[6021][6033]I'd miss Forthaven.
[6033][6083]It's a hutch, Karina. All Tate wants|is a bunch of satisfied rabbits.
[6083][6119]Well, I like my work|and our friends and...
[6119][6145]You'll like where we're going better.
[6145][6168]There's a whole planet out there.
[6189][6214]I need to take Linus to school|before my shift.
[6272][6290]You would never betray me?
[6345][6376]Anyone else in PAS finds out|what we're planning...
[6396][6437]I'll always do|what I think is right for Linus.
[6475][6507]This is the right thing, trust me.
[7110][7141]I've spoken at last to the captain|of Transporter 9,
[7141][7162]which is now orbiting Carpathia.
[7162][7196]'They are entering the most|dangerous part of their journey.
[7196][7229]'I will be in constant contact|with Captain Kellerman'
[7229][7254]and will keep you informed|of all developments.
[7254][7287]'All public screens will now show|the transporter's position
[7287][7313]'and significant flight data.
[7324][7342]'Let's all unite in hope'
[7342][7383]for the safe arrival|of our brothers and sisters
[7383][7423]nearing the end of their|long voyage from Earth.
[7474][7500]Mitchell's back,|a day earlier than I expected.
[7500][7522]Mmm...bet he's pleased|with the weapons ban.
[7532][7544]When Linus was a baby
[7544][7571]I used to take him down to the fence|when the expeditionaries came home,
[7571][7597]hold him up high above the fence|so Mitchell could see him.
[7597][7616]Nobody goes to welcome them back|any more.
[7616][7642]No, and that hurts him.|He needs to be adored.
[7642][7672]Oh! Nothing more boring|and annoying in MY book.
[7682][7702]You just haven't found Mr Right yet.
[7702][7730]The day I say I have,|feel free to shoot me.
[7898][7913]I love a girl in uniform.
[7913][7936]What did he just give you there?
[7936][7954]Nothing. Yeah, he did.
[7954][7984]I know you.|You work in medical distribution.
[7984][8000]Slinging a bit of unofficial SP|on the side?
[8000][8017]You should try some, girls.
[8017][8041]Open your minds,|expand your horizons.
[8041][8058]My horizons are just fine.
[8058][8082]Sorry, gentlemen, we're going|to have to take you into PAS.
[8082][8098]We're charging you|with two code violations.
[8098][8130]Oh, officers! Isn't there some|other way to sort this out?
[8130][8169]I'd literally do anything you ask.|You're fresh!
[8198][8213]It's gonna white out.
[8213][8244]Hey! Hey!
[8244][8261]Fleur, leave him.
[8261][8285]Everybody get down!
[8468][8508]'I've lost him, Karina. Are you OK?'
[8508][8544]It's back rolling, Fleur. We're OK.
[8614][8644]Agh! Ugh!
[8664][8678]Stop! Karina!
[8678][8710]Karina! Karina!
[8710][8734]Cass, it's Fleur. Karina's down.
[8734][8769]Karina! Karina, can you hear me?
[8769][8785]Karina, please!
[8785][8813]Who was it? We were talking|to a couple of SP deadbeats.
[8813][8831]One of them goes by the name|of Tipper Malone.
[8831][8854]I'll break his scrawny neck.|I didn't say it was him.
[8854][8886]We were questioning, there was|a whiteout, it happened so fast.
[8886][8904]Yeah, I'll break his neck anyway.
[8904][8946]Put a detention order on all|the screens for Tipper Malone.
[8946][8957]You OK?
[8957][8976]Who could hurt her?
[8976][9003]She can't die. Not Karina.
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